Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1886: The best soldier

In the barracks, it was extremely quiet. Peace is completely different.

It's just quiet, everyone knows it's because of one person!

Chen Yu!

He was sitting there casually. But beside him, there were thousands of soldiers, all standing there, watching him with some horror.

Within ten meters of Chen Yu, there was no one. Because no one dared to step forward, for fear of ending up like Zhao Jianyun.

"Hey, Tian He, you are all captains, why don't you try it out? Sun Aoxue said just now, this guy is a refiner. I'm afraid that Zhao Jianyun was killed because he looked down on him. "

Liu Bai said to Tian He.

"Go to your uncle! Why don't you go? Even if you carelessly, but he also killed Zhao Jianyun! If you are not willing, you will go up on your own, I will not make this head!"

Tian He scolded secretly.

Just kidding, letting him gamble with his life, he didn't want to.

For a moment, both were silent.

"Look! Miss is here!"

Suddenly, someone pointed at Sun Aoxue who came from a distance and shouted suddenly.

Sun Aoxue was fast, but in a moment, he hurried up.

"this is!"

As soon as he arrived at the barracks, Sun Aoxue saw on the ground, Zhao Jianyun's headless corpse, and his head rolling down, his pupils shrank fiercely.

"Mr. Chen Yun! Are you all doing this?"

Sun Aoxue asked coldly.

With a smile, Chen Yu nodded.


"Do you know the rules of my Su family barracks? Murder is not allowed! Give me a reason!"


Chen Yu glanced at Zhao Jianyun's body and smiled coldly, "Because he scolded me, it was awful."

"What? This is the reason?"

"Yes, that's the reason, what else do you have to ask?"


Seeing Chen Yu's attitude like this, Sun Aoxue was furious. But he took Chen Yu somehow.

Those who can kill Zhao Jianyun are by no means vulgar, even though among them, in the view of Sun Aoxue, Chen Yu has cheated.

The more crucial point is that in the starry desert, Chen Yu, he is their life-saving benefactor!

"Huh! Mrs. Chen Yun, for the sake that you have saved us, this time, I will not ask you any trouble, but death is unavoidable and living crime is hard to spare. You now have two options!"

"Oh? Which two choices?"

Chen Yu was a little curious.

"First, from now on, you are just an ordinary soldier, and within three years, my Su family will not provide you with any training resources!"

"Second, you can leave Su's house now. My Su's house will give you a training resource, but from then on, we will not protect you!"


Everyone was exclaimed. After Chen Yu's killing, Su Ao Xue didn't even bother to find Chen Yu. Instead, he gave Chen Yu two choices.

But they also looked at Chen Yu with some sympathy.

Neither of these options is good.

Coming here to become a soldier is to cultivate resources. Now the qualifications of the soldier commander are gone, and no resources have been cultivated for three years, but it is a severe blow.

But the second option is also very poor. After all, the Su family is a big force that many people want to join. After losing the opportunity this time, it is a big loss.

"It doesn't matter. I'll choose the first one and be an ordinary soldier."

Chen Yu shrugged and looked indifferent.

Su Aoxue raised a brow and looked at Chen Yu before nodding.

"Okay! In this case, then you should be an ordinary soldier! Let's go." Su Po was greeted, Su Aoxue left the barracks.

Chen Yu just smiled and shook her head. He joined here for the purpose of the sixth house election, to enter the sixth house, and to meet His Holiness. As for the so-called cultivation resources, for Chen Yu, she really didn't take it seriously.

Clapping his hands, Chen Yu stood up and walked to Tian He.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Seeing Chen Yu come over, Tian He stepped back subconsciously, and his face was a little afraid.

"Don't worry, is there any place selling alchemy materials around here?"

"Yes, on the nearby Asuka Star, there is a Baodan City, where many elixir drugs are sold, and there are many alchemy materials."

Asuka Star, Baodan City?

Chen Yu nodded and left the barracks under everyone's attention.

"Hey! Where are you going! It's time for barracks training! Everyone must participate!"

Tian He shouted.

Chen Yu glanced back and suddenly Tian He stopped talking, even taking a step back.

"You train normally, don't be lazy."

She waved her hand, and Chen Yu disappeared into the sight of everyone. Only a group of people cluttered in the wind remained.

"This, this is the best soldier in history."

Someone has a weird look.

"Forget it, forget it, the soldier commander appointed him. It's okay to kill people. Even training can be omitted. I'm going, this guy, it's really great!"

For some reason, they suddenly felt envious of Chen Yu, which was completely free from rules.

. . . . . .

There are seven planets around the confused star, all of which have teleportation arrays that can be reached instantly. The bird star is one of them.

After Chen Yu asked for the location of Baodan City, he set foot on the teleportation array.

The last time he fought against aliens, he consumed a lot of elixir, so this time, it is also time to add some alchemy materials.

Chen Yu was very fast. It didn't take long before she arrived at Baodan City.

Baodan City is a strong city. The air in the city is filled with a strong scent of medicine. On both sides of the street, strangely shaped buildings line up.

The street is very lively, and many of them are alchemists.

Chen Yu looked around and found several stores. It took him half a day to buy all the required materials, and he began to hang out in the city.

There are two brushes that can open a shop in Baodan City. Here, the main medicine is elixir, and some other shops are also available for sale. The elixir here is naturally very good in the eyes of outsiders. Somewhat ordinary.

"I don't know if I can encounter any good alchemy materials here. If I want to step into the combined state, I am afraid that the energy required will be an astronomical figure."

Chen Yu sighed secretly.

With the improvement of his realm, the energy required for each ascension is also becoming more and more scary.

Stepping into Hedao, this is a big hurdle. Without sufficient preparation, it is difficult to get through.

For Chen Yu, the biggest difficulty is enough energy.

So here, he also wanted to see if there was anything good.

"I don't know if there is an alchemy association here? If so, I can go there and ask."

Chen Yu suddenly thought that she was still a member of the Alchemist Association. Now she asked someone to find out the position of the Alchemist Association, and went directly to the Alchemist Association.

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