Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1768: Hit and hit, no big deal

what happened?

The eyes of everyone around them all came together and looked at Tang Ziyu in amazement.

"Isn't that the son of Lord Tianxieshan? The person opposite is Mr. Chen, who is now famous! Why are they both on the bar?"

"Well, I watched a good show."

Everyone was watching, but Lin Qingxue was aggressive.

What the **** is this? Before being pleased with Tang Ziyu, he was scolded? How did Mr. Chen get up with Tang Ziyu?

"Hehe, if you want to hit me, go through the level of Gacui first."

Chen Yu smiled softly, raised her collar and placed it in front of her eyes.

Jia Cui was held by Chen Yu with her neck around, hanging in midair, holding a big cake, a pair of big eyes blinking, looking at Tang Ziyu, the cake in her mouth had not swallowed.

"Dad, do you want to hit this crap?"

Ga Cui said subconsciously.

"Um." Chen Yu nodded.

"Well! Who, hurry up and stretch your face! Let me take a hard slap!"

Looking at Tang Ziyu, Jia Cui waved his hand, and the whole man was extremely domineering.

"I, my Cao !!!"

Tang Ziyu froze, his face flushed red, and his forehead jumped blue.

I was despised by a little guy?

"Fuck, get out of here!"

With a loud roar, Tang Ziyu rushed straight out like a whirlwind. At the same time, with a big wave of his hand, he would slap Ga Cui to fly out.

At the same time, Chen Yu threw it with one hand, and Jia Cui was thrown out to rush to Tang Ziyu.


A crisp slap sounded, and then a figure, like a cannonball, flew out and hit the side fence severely!

It was Tang Ziyu, who was beaten up by Gazhui!

"I, I go, I read right."

All the onlookers were all dead. It never occurred to me that this little girl was able to hit Tang Ziyu. After all, Tang Ziyu's strength is among the younger generation, but he is in the top ranks.

What was even more unexpected was that Chen Yu really dared to do it!

On this occasion, the son of the Lord Tianxian was hit!

"You, dare you hit me?"

Wolverine sat on the ground, Tang Ziyu covered her face, eyes widened, and looked at Chen Yu and Jia Cui inconceivably. The whole person was blinded.

how can that be? He was really beaten?

"Mr. Chen, what are you doing? He, he is Tang Shao!"

Lin Qingxue's body shook, a brief stagnation, and her head suddenly exploded.

"So what? It hits, and it's not a big deal."

Chen Yu waved and didn't care. Looking around at Tang Ziyu, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Chen Yu's mouth.

"Jaccui, go on."


Ga Cui wiped the cake on her hand, walked to Tang Ziyu with a smile, and tangled Tang Ziyu's hair.

"You, what do you want to do! I'm Tang Ziyu, if you dare hit me, I'll ..."


A slap has gone up!

"I, my day, you little bunny, I want to let you know ..."


Backhand slapped again!

Afterwards, all I heard was the popping sound, and everyone looked at this scene in shock.

A little girl riding Tang Ziyu's body, pulling Tang Ziyu's hair, and the other hand was still beating Tang Ziyu's face! On that palm, you can even see cake residues splashing up.

The young men who had high spirits just now are completely dumbfounded. No one ever thought that on such occasions, there are still people who dare to do this kind of thing!

Jia Liang stood aside, looking dull, and still a little frightened in his eyes.

This Mr. Chen is simply a lunatic! How can a normal person do this kind of thing?

Tang Ziyu was roaring again and again, but there was nothing he could do. God sees pity, why is this little girl called Jiacui so horrible that sitting on him is like a mountain, pressing him so hard that he can't get up at all. Not only that, but the physical strength and defense of the other party were almost horrible. In front of her, Tang Ziyu felt that he was a child and was smashed!


A sudden roar sounded, and then in a burst of air, a blue whip of Yuanli yanked against Ga Cui.

"Jacui, come back!"

Chen Yu sighed coldly, Ga Cui's face was cold, and the whole person retreated slightly to Chen Yu's side.

At the same time, a gloomy middle-aged man stood next to Tang Ziyu. He looked at Tang Ziyu with a slight brow.

"Mr. Chen, I'm Tang Ziyu's second uncle, Tian Xieshan's younger brother, Tang Luo, this place do you want your people to treat my nephew this way, are you going to oppose me?


With the words of Tang Luo, the atmosphere suddenly swelled.

Everyone's eyes flashed fiercely, full of complexity.

Tangluo, but one of the seven great powers of Tianxie Mountain! Now that Tang Ziyu has been beaten like this, as the head of the seven major forces, how could Chen Yu be let go?

Have a good show!

"I've always been someone who doesn't offend me, I don't offend. If it doesn't provoke me, then everything is good to say, otherwise ..."

Chen Yu smiled and looked straight at Tang Luo.

"I usually kill people directly!"

Ok? !!

Tong Luo's eyes narrowed suddenly. After a moment of silence, he suddenly laughed.

"It's interesting, it's really interesting. I didn't expect anyone else to be so arrogant in front of my Tianxie Mountain! Mr. Chen, could it be that you can call others to compete with my Tianxian Mountain by your influence? You think, it's naive. "

With his hands on his chest, Tang Luo looked at Chen Yu with interest.

Chen Yu smiled and shook her head slightly. He did not intend to rely on others to compete with Tianxie Mountain, but this Tangluo thinks that his greatest dependence is his influence?

Just wanting to refute, a few laughs sounded immediately, a few middle-aged people came slowly, with a smile on their faces.

"Oh, Tang Luo, Mr. Chen, if you want to move, we won't agree."

After everyone saw a few people, they suddenly took a breath.

"It's Xuanjun Mansion, Zixiao Temple, Wunianlou, and Beastmaster! The seven major forces, except Zhaotianmen and Liuguang Pavilion, have appeared!"

Everyone looked at each other, their eyes were solemn. The people who spoke just now are the power of Xuan Jun Fu. Now the helmsmen of the seven major forces are gathered together to discuss things, and these people are the representatives of the major forces except the helmers!

What they say, to some extent, also represents the attitude of this side of the forces!

Some people with flexible minds have already smelled an unusual smell!

Is today's engagement banquet the starting point of the great transformation of the whole evil world? ?

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