Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 2050: Fall? No, freshman!

Looking at the big mouth opened by the strange beast, Chen Yu's mood was extremely exciting.


The mouth of the strange beast is really the breath of the seal at the bottom of the lake.

If you want to leave, you must go out through the mouth of another beast!


At this time, a huge shock interrupted Chen Yu's thoughts.

The fierce battle between the two sides has reached a point of intensification.

In the sky, led by Nie Tusheng and other eight people, the Dao Ze Tomb was condensed, and the whole beast was completely enclosed in it.

In the beak of the strange beast, a huge blue light group has gathered, and his mouth is severely opened.

Seems to reach a limit, the neck of the strange animal stretched out, the breath in his mouth suddenly burst out!

A huge beam of light, about ten meters thick, rushed directly to the tomb!

"Last blow! Everyone is doing their best!"

Nie Tusheng's eyes were red, and he yelled madly. He bit the last few pills in his mouth.

Others, like him, started taking the elixir.

The power of the Dao Tomb is getting stronger. Just in a blink of an eye, he collided with the breath of another beast.


A loud explosion that was enough to make people tinnitus burst into bursts. With the collision point as the center, the endless wind blows away wildly around!

The entire icy magmatic lake set off a raging wave, a huge wave as high as 100 meters, roaring in mid-air with both extreme cold and extreme heat.

The original tomb of Dao Zedong was suddenly sounded like a broken glass, but then it collapsed in a flash!

Oh wow!

Nie Tusheng and others, all flew away at this time, spurting blood in the air.

Each of them was not badly injured.

Only Chen Yu was the one who didn't make a move to build the Dao Ze Tomb just now, so it was the safe one.

The other beast was also impacted by a huge airflow. After a wailing sound, a lot of blood was coughed in his mouth, and he fell towards the extremely cold lava lake.

At the same time, the mixed Yuanyu tree that had grown on the root of his tongue also broke the root of the tree from his mouth and flew out with the spurting blood!

"Yunshu Yuyuan! Hurry, grab it!"

Everyone saw the mixed Yuan Yushu, with endless ecstasy on their faces!

They wanted to snatch, but after the first battle, all of them lost their strength within a short time, and they could only watch Junyuan Yushu!


Chen Yu's eyes flashed, stepped out suddenly, and went straight away!

However, his goal is not the mixed Yuan Yushu, but the mouth of that giant!

Among them, but connected to that hole!

If he had placed it before, he would have no chance to enter the mouth of the other beast safely, but now it is different.

During the battle between the two parties, the strange beast was seriously injured and has no power to stop the current Chen Yu!

As long as I can enter the cave and find out what's going on, I have the confidence to go out, and when I break the seal, I can go out with the sea!

Chen Yu thought to himself that everything had been planned.

There is only one chance. Now he has no time to bring the sea into the mouth of the strange beast. Only after he has found out everything can he come back to pick up the sea.

However, in the eyes of everyone, this is not the case.

"Grass! This boy, he wants to swallow the ultimate secret!"

"Damn, we made him a wedding dress!"

"Damn, when we're done, we must kill him! Kill him!"

Nie Tusheng's eyes were red, his fists were squinting tightly, and a low roar came out of his mouth. At this time, he had fallen into rage!

However, at this time, the beast apparently also found Chen Yu, snarling at Chen Yu, it seemed that the guy had not rushed at this time.


Chen Yu's eyes flickered, and the speed was up by three points again. One staggered, without looking at the mixed Yuan Yushu, and rushed directly into the mouth of the strange animal!

In the eyes of everyone, it was like Chen Yu was swallowed up by a strange beast because she was too impatient!


The strange beast shouted, and the whole man was a fierce son, plunging into the extremely cold lava lake.

"Chen Yu !!!"

The sea's complexion changed suddenly, and he instantly became pale. Regardless of the mixed Yushu fruit, the entire sea immediately rushed to the extremely cold magma lake.

But she was still one step behind!

After the alien beast was thrown into the lake, the entire lake surface was frozen instantly!

Strong ice that emits huge heat appears directly on the lake surface, and then continues to extend downward. The ice layer is hundreds of meters thick and freezes the entire lake surface!

This is the life-saving means of strange animals.

Once he was threatened, he was able to dive into the lake and freeze the lake with yin and yang.

In addition to him, even the strong man who manifests the sacred realm cannot break the ice.

"Do not!!!"

Canghai's eyes were all bloodshot, screaming frantically, attacking one after another, and constantly bombarding Jianbing.

But nothing works!

Even a few scratches did not appear on the ice!

"Break it for me, break it for me !!!"

The sea shed tears and bombarded hundreds of times frantically. But in the end, she could only collapse helplessly by the lake, her face lost.

How could this be? That ’s Chen Yu, but that is the guy who has done miracles all the way, why and why did he die?

Do not!


The situation just now is wrong!

Suddenly, the sea trembled suddenly, staring glaringly, looking at the frozen lake inconceivably.

Just now, she was the closest, so she saw it most clearly.

Chen Yu, he is not to mix Yuan Yushu, as if to take the initiative to enter the mouth of a strange animal!

What did he find !!!

With this thought, Canghai's heart was beating instantly.

All around, after a brief shock, suddenly burst of laughter!

"Ha ha ha ha, ridiculous, really ridiculous! Is this **** a retribution? Too anxious, but lost his life instead."

"Oh, man died for wealth, and birds died for food. Even if we do n’t rush up, this ultimate treasure cannot escape our palms. This kid is so stupid that he was so anxious that he died in the mouth of the monster ! "

嗤 Laughter, endlessly.

Nie Tusheng almost smiled.

This scene is too big a turning point!

"Damn, this kid, it's **** fucking!"

After that, Nie Tusheng's eyes flickered suddenly, and he looked at the mixed Yuan Yushu that fell to the side. Without any hesitation, he stepped out one step, and just next to Yushu, grabbed it with one palm!

At the same time, many people, like Nie Tusheng, went to the Yushu in Yuanyuan and arrested them at the same time!

There are only twenty or more fruits on the Yushu, which is not enough for everyone to share. Only in an instant, they are robbed. After all the fruits were picked, the Yuyuan tree was completely withered.

"Haha, got it! I got it!"

Holding the Yuyuan fruit of Yuanyuan, Nie Tusheng was ecstatic and did not dare to stay in the slightest.

He knew that once he got the fruit, he would be the target of criticism, even if he was in perfect harmony! So fled immediately.

Others did the same, all leaving quickly.

The field was emptied in an instant, and everyone ran away, some to avoid and some to pursue.

The only person in the sea was sitting by the lake, watching the lake closely.

Under the lake, Chen Yu looked at the foreground and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

It ’s incredible. It turns out that the real ultimate treasure is here! !! !!

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