Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1416. Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti

He finally found the chance to leave the Chakravarti Ghostly King.

"Young master, don't run astray once we get out." Several ghostly kings that followed Wu Yu were all trusted aide of the Chakravarti Ghostly King. Among them included two uncles of Wu Yu.

Uncle was obviously what White-Eyed Ghostly Lord addressed them. After all, they were elders that had seen him grow up.

"Don't worry about me, uncles. I've raised this suggestion and I know my father was trying to let me learn through experience by asking me to follow you guys. However, I know my strength is lacking. I'll just move in the vicinity of the Astral Guardian Field. You guys can feel free to go on patrol without worrying about me. Hehe."

"You aren't going with us?" The ghostly kings looked at one another. Previously, they thought Wu Yu was ready to do something great.

Wu Yu answered sheepishly, "Those immortals aren't weak and uncles, you might not have the time to take care of me. If I am held hostage, it would be a horrible situation and my father would be forced to be on the passive end!"

The ghostly kings were a little irritated. They thought something had changed about Wu Yu when he came up with this suggestion. In the end, he let the cat out of the bag immediately after he came out. He was still the same guy who would bully the weak while avoiding the tough.

"Uncles, work hard and capture a few more! In that case, my father would give credit to me too. Hehe......" Wu Yu remarked shamelessly from his understanding of White-Eyed Ghostly Lord. This made his act even more vivid and surreal.

"Alright then, just move around the vicinity of the Astral Guardian Field and don't run around so we wouldn't have to go looking for you." One of White-Eyed Ghostly Lord's uncles, Jiang Lu Ghost King, said irritably.


Clearly, they most trusted group of Chakravarti Ghostly King still felt Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord was more reliable than Wu Yu.

They parted ways with Wu Yu, left the Astral Guardian Field and went on patrol. As for Wu Yu, he moved around the Astral Guardian Field but didn't exit it. When they vanished, Wu Yu waited for a while longer.

If he entered as Chifeng Immortal Lord when he just got out, he would likely arouse the suspicions of others. Moreover, it wouldn't be easy for the ghostly kings to find immortals as Gu Huo Immortal Lord and others would likely hide themselves.

Wu Yu waited for roughly ten hours before transforming into Chifeng Immortal Lord. He cast Lawful Embodiment of Heaven and Earth to shrink his body to the smallest before diving into the underground lava that was heavily guarded by the Chakravarti Imperial Army stealthily.

With his extreme small size, it would be convenient to move around.

As for where the Prismatic Thunderball was, Wu Yu had been there several times. Therefore, it was easy for him to find his directions this time.

Soon, he stopped afar. He could see Chakravarti Ghostly King, Zhao Yuanchen, Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord and other ghostly kings around. At this point, Chakravarti Ghostly King was helping Zhao Yuanchen to recover. Zhao Yuanchen was still controlled by the Soul Jockey Technique and had lost his senses. Thks was equivalent of having his body seized by Chakravarti Ghostly King within a short period.

Unorthodox techniques like this was plenty in the 10,000 Levels of Hell. The ghostly immortals in Hell didn't restrict them and therefore the 10,000 Levels of Hell was a lot more dangerous than the sky palaces.

Wu Yu naturally wouldn't alarm them directly. He move to the other end of the Prismatic Thunderball silently. There was only a ghostly king guarding that place to prevent intruders from entering. However, with the Astral Guardian Field activated, that ghostly king was relatively more relaxed.

Wu Yu still didn't dare to be careless as that was a ghostly king. At this point, he cast all techniques that would strengthen his body. At the same time, he covered his body with his robust autonomous realm power. All of these were powers of an immortal as almost everyone he devoured previously was an immortal. The strength that he possessed currently was utterly those of an immortal!

"I finally have the chance to give this a try!"

If Zhao Yuanchen could endure the preferential treatment of the lightning serpents, he should be able to as well as an immortal.

Wu Yu held his breath and dashed towards the Prismatic Thunderball with his greatest speed.

At this moment, only the howling of the lightning could be heard!

"Who's that!" The stationed ghostly king noticed Wu Yu instantly. However, during the same split second, Wu Yu had passed him and towards the Prismatic Thunderball.

"Hold it there!" That ghostly king triggered his heavenly rule power in an attempt to intercept Wu Yu. However, Wu Yu used Fulgurating Shadows at the last moment and reappeared in another direction. The next instant, he was just right in front of the Prismatic Thunderball.

Considering the circumstances, that ghostly king couldn't do anything to him!

"Hell master, an immortal has entered!" That ghostly king was astounded. In that split second, he had sensed Wu Yu's powers and those definitely belonged to an immortal!

On the other end, Chakravarti Ghostly King and the others heard the scream instantly. All of them were in indescribable shock as this simply wasn't possible. Everyone was shifting to the other side at their greatest speed, including the controlled Zhao Yuanchen!

When they arrived at the other side, Wu Yu was just about to enter the Prismatic Thunderball. When he turned around, he happened to meet the gaze of the Chakravarti Ghostly King!

"Hold it there!" Chakravarti Ghostly King was furious and gave chase in its real body directly. His real body was in perfect condition and tough.

Without a second word, Wu Yu darted into the Prismatic Thunderball. When he stepped in, the lightning serpents made way for him automatically and t he intensity was roughly the same as for Zhao Yuanchen. Relying on his stronger and tougher body, Wu Yu dashed ahead directly, using his body to open a path. Behind him, countless lightning serpent quickly closed up the path.

Chakravarti Ghostly King finally entered the Prismatic Thunderball. However, he was facing twenty times stronger lightning serpents. It was as though these lightning serpents were enraged as they bombarded his body relentlessly. However, Chakravarti Ghostly King was the Hell master after all. He's the strongest existence in the Astral Hell. Despite facing twenty times the intensity of lightning serpents, he was maintaining the same speed as Wu Yu within the Prismatic Thunderball!

"You wouldn't get far! Surrender now! And I'll spare your life!"

Chakravarti Ghostly King's voice swept across like a hurricane.

Wu Yu lowered his head and resisted the violent lightning with his tough Invincible Vajra Body. He also had two different autonomous realm powers shielding his body from the bombardment that was only 5% of what Chakravarti Ghostly King was experiencing. Therefore, it was still easy for him currently!

Although Chakravarti Ghostly King was right behind his tail, Wu Yu wasn't afraid of him. He focused on his own route and his only opponents would be the terrifying trillions of lightning serpents. The entire world around him was now shrouded in lightning and it was unbearable. However, he also knew the deeper he entered, the more intolerable the environment would become.

"Would it be in this place? 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King!" Wu Yu looked into the depths but the truth was he couldn't see anything currently.

Although the size of the Prismatic Thunderball looked fixed on the outside or perhaps expanding a little, Wu Yu felt like there was endless route in front of him and he couldn't see the end.

Therefore, he was resisting the terrorizing pressure and destruction as he pressed ahead. After all, if Zhao Yuanchen could make it so deep, he would have greater hopes with his huge advantage in physical body toughness.

As for the Chakravarti Ghostly King behind him, the distance between them was enlarging gradually. Previously, he was still hurling threats from behind. Unknowingly, Wu Yu could no longer hear his voice.

The truth was the Chakravarti Ghostly King had been thrown out of this place!

"Father!" Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord was surprised and didn't expect the to see the Chakravarti Ghostly King come out first.

Chakravarti Ghostly King was fuming and indescribable annoyed. Even when Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord came to help him, he pushed her away.

"This guy is so strong? And even stronger than that Zhao Yuanchen that we captured?" The other ghostly kings were stumped.

"Nope. However, his physical body seems to be exceptionally tough and could endure more lightning." Chakravarti Ghostly King was anxious. He could no longer catch up with Wu Yu. Even if he sent Zhao Yuanchen, who had not fully recovered from his injuries, he would not find Wu Yu.

"What should we do now? Father!" Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord was anxious too. If the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King that was in her territory was taken by others......

"There's no other way now. However, even if he can get it, I wouldn't let him escape!" Chakravarti Ghostly King bellowed. He reached out his palm and summoned a giant black disc. This black disc looked heavy and dark with vivid engravings of torturing scenes in Hell. Undoubtedly, this was an elite Great Void Immortal Treasure.

"Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti!"

Even the name of Chakravarti Ghostly King came from the Great Void Immortal Treasure and this was his treasured possession. Chakravarti Ghostly King threw out the disc and the Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti expanded abruptly. Within moments, endless darkness had fallen on everyone, including the Prismatic Thunderball.

"Even if he does get the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King, he wouldn't be able to escape from this treasure of mine!" Chakravarti Ghostly King was confident. Looking from the outside, this was a giant black disc that had replaced where the Prismatic Thunderball was previously. The size of the disc was more than ten times of the Prismatic Thunderball and was an indestructible fortress.

It was only then that Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord felt more assured.

However, Chakravarti-raja Star was still fuming. "The Astral Guardian Field is still complete. How did that guy get in?"

Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord said, "Perhaps he was hiding around before the Astral Guardian Field was activated? To think that there's an immortal that could remain undiscovered on our Chakravarti-raja Star?"

"After we capture him, we definitely have to search the Chakravarti-raja Star again!" growled Chakravarti Ghostly King.

Moving on, they just had to wait silently.

Wu Yu didn't know a giant Great Void Immortal Treasure had surrounded the Prismatic Thunderball. This was the ultimate weapon of the Chakravarti Ghostly King.

At this point, Wu Yu's attention was solely on advancing. Relying on his tough body and resilient will, he endured the destruction brought upon by the lightning. Fortunately, the recovery speed of his body was quick as well and therefore allowed him to hold on. He had gritted his teeth and persevered for a long time. In fact, he had lasted for more than twice the amount of time as Zhao Yuanchen. If he was walking in a straight line, he would have circled the Prismatic Thunderball several times. However, as he progressed further, the path ahead still seemed endless while the might of the lightning surrounding him was still intensifying!

All of a sudden, Wu Yu could finally see some vague changes ahead of him. There seemed to be something that was surrounded by the colorful lightning serpents!

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