Heaven's App

1 Heaven's App, what?


A voice of a man was continuously reverberating through his ear.

"Hey! Liam, wake up!"

"Huh? What?" Liam woke up half-heartedly from his deep slumber.

"What 'what'? That damned teacher is already here, stupid...!" A student near him went near his ear and muttered to him with a low voice.

"Hng. Just let me sleep for a few minutes... Wake me up after three minutes, okay?"

"You crazy motherfu–"


A loud, thunderous roar which you only hear in movies echoed throughout the whole room. A woman with her sharp-glaring eyes and her fairly voluptuous body stood firmly in the front end of the room.

After hearing her exclaimed, all the students besides Liam immediately stood up and looked at the blackboard without letting a second passed.

"Sit! Have you already finished the things I wanted you to do?"

"Yes, miss Aria!"

"Question. What did the historian from..." The lady trailed off his words.

As if she just witnessed an unforgivable crime, she looked at one of the students sitting with disdain. She walked towards near the student and stopped besides without looking at him.

"Name of this student?" After letting a question flow out from her mouth, she simply glanced at the empty air.

"L-Liam Keene, miss..." The student near her answered.


"GAH! M-Miss, good... Good afternoon." Liam quickly swept the saliva near his mouth, stood up, and bowed his head after rousing from his nap made by the ear-shattering call of his name.

"You dare sleep in my class! Get out of the room, stand up with your arms wide open, and prepare to call your parents in the school!"


Liam was kicked out of the room and was forced to stand up in the corridor.

"Ka–! That damned icy woman! Is she teasing me? Doesn't she know that I don't have any parents?" He was irritatingly upset.

"Why didn't my classmate wake me up? Damn it, now I'm suffering."


As if to let him have an idea to cure his irritation and boredom, his phone rang. He looked left and right, there were no students and teachers. He stared at the entrance door of his room and at the exit. It was closed.

He smiled.

"Maybe I should just rest and play games with my phone. Yeah, that's not a problem." After deciding what he should do, he opened the phone and looked at the contents inside.

His eyes widened.

"Eh, what's this app? EH!? WHERE'S ALL MY OTHER APP!" He swiped and swiped till his phone almost fall down. He swiped left and right, up and down, but he couldn't find all the things he wanted to find.

'Not even the settings app is here...'

There's only an unfamiliar app.

"This must be a glitch. Not cool. And what even is this app?" He complained of disappointment before he chose to open the app.


"Oh, so this is the one that rang earlier."

After a few seconds, the black screen turned white with a smooth transition.

And the content inside once again made his eyes widen.

"Heaven's App, what?"

Without even a second happening, a text appeared within the screen at the same time as a monotonic voice echoed from the phone.

[Do you want a parent even for a short while? Or do you want a classmate to wake you up sometimes?]

"What the fu-" In the middle of his talking, or cursing, the text and the voice barged in.

[If you want both, then you're already prepared to use the app.]

"What the fu–"

[Initiating all the contents...]

[One content loaded.]


[Initiating other contents...]

"What in the world is this? How did this app know I don't have parents and an alarm classmate? Is this FBI? I'm not into lolis tho." He was confused by the information that the unknown app showed and questioned and he was also confused by the app's content and processing.

What sort of app would work and begin the content by itself or without the touch of the owner? And it only have one use!

"This is lame. Why did the glitch have to be like this? It would have been better if it's a glitched game where my player is overpowered." He was upset but this is the only app he currently have.

"I have no choice though. I just have to fiddle with this app before I got rid of my boredom."

Just as he told himself, he pressed the store. He was about to see the contents of the store but the voicing text appeared again.

[The Heaven's App is still a prototype version so opening the store has a cheap cost. Does the user want to accept by paying the cheap cost?]

"Damn it. Okay, accept. what even is the cheap cost? 30 seconds of advertisement? This is getting really lame."


[In a short while, the user will be teleported to another world.]

"Ah, so this is actually a game! I'm glad." He chuckled as he realized it, thinking that the transition of starting the game was actually good.

'Another world, huh. Is this an RPG?'

After thinking a few predictions of the theme of the game, he heard the shout of his teacher inside his classroom and the voices of his classmates.


Then the school bell rang.

"It's just five minutes! Why the hell did the bell already ring!" Liam panicked.

He was supposed to stand up in the corridor but he was sitting at the bench in the near garden instead.


He immediately ran towards the corridor while the door slowly opened.

He was about to prepare his standing posture, but perhaps, he's a godforsaken existence, he slipped and fell on the floor.

'God fucking damn it!'


Liam stopped his movements. He saw his teacher's foot coming out from the door.

'I'm dead...'

The teacher wholely came out of the room. She looked left and right with her dreadful demeanor before his expression turned grave.

"That kid! He actually ran away from me!"

Liam tilted his head while still crouching on the floor.


[Preparation complete.]

[The new world has been chosen.]

[Teleporting the user into another world.]


Liam stared fixedly at his phone, then he noticed that his hands to his arms were distorted.

"Are you fucking kidding me..."

His vision went blank.

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