Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1423. Geocentric Riot

The moment that everyone had anticipated had finally arrived! 

Even though the addition of a competitor like Volcanic Hell Master spelled trouble, there were many competitors to begin with and it was good enough to have a chance.

In spite of everyone's expectations, the axe and the chakravarti did not collide.

Because in the very moment the axe fell, Chakravarti Ghostly King actually packed up the Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti. 

"I'll leave it to you then!" He looked as if he had already given up, both the Chakravarti Ghostly King and his own daughter. Even Zhao Yuanchen was thrown aside. It seemed like the Soul Jockey Technique had been lifted, but Zhao Yuanchen was still there, staring blankly and unreactive. The Volcanic Hell Master's huge axe almost swallowed him whole.


The Vengeful Hell Spirits Chakravarti withdrew, and in an instant, everyone witnessed the vast Prismatic Thunderball.

Of course, the most dangerous thing in this moment was that the Volcanic Hell Master's axe almost collided with the Prismatic Thunderball. No one had any idea what was about to happen!

Fortunately, in the very last moment, Volcanic Hell Master managed to control his Great Void Immortal Treasure!

Zhao Yuanchen also recovered in this momentary opportunity. Whole body trembling in fear, he was still a little dazed, unsure of his own circumstance.

Time seemed to come to a sudden standstill.

At this very moment, everyone knew that this weird Prismatic Thunderball had something to do with the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King.

However, they also knew that even Chakravarti Ghostly King had not attained it after so long. It had to be very difficult, even gravely dangerous.  

It's just that greed is the real terror. And everyone wanted to seize the opportunity.

As such, the following situation emerged—

As soon as Volcanic Hell Master took control of his axe, a larger number of immortal lords rushed into the Epochal Immortal Design

As soon as the Volcanic Hell Master saw this, he exclaimed, "This is a Epochal Immortal Design! Are these immortals not afraid of death?"

But in the next moment, he saw the group of them apparently caught within the Prismatic Thunderball. The thunder powers seemed to make way for them?

"That easy?" the Volcanic Hell Master was surprised. Of course he too was anxious to rush in, but after all Chakravarti Ghostly King had not gotten the slightest gain even until now. Obviously it was not so easy. Now it was chaos, Chakravarti Ghostly King and the rest were somewhere unknown. 

"Try it!"

Volcanic Hell Master and all the ghostly kings rushed towards the Prismatic Thunderball at the same time. Any immortal lords approaching them were immediately killed.

Now, everyone was like tadpoles, bravely drilling into the colorful giant thunderball. Who would be the one to reach its farthest depths and attain the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King was yet to be seen.

Although the Volcanic Hell Master and Starry Sky Prisoner were powerful, they still may not have an advantage against the ordinary immortal lords upon entering.

As soon as the Volcanic Hell Master approached, he immediately realised that the violent thunder that he needed to resist was more than twenty times the strength of immortals!

"No wonder Chakravarti Ghostly King hasn't gotten it! God damn! Those immortal emperors are really sinister! Isn't it obvious that they are out to play us?" the Volcanic Hell Master raged. However, he still rushed in. He simply did not believe that with his own strength, even if the power was more than twentyfold, he would be inferior to the immortal lords.

And now was different from when the Chakravarti Ghostly King was guarding this Prismatic Thunderball alone. The current situation was that there were more than a hundred thousand existences plunging into it. No matter how strong this Epochal Immortal Design was, it may be weakened in the onslaught of so many people. Thus, the current level of difficulty may not be as before. 

These were all opportunities.

Wu Yu still didn't see Gu Huo Immortal Lord, Mo Yuji and the rest. He guessed that they were camouflaged, and was now afraid that they had already entered.

For him, this was also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Right at this time, his strength was no longer what it was before, and most importantly, no one had recognized him yet.

He was constantly changing identities, and if anyone found out that Snow Region Immortal Lord, Chifeng Immortal Lord, and now Qingxuan Immortal Lord Immortal Lord and Wu Yu himself were the same person, how shocking would that be? 

The Replicate of the Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast allowed Wu Yu to do things unimaginable and reduced many troubles.

Now, Wu Yu immediately enters the Prismatic Thunderball under the identity of Qingxuan Immortal Lord!

He was like a hot knife through butter. The speed of his advance pretty much surpassed all the immortal lords around.

However, Wu Yu still realised that maybe because he had swallowed the dao of the three ghostly kings and absorbed their autonomous realm power, he already had some of the power of a ghostly immortal, thereby increasing the Prismatic Thunderball's rejection of him by a little. 

But he did not let this get in the way. He was more relaxed than before.

It was spectacular now. Inside the Prismatic Thunderball was a sea of people, and there were boiling, violent, lightning serpents everywhere.

The entire Epochal Immortal Design may not be able to handle such a situation like this.

Now, all the immortal lords and ghostly immortals were rushing into the depths. Nobody cared about who was who. Everyone was fighting for the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King now.

Wu Yu broke through the entanglement of the lightning serpents at high speed, rushing in and surpassing the immortal lords who entered before him.

But in fact he knew, pretty much all the immortal lords here were hopeless. Perhaps only a few truly had some hope.

He could not see the situation in the distance and could only pay attention to the immortal lords around him. Past a certain point, their speeds slowed significantly. Some had already been directly blown out by the Epochal Immortal Design.

These people finally understood why the Chakravarti Ghostly King had no gain despite having the Prismatic Thunderball for so long.

He advanced silently.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar face in front of him—Ruling Fate Immortal Lord! 

Ruling Fate Immortal Lord was also advancing rapidly.

"I had not seen him outside before. He must have hidden himself indeed."

Apparently, he had entered before Wu Yu. It could be said that Ruling Fate Immortal Lord was among the top ten powerhouses of all 100 million immortal lords. 

He surpassed many immortal lords and looked very confident. This was a manifestation of his strength.

However, Wu Yu's autonomous realm power was no worse than his, and his physical body was even more tyrannical, almost unmatched. When Ruling Fate Immortal Lord surpassed all the immortal lords, piercing in like a sharp arrow, Wu Yu passed him by.

Of all the competitors Ruling Fate Immortal Lord was anxious about, it was definitely not Wu Yu. When Wu Yu passed by his side, he was shocked. He expected a face like Mo Yuji's or Gu Huo Immortal Lord's, but he never expected a unknown one!

This came as a deep shock to him, almost causing him to lose focus, resulting in him flying out. He stopped and collected himself for a long time before stabilising and continuing his advance. But he was already not looking too good anymore.

"Who is this person! Who can surpass me! Just who is it!"

Ruling Fate Immortal Lord was still extremely depressed, but he had no choice. Wu Yu was long gone from his sight.

From the outside, immortal lords were being rejected continuously, dejected. But there were also many still arriving and rushing in.

Also, the majority was outside looting corpses and relics. 

Chakravarti Ghostly King and the rest had yet to go down for now, but were in the corner.

"Father, why don't you give it a try?" Zi Miao asked concernedly. Now, everyone had an equal chance. She had already lost her greatest advantage. She was mired in anxiety and depressed.

Chakravarti Ghostly King said in a deep voice, "There is no need. Don't even think of getting it. The two of them have surely gone in. Now, it is useless for me to go in. When they are blasted out, they will certainly be exposed. That will be my chance."

He had experienced this countless times. He knew that rushing in with the immortals was useless. Thus, he waited. He was waiting for Gu Huo Immortal Lord and Mo Yuji. 

If he could use the Soul Jockey Technique to control them, then he, Chakravarti Ghostly King, would still have utmost hopes of turning defeat into victory.

He could hold back, but Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord could not. She was on tenterhooks. 

With an ugly demeanour, she muttered, "It's all his fault, ruining father's plan. Otherwise, we would have gotten the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King already . . . "

Chakravarti Ghostly King had his reasons, but his gamble was based on the premise that Mo Yuji and the others could not get the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King on their first try.

Moreover, he had forgotten that Wu Yu was also inside now.

Wu Yu was truly the one to surpass all the immortal lords and ghostly immortals. Swiftly slicing through all opposition, he once again saw what lay ten steps ahead. In this position, he was at ease. After all, his cultivation realm had improved a lot. 

However, he still remained humble. He knew deeply that even if he had seen it, the distance was actually still far. He should not get too excited now, but instead advance as per normal. 

Advancing in this manner can be said to be boring and long. So close yet so far. But this time, Wu Yu clearly felt that even in such a deep place, the impact of the lightning serpents on him was waning.

It is not clear when Wu Yu discovered that the distance between himself and the thing seemed to have narrowed. He may have walked a thousand steps, now he was about eight steps away.

"There is hope!"

It was a little change at last, which gave him a lot of hope. So he advanced. In fact, it was already difficult for others to reach his current level. Even Volcanic Hell Master had been eliminated long ago. 

He did not know the Soul Jockey Technique, so it was a depressing realisation that even though he was strong, the distance he covered inside was not as good as one-third of the immortal lords. 

He was only superior to slightly more than half of this immortal lord rabble.

This blow to him was truly too great.

"Bastard! Jade Emperor is truly a bastard! This is out to make a fool of me! No wonder the Astral Hell Master couldn't get it!" scolded the Volcanic Hell Master.

However, he did not give up.

He had the same thinking as Chakravarti Ghostly King. If somebody got it, he would intercept the victor. 

At this time, Wu Yu was only three steps away from the thing. It was within reach.

Of course, the pressure now was also unprecedentedly great.

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