Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1929: Sixth House big start, let him go!

In a word, the entire venue was silent!

A slight smile twitched the corner of his mouth, and glanced at the already dumb Sun Hong, Chen Yu left.

Everyone walked by, everyone separated automatically, giving way to Chen Yuxing's attention.

When Chen Yu disappeared, everyone responded. The scene was so dead just now, suddenly a huge noise broke out again!

"Oh my god! I've learned a lot today! What a **** experience!"

"His, this is really a twist and turn. I didn't expect that Master Chen turned out to be an eight-star second-order alchemist! Great, really amazing!"

"Yeah, well, this thing today will surely spread to the whole Leaping Star!"

. . . . . .

The auction came to an end, but the storm he brought was far from over!

But overnight, the news of this auction spread throughout the entire Leap Star!

Master Chen, an eight-level second-ranking alchemist, ordered seven overlord lamps and bucket lamps. . .

Everything, like a legend, circulates among the population.

On the streets and lanes, Master Chen's name is being discussed!

Haotianyuan suddenly heard a crackling sound in the location of Yuexingxing!

That is the sound of slap!

I saw Sun Hong kneeling on the ground, half of his face was already red and swollen, and in front of him, a mighty middle-aged man.

But at this time, the eyes of middle-aged people were all angry.

"What a fool! For that little bit of profit, I have offended such a character! The eight-star second-order alchemist, even if it is me, you must treat it well! You, even do this kind of thing!"

"Dad, I didn't expect that this so-called Master Chen would have such a brilliant background."

Sun Hong has some grievances. The man in front of him is his father and one of the power factions in Haotianyuan, Sun Feng!

This time the six hospitals enrolled, although Sun Hong was the person in charge of admissions, but in each hospital, an elder followed.

"Well, now that things have happened, then forget it. Although this kind of character is terrific, but my sixth court doesn't beat him. By the way, what did you say about Sun Yun before, what is going on?"

At the moment, Sun Hong made clear what happened between Chen Yuntai and Sun Yun.

"What a great Chen Yun! How dare you be so brave? The strongest soldier? Oh, but it's just ants! I know this thing, I will say hello to the people in the other five hospitals, this face, they will give me!

"This boy, don't want to enter the sixth house!"

With a punch on the coffee table, Sun Feng's face was extremely dark!

Time is fast. Although everyone is talking about Master Chen these days, since the auction, Master Chen seems to have evaporated. No one knows where he is.

That's it, it's the day of the sixth house of the Big Six!

All topics are giving way to the Big Six!

Everyone is so excited!

"Begin! This time, I must enter the Sixth House!"

Like hundreds of rivers and seas, countless young people from all over the world have gathered at the venue of this time!

The place where the venue is located is the most famous plain on the Leap Star, the vast expanse of the plain, which is already full of people.

Prisoner Xingzhou, almost all the forces with heads and faces have come!

They looked up and looked at a towering Baizhang high on the plain, their eyes were extremely hot.

Because there, they are the people of the Sixth Courtyard!

Chen Yu also looked up and looked coldly on the high platform, and saw that Sun Hong and others were on the high platform, like a god, looking down at everyone.

At the same time, Sun Hong seemed to feel something and turned to look at Chen Yu.

Looking at each other, Sun Hong immediately smiled, raised his index finger, and shook at Chen Yu.

"Come and threaten me now? Ridiculous."

Chen Yu shook her head gently, not minding at all.

"Okay, everyone!"

Suddenly, on the high platform, Sun Feng slowly walked out, floated in the air, and spoke gently.

Sun Feng's voice is not loud, but there is a special coercion. It seems that in the whole sky, he is the only protagonist, and instantly overwhelms all voices.

"This time the Big Six, I think everyone must have already understood it. So don't talk nonsense, let's start now! The first level is to climb the mountain!"

Mountain climbing? !!

The crowd froze and wondered.

Sun Feng smiled, took out a whole body of snow-white beads from the ring, looked at a mountain thousands kilometers away, and flicked his fingers!

Suddenly the beads flew directly to the top of the mountain.

The mountain, which was originally unremarkable, suddenly changed, with a special charm!

"On the three-kilometer-tall mountain, there is a Willing Bead shared by our six homes. Under the pressure, climb to the top of the mountain! Time, six hours! "

Sun Feng smiled, and then looked cold again, "Every loser will be eliminated!"


Everyone was startled, afraid to have the slightest neglect, they all reached the foot of the mountain, waiting for the password to start.

This time, there were tens of thousands of people participating in the contest. At this time, most of them were extremely nervous, and some people were even snoring.

Su Zhan, Su Xiaoran, Su Aoxue and others were also a little uneasy at this time.

But Chen Yu was very relaxed.

The so-called Willing Bead is very clear to him. He used to make this kind of treasure in the past, but at that time, he made it with the power of heaven. Or, under that coercion, nothing could move.

And the one in front of me?

Too weak, too weak!

Chen Yu suddenly felt like cheating, as if everyone was in the college entrance examination, everyone was worried. But what about him? Holding the right answer in your hand!

Hey, boring. . .

Chen Yu shook her head, not caring.

All of this was seen by An Cangsheng in the distance.

"This guy, really ..."

With a frown, An Cangsheng was very dissatisfied with Chen Yu in this state.

Who is Master Chen? But why is this Mrs. Chen Yun so unconscious that she has no worries?

It really is a spoiled baby.

Could not help but An Cangsheng looked down at Chen Yu again.

"Okay, now, start!"

Sun Feng stopped drinking, and everyone suddenly moved! All rushed towards the mountain!


Just stepping on the mountain, an invisible coercion suddenly struck!

Everyone feels his feet sinking! Some people were caught off guard, and they almost fell off!

At the moment, everyone is shocked.

What awesome beads!

Chen Yu stood on the mountain and frowned slightly.

Why is this mighty bead weaker than I thought?

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