"who are you?"

The two looked at Chen Yu, frowned, and asked.

"I'll complete the task."

Chen Yu said faintly, "Is it the task you posted?"

"You took this task of sss? Isn't it Murong Ran?"

The two looked at each other, and the situation in front of them was beyond their expectations.

They glanced up and down at Chen Yu, and they looked puzzled. Chen Yu is too young, even younger than Murong Ran!

Alchemy is worrying.

"Young man, the old man's name is Liu Qi, who is the publisher of this mission. This is Murong Yuan, and the chairman of the association here. You know, you are taking the task of SSSS! The level of the task, however, is not what the average person can do next! You, think clearly. "

Liu Qi looked at Chen Yu's gaze and had a clear distrust.

Murong Yuan on the one side looked at Liu Qi in surprise, but didn't say much.

With a deep glance at Liu Qi, Chen Yu opened her hands with her hands behind her back.

"I know, take out the elixir and Baoyu that need to be refined."

This. . .

The two glanced at each other with some reassurance.

"Can't give him!"

Suddenly, a roar shouted, making people jump. Murong Ran stepped out of the elevator with a look of coldness.

"Xiao Ran, what's wrong?"

Murong Yuan was surprised and didn't understand what was happening.

"Grandpa, this guy doesn't know where to get the badge of the Seven Star Three Tier Alchemist, took this task! This guy is a liar!"

Looking at Chen Yu, Murong Ran reprimanded coldly.


The two froze, glanced at each other, frowned tightly, and were full of doubts about Chen Yu.

The genius of alchemy is not so easy to come up, there is a Murong Ran, already very rare. One more Chen Yu? That's a joke!

"Young man, explain it."

Chen Yu smiled coldly and said, "Explain? Why should I explain to you?"

"I would like to ask, is there a level for this task?"

"Did I take on this task?"

"Do you alchemy associations keep their promises?"

Three consecutive questions made Mu Rongyuan and Liu Qi hesitate.

"You're right. You are here. The regulations are reasonable. There is no problem. My alchemist association is the most important rule. Since this is the case, then you will naturally take this task.

Murong Yuan said.

"Grandpa, you!"

"Xiao Ran, don't make a fool, let him come first."

Murong Ran glared at Chen Yu before standing aside.

"Okay! I'll take a look. How can you be ashamed! When you fail, I'll be in your presence and solve this task!"

With his hands on his chest, Murong Ran was already as pale as frost.

"Young man, this is the piece of precious jade. After I got it, I did n’t know what it was, but I saw it written next to it. Right. "

He took a piece of jade from the ring and placed it on the table. Liu Qi looked at Chen Yu.

The whole piece of jade, with a simple shape, is a circle with intricate patterns carved on it. The whole body is red, and if you look closely, you can find that there are strands of blood in it.

"Young man, look, if you can't see what this jade is, then you are not qualified to connect with alchemy."

Murong Yuan smiled fleshly and didn't smile.

Chen Yu's eyes flickered, and when she wanted to speak, Murong exclaimed.

"Here, is this the blood seed of Jiuhuai!"


Hearing this, Liu Qi and Murong Yuan frowned, looking at Murong Ran, and nodded secretly.

"Xiao Ran, why are you telling me now, isn't this helping that kid?"

Murong Yuan said in surprise.

"Grandpa, I'm afraid he won't pass the first pass, and he won't practice alchemy directly. Then, how do I break through him? This liar, I must let him know that there are some people who can't cheat at will!"

Murong Yuan nodded secretly, no longer talking.

"President Murong, your granddaughter is very good! You can see the origin of this jade at a glance! She is the first of so many people who come to take the task."

Liu Qi nodded, admiring Murong Ran.

He had greeted Murong Yuan before and said that he could not reveal what the jade was, so this Murong was real, and he could see it with his own eyes.

"Hey, I can help you. Now what is the thing, I have already told you, alchemy."

Murong Ran turned, looked at Chen Yu, and spoke coldly.

"help me?"

As if hearing a joke, Chen Yu shook her head with a look of irony.

"You, really know what this is?"

"Crap! I naturally know it! You don't understand, then I can explain it to you now!"

Murong Ran frowned, looking at Yu Pei on the table and slowly speaking.

"Jiuhuai blood jade species, one of the world's strange jade, contains bloodshot blood, just like human blood, has a wonderful effect. Its texture is extremely brittle, so it needs to be well preserved!"

"Jiuhuai blood jade species can be used in elixir, but it needs to be refined by special alchemy techniques. Otherwise, alchemy will not work. It will also counteract the alchemist, and the whole blood of the alchemist will be absorbed!"

. . . . . .

Liu Qi nodded while listening. Murong Ran made all the characteristics of Jiuhuai's blood jade clear.

"President Murong, your granddaughter is incredible. My insights are really far-reaching. I really took a lot of effort to save this jade pendant. But my baby! "

Murong Yuan laughed, with a beard in his hands, very proud. The performance of his granddaughter gave him a long face!

However, the better Murong Ran's performance, the more they doubted Chen Yu.

I'm afraid this guy really doesn't have any real skills.

But the next moment, the two of them froze and saw Chen Yu picking up the Jiuhuai blood jade seed, a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.

"Jiuhuai blood jade species? Don't show off if you are ignorant."

"You say I show off? Then you talk about, what is this thing?"

Murong Ran's face cooled down.

"You will know."

Looking at the jade in his hand, Chen Yu shook her hand suddenly and smashed the whole jade to the ground directly!


Jade, broken!

"I Cao !!!"

The three of them were excited at the same time, staring at the fragments of the ground, their heads were buzzing, their eyes were about to stare out!

He gave Baoyu a smash?

"You, what are you doing! Do you know that Jiuhuai blood jade seed is useless when broken?"

Mu Rongran shouted.

"Boy, you **** die!"

Liu Qi is almost going crazy! The robe on his body is automatic without wind, and a powerful momentum turns into a wave of waves. With him as the center, it spreads wildly around him!

"Today, without explanation, you, don't want to leave here alive!"

Murong Yuan's eyes were cold and sharp like a sword. He pointed with a single finger. In the entire building, a series of tactics rose up into a giant light curtain, sealing all the exits.

However, Chen Yu remained indifferent, just pointing her finger to the debris on the ground.

"Open your eyes wide and see clearly, this is what he really looks like!"


The three of them froze, turning their heads in confusion, and suddenly the pupils shrank fiercely, horrified, and a deep horror appeared on their faces.

"This, this is!"

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