Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1429. Live On

Immortal spirit implosion.

Judging by the broken state of mind she was in, she was completely capable of doing it.

Wu Yu could definitely use Spirit Chaser Art to send her back into unconsciousness. But he could not ensure that she would not wake. Once she woke, if she chose an extreme method, then Nangong Wei was also finished.

Just as Wu Yu was also at a loss of what to do, there was suddenly a change in Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord's eyes. Emerging from the desperation, anger, and fear, calm very quickly asserted itself.

Her eyes gleamed as she stood before Wu Yu, red lips gently quivering in hesitation.

"You're here?" Wu Yu looked at her eyes and manner, and he knew.

"Yes. Since she knows already. My awareness is much stronger than hers, and I can take control of the immortal spirit at any time. Of course, she too can snatch it back." Nangong Wei said.

Wu Yu asked urgently: "What now?"

Nangong Wei was a little frustrated: "I didn't expect this turn of events either. But it won't be that easy for her to destroy the immortal spirit. After all, she definitely does not want to die either. But if I continue to grow stronger as she crumbles, one day she will be driven to that point."

"Is there any way to finish her off for good?" To Wu Yu, one was a stranger, and the other close to his heart. He knew who was more important to him.

Nangong Wei's eyes softened, and she smiled lightly. "Let it be for now. I don't have any good solution, and we still have 1000 years. Perhaps something might come to mind. Perhaps with a bit more time, I can fully control and dominate her. Reach the point where I can beat her and she can't do anything. If we delay this until we meet the Provenance Phoenix Empress, we might be in trouble."

"Can you continue to come out often?"

"It was not easy to come out into the world again. Even if it's hell, it feels good to be outside......" Nangong Wei seemed a little vague. She had finally come back out into the world. The feeling of death must feel horrific to her.

"Alright. We will leave Dreary Star immediately."

"She was a 7-realm immortal lord, and also had the Nine-colored Chaos Spike and the Divine Pearl of Lesser Control with her. Even if she was alone, she could take care of herself on Astral Hell.

Wu Yu left Dreary Star, and came into an endless sky of stars. He let Nangong Wei out of the Floating Dreams Pagoda. As she stepped out into the dark sky, embracing the world again, Wu Yu saw tears fall from the corner of her eyes.

"This... is what living feels like?"

In this battle of wills within the immortal spirit, she had spent ages growing stronger, nervously. She did not know what life was, and now she had been taken back to a few milennia ago.

Finally on this day, even if her future was still dim and gloomy, she could at least stand in the world and look upon life and Qian Kun.

She could feel immortal qi, the strength of immortal spirits, and autonomous realm power.

The realness of it all was enough to bring hot tears to Nangong Wei's eyes.

All of this was thanks to Wu Yu. If not for Wu Yu, she would be just a speck within the princess' consciousness, and would not have had any second chance at life.

She was overjoyed, and her body heated up, turning into a nine-colored phoenix. She flew and danced in the starry sky, a gorgeous comet of color streaking across the blackness. Before she knew it she was humming a tune. Such freedom, such vitality - it reminded Wu Yu of their youth together at Shushan Immortal Sect.

Back then, she had been oh so small. A fey little girl.

All was different now. She had been through a lot in between, and to be able to come back from the dead to this shred of existence - it had not been easy.

No matter what happened in the future, Wu Yu hoped that she could be happy. That was the most important thing. It was not like before, where she lived a life of hatred, or for the sake of competing against him. 

After growing within the immortal spirit for thousands of years, she had probably come to understand the meaning of life.

Hearing her carefree laughter, she was like an unfettered bird let out to flit the skies. She would never again be tied down by the world, by bitterness and hatred. This Nangong Wei could recover the most beautiful plumage she once had.

In the starry sky, Wu Yu followed wordlessly behind her carefree flight, silently protecting her. 

He was not thinking too much at this time either. All he wanted was for her to always be this happy.

After a long while, she finally stopped, returning back to her human form. She returned to her human form, turning sharply and running back to Wu Yu. As she came towards him, skirts floating and black hair flying free, Wu Yu was confused for a moment. He was transported back to the icy plains of Clear Sky of Shushan, and she was skipping towards him in the snow. She clung to him as he spun her around in his arms......

It was still the same. She came flying into Wu Yu, crashing into his arms. Her slim arms circled his powerful waist, as she folded like soft silk into his embrace. Before Wu Yu said anything, she lifted her head and bean-sized teardrops came crashing down.

"What's wrong?" Wu Yu had been about to set her down, but seeing her like this, he patted her head.


"Scared of what?"



Her circumstances were special, and Wu Yu had no guarantee abou tit. Besides, in 10 years' time, once she returned to the Provenance Phoenix Empress' side, things would not be easy to deal with. Provenance Phoenix Empress might even have a way to get rid of Nangong Wei, although Nangong Wei could make the same threat of implosion. But it did not seem realistic that they would be able to get rid of Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord. 

"The boat straightens naturally when it reaches the pier head." Wu Yu quoted. "There is still time. We can solve it."

"Mm." She nodded many times.

After a long while, Nangong Wei said: "Actually, if we both compromise, it might work."

"What do you mean?"

She said: "I know that only the Provenance Phoenix Empress has the Ancestral Phoenix Nirvanic Venerable Art. Each time she produces a clutch of phoenix eggs, only one has a spirit, while the others are all companion eggs, created as food for the child. But I was fused with one of those companion phoenix eggs, becoming Phoenix Dawn. This means that I can also be considered as Provenance Phoenix Empress' daughter. This Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord is also my sister."

"That's how you think of it?" Wu Yu's jaw dropped.

"If I can negotiate a coexistence with Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord, we could agree to have half the time each. Otherwise, mutual destruction does not seem agreeable.  Especially after being through such a death, I am already very satisfied that I can return to this world. What little does it matter that I share a body with someone else? Besides, when you grow super strong in the future, maybe you can split us up and give me a new body."

Wu Yu was very embarrassed after hearing this.

This close encounter with death had made her cherish what she had. Even if she had less, she did not care. She was already satisfied. In the past, she had always wanted more.

Actually, if the two of them did not come to an agreement, the most likely outcome would be mutual destruction, and all would be wasted. After all, whoever felt pushed to the extremes could choose to implode the immortal spirit. Not even an eternal immortal emperor could stop it.

"Do you support my decision? To negotiate with her?" She asked him seriously, wiping her tears. Flying among the stars and feeling alive again - this had changed her greatly.

She was no longer seeking the death of Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord without negotiation, trying to take it all.

Wu Yu thought about it as well.

If things continued as they were, there was a definite risk of both of them dying. Having no other solution for now, he supported Nangong Wei's decision.

"Follow your heart in all matters."

Only she truly knew what she needed.

As he finished speaking, Nangong Wei looked up at him. Suddenly, the look in her eyes changed. As she found herself in Wu Yu's arms, she was both shy and angry. It confirmed her guesses, that Wu Yu was making love to the other person inside her. She had finally caught him in the act.

"Let go of me!"

She used her autonomous realm power to throw Wu Yu away. She was delighted to find herself in the world, because she had not been allowed out before.

The first thing Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord wanted to do was to send an immortal message talisman for help. She had a whole heap of immortal treasures binding her before, but she was free now. This was her best chance for escape.

She immediately pulled out the Nine-colored Chaos Spike.

But in the next moment, Wu Yu made a carefree gesture, and her entire body was paralyzed. Her Nine-colored Chaos Spike flew out of her hand, and Wu Yu casually captured her back in the Floating Dreams Pagoda. Only now did she discover how strong Wu Yu was.

"How could you have gotten this strong, you were......" She remembered that Wu Yu had not even been her match before.

"Not the first day you know me." Wu Yu again restrained her.

Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord recalled how she had come to. So he and her...... She found it unbearable, and the hatred in her heart flared anew. She hurriedly shrank away, calling: "You! Don't come over, or I will commit suicide! Both your hopes will be dashed!"

Wu Yu's eyes were heavy with commanding presence: "I advise you to calm down. Listen to your heart. She will discuss things with you. It is your only way to live."

"She will discuss things with me?" Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord repeated uncomprehendingly. However, she succumbed to Wu Yu's pressure and did as he said.

Nangong Wei would lay out decisions and negotiations for the both of them.

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