Heavens: Be a New Man

Chapter 519: Deeply hit Wang Yuyan

Just listening to the conversation, He Xie knew that the young lady outside was undoubtedly Wang Yuyan.

He thought for a while, and suddenly an idea came to him, and he couldn't help but smile.

Hearing the movement of unlocking the lock outside, he dodged, went to the bookshelf and took the fragment of the dog-beating stick, then dodged again and disappeared in place.

After a while, a woman wearing a pink gauze Tingting walked in. As soon as the person came in, the maid outside closed the door again.

The appearance of this woman is exactly the same as the jade statue that He Xie saw in the Blessed Land of Boundless Mountain, so it is no wonder that Duan Yu's obsession with the statue will turn to Wang Yuyan.

This woman is dignified and gentle, with a little childishness, and she is obviously still young. She is slender, with long hair draped over the vest, which is gently held by a silver ribbon. There seems to be a haze around her body.

There is a poem to prove it: the body of the twenty-eighth beauty looks like a crisp, and the sword at the waist cuts the foolish man, although he can't see it...


not this one...

The book is messed up, forget it.

In short, it is the kind of bubbling beauty, Duan Yu has a good eye.

There was a touch of melancholy between Wang Yuyan's brows, not only did not destroy her haze-like graceful fairy temperament, but it had the effect of Xizi holding her heart, causing people to pity.

She walked straight to the bookshelf where the dog-fighting stick was originally placed. Just as she was about to reach for it, she was stunned for a moment, and she said to herself, "Huh? Why is it gone?"

I thought that maybe I had finished reading it last time and put it somewhere else, so Wang Yuyan started to look around.

When she found the fourth row of bookshelves, she already realized that something was wrong, because she found that many books here had been moved and not placed in their original positions.

Therefore, Xiaojiujiu is still not suitable to be a thief, and he is suitable for pretending to be "then see how much you have." "This kind of cold literary style is destined to miss him.

It's just that his work is not good, but He Xie has been implicated.

At this time, He Xie had already eaten a shape-changing pill, changed his clothes, and regained his original appearance. He was holding the remnant of the dog-fighting stick in his hand, and sat quietly on the stone platform beside the fifth row of bookshelves, reading a book.

Needless to say, when Wang Yuyan saw He Xie, she definitely thought that He Xie was the one who messed up other people's things and didn't recover.

At this moment, Wang Yuyan had already seen He Xie's back, and with a panicked "Yah" sound, she took two steps back, grabbed the skirt of her skirt with both hands, and asked nervously, "Who are you? Why are you in my house?"

He Xie didn't turn his head, just said indifferently: "If Qiao Feng of the Beggar Gang resorted to the trick of bringing dogs into the village, how would your cousin solve it?"

Wang Yuyan was startled, but she didn't expect that instead of answering her, this person asked her such a strange question.

However, the girl was full of Murong Fu. Hearing He Xie's question from her cousin's point of view, she was instantly attracted to her attention and couldn't help but reply, "This is a tactic of hitting the dog's stick and tying the words. Cousin only needs to use the stick to fight the double dog with the tangled words, and it is enough to use his own way to deal with him and break this trick."

Textbook-like answers.

This is not a compliment.

When warriors fight against each other, you never make a move, I break a move, and then I make another move.

Wang Yuyan's answer will have a great effect on second-rate warriors, but as early as when He Xie was still laughing and proud of the world, his martial arts were no longer restricted to the routine of moves, but to do whatever he wanted, depending on the changes of the enemy and swayed as he wanted. .

To put it simply, I just showed the stance of a black tiger digging my heart a moment ago. When you see that you want a boy to worship Buddha to resist, and the move is halfway, I will become a monkey picking peaches, which will burst your sorrow.

It's not that I have to use a black tiger to dig my heart out, and wait until you block me before the next move.

This is just the basic operation.

To be a little more advanced, I use a black tiger to dig your heart, and your spirit snake vomits a letter and beats you, but when you call, you will find that my move is not a black tiger digging your heart at all, but a golden thread. The snake letter child was caught.

And even more profound, it's still my move, the black tiger digs the heart. You are just about to make a move, but you find that my move is not only the black tiger digging the heart, but also the white crane with bright wings, the immortal guiding the way, and even Chang'e flying to the moon. No matter what move you use, it's not suitable, you can't retreat, you can't dodge, how can you guard against it?

No matter how advanced it is, I won't say it.

In short, Wang Yuyan can see through many moves because of her solid theory, but it is useless even if you see through a real master.

Everyone knows that when Qiao Feng comes, you will be fine if you turn off his stereo, but can you approach him?

just kidding…

In general, Wang Yuyan's so-called breaking tricks have little effect on first-class masters. If she can really help her cousin, it can only be said that Murong Fu is only second-rate.

He Xie didn't talk nonsense, he got up and turned around, looking at Wang Yuyan with a smile.

Wang Yuyan was startled when she saw He Xie's face, thinking that this person was much more handsome than her cousin.

But it's nothing, it's useless to look handsome, it's still an embroidered pillow.

He Xie rolled up the book in his hand and suddenly stepped back half a step, using the dog-beating stick method to lead the dog into the village.

Wang Yuyan's eyes suddenly lit up, this person is skilled, articulate, has a spirit and rhythm, and he doesn't have the pretentious appearance as his cousin did. Could it be that this person belongs to the beggar gang?

However, at the next moment ~www.readwn.com~ Wang Yuyan was stunned, and her face turned pale.

Because He Xie's way of attracting dogs into the village didn't change at all, and he became a picky dog.

If according to what she said at this time, the cousin used a stick to hit the double dog, I was afraid that he would just be picked, and he would not even have a chance to react!

"You—" Wang Yuyan's voice trembled with fright, "Are you Qiao Feng, the head of the Beggar Gang?"

"I'm not." He Xie smiled, "But what I can do, Qiao Feng can do too. Girl, if your cousin really listens to you, I'm afraid that if we meet each other, he will die in Qiao Feng's beating. Get off the dog."

Wang Yuyan's face was pale, and she looked deeply beaten, and murmured, "How could this be..."

She didn't like to practice martial arts, but in order to have a common topic with her cousin Murong Fu, she forced herself to read all the martial arts collections in the Jade Cave in Langhuan. For a long time, she felt that she could help her cousin.

However, when she saw the change in He Xie's move just now, she realized how wrong she was.

If cousin really listened to her, not only would he not be able to help him, but he would kill him instead.

Wang Yuyan only felt like a thunderbolt from the blue. Years of hard work seemed meaningless now.

He Xie looked at Wang Yuyan's expression with a smile and comforted her: "You don't have to be depressed, girl, although you can't help your cousin, but if you really kill him, it's a big deal to accompany him to death."

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