Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1770: I want to get him!

"Really? Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Lin Qingxue heard Chen Yu's words, his eyes brightened, and a look of joy suddenly appeared on his face. At the same time, the importance of Chen Yu in her heart became even more apparent!

Even she secretly compared Chen Yu with Shangguanzhi, and suddenly found that the previous feelings towards Shangguanzhi had disappeared a lot!

Shangguanzhi is only the son of the master of Zhaotianmen. Although he is above Tang Ziyu in terms of strength and talent, he is only the third generation leader.

But this Mr. Chen was able to use one person to make all five forces move because of him! And not only that, the elixir he took out was enough to make people crazy! The big guys among the five forces must be jealous of him!

Although he is the third generation, his achievements and status have long been compared with those who have been famous for a long time.

With this thought, Lin Qingxue's heart secretly decided that she must make Chen Yu her own man! Once it is really successful, it will be invaluable to bring you help!

Lin Qingxue is an extremely realistic woman. Compared with her appearance and the like, what she values ​​more is what this man can bring to her.

It's like why some women like uncles, the reason is that the uncles have completed the accumulation of wealth, and they are handsome, and they can bring the girls the material conditions and help that boys of the same age cannot give.

If Shangguanzhi is a very good rich second generation, then Chen Yu is the same rich generation as Shangguanzhi Laozi! Moreover, it is still a young, promising and handsome rich man!

"Be sure to sleep with him! Be sure to let him fall under my pomegranate skirt! By my means and physical appearance, I don't believe you can really take it easy!"

Lin Qingxue looked at Chen Yu, secretly thinking.

"Mr. Chen, I have some things left. Let's go first. I will have a glass of wine with you after today's engagement banquet."

Wan Yu looked at Chen Yu with a smile, Lin Qingxue smiled lightly, bowed to Chen Yu, her white hands covered her chest, as if she was covering the shallow collar, but between the plain hands, However, intentionally or unintentionally, several gaps were exposed, allowing Chen Yu's sight to pass through and see the scene in it.

If you want to refuse, you're welcome.

After getting up, Lin Qingxue turned and left, and the very thin waist was swinging, so that a lot of young people could not even notice a trace of restlessness.

"What are you looking at?"

Prajna Ruri looked frowned at Gu Jianxing's somewhat dazed look.

"Ah? No, it's nothing, just why I feel this Lin Qingxue seems to have some, some?"

Scratching his head, Gu Jianxing didn't know how to describe it.

"It's a bit of a show."

Jia Cui, looking at Lin Qingxue's back, pouted her mouth.

"In the words of your humans, this Lin Qingxue has reached the estrus. I want to find a strong and capable male, like my dad, which attracts her like a beacon. So Lin Qingxue must be thinking about how she can sleep. My father. "

Gacui said indifferently.

Gu Jianxing opened her mouth and looked at Ga Cui stupidly. What does this little girl say?

"Just you talk!"

Chen Yu severely gave Jia Cui a brain collapse, and the painful Jia Cui held her head and burst into tears.

"Just feel free to stroll around. It's been a while before the engagement party officially begins."

After Chen Yu finished speaking, several people nodded and scattered.

Gu Jianxing brought Prajna Ruri to meet various figures. After all, the ancient family was a big family, and some necessary communication was inevitable.

Chen Yu took the two people together, standing in a corner, quietly admiring the scenery outside. There are also many people who want to come to Chen Yutao, but after seeing Chen Yu's lack of interest, they no longer come to bother.

The entire banquet hall is large and there are a lot of people. What happened before is not much attention after a while. After all, today ’s theme is the engagement between Liu Yunyu and Shang Guanzhi. The upper-level figures of Zhou are able to gather together, and communication between them is what they value more.

Gu Jianxing took Prajna Liuli, strolled around, and greeted people of all kinds. It didn't take long for them to see Chen Yu, and they were chatting with a few friends.

On the other side, Tang Ziyu sat in a corner, his face was extremely gloomy, took a glass of wine in front of him, and drunk it with a savage drink. At this time, the swelling on his face had completely dissipated because of taking the medicine. But he still touched his face unconsciously, with a kind of hot humiliation.

"Damn! My grandson's son will suffer such a great disgrace!"

Gritting his teeth tightly, Tang Ziyu felt extremely tight.

"Oh, Tang Ziyu, what's wrong with you? I heard just now, but something very interesting happened."

A slightly ridiculous sound sounded, Tang Ziyu looked back, and saw a tall and thin young man standing in front of his eyes, staring at him with a smile.

"Shangguanzhi! Today is your great day, how did you come here ?!"

Tang Ziyu suddenly stood up and looked at Shang Guanzhi, with a look of alertness on his face.

"It's nothing, but it's not time now, so I come out and walk around. But I didn't expect that at my engagement banquet, someone dared to do it. It seems that in the eyes of Mr. Chen, I really didn't see me Shangguanzhi and Zhaotianmen How important it is. "

Speaking of this, Shangguanzhi's eyes were cold, and there was a kind of coldness like a poisonous scorpion.

"Huh, there are four forces behind him, and they have a good relationship with Lin Qingxue. They even used the elixir to win the big brothers of the four forces. Speaking of them, in your eyes, you really don't really count. . "

Tang Ziyu said coldly, "It's not just you, but even Tianxian Mountain, in his eyes, it's nothing."

"Is that so? Would you like to let him know, this evil world, or our world?"

"What do you mean?"

Tang Ziyu was surprised for a moment, and did not understand Shang Guanzhi's thoughts.

"Hehe, it's nothing, it's just that there are seven of us in Tianxiexingzhou. No matter how trouble we are, we are all in one class, and suddenly a Mr. Chen pops up and hits you at my engagement banquet, let I am not feeling well."

Shangguanzhi laughed and squinted at Tang Ziyu, "A small wild seed who knows where he came from, really thought that he could surpass us by virtue of his so-called double-edged weapon? Oh, ridiculous and naive. I want to make this Mr. Chen. What do you think? "

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