Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1436. Dong Shen Ghostly King

Xuanyang Emperor Lord and the others were already heading towards the Maelstrom Silver Dagger Sphere.

Afraid of others getting in first and having an advantage, the other Hell masters and ghostly kings took flight swiftly.

The wretched event between the siblings of the Astral Hell master's family happened frequently in their families too. They wouldn't mind watching as outsiders but what's more important to them currently were the Maelstrom Silver Dagger Sphere and the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King.

Chakravarti Ghostly King was definitely resentful.

However, seeing others had left and recognizing that every second matters currently, he had no time and energy to waste on Wu Yu. Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord had not recovered fully and therefore he left her in the care of the other ghostly kings. After informing the other three ghostly kings, he chased after the rest with an ice cold expression.

Although Chakravarti Ghostly King ignored him, Wu Yu didn't mind. Regardless, he had gained the opportunity to enter openly. Moving ahead, whatever happened within the Maelstrom Silver Dagger Sphere would be dependent on their own abilities.

The closer they got, the stronger the storm. Previously in the Prismatic Thunderball, they had to endure the attacks of the Prismatic Thunderball. Now that they were here, they had to face the explosions of millions of silver daggers. This place was ravaged by countless violent wind blades. Those who weren't sufficient strong would be easily sliced into pieces of meat amidst the rampant wind blades.

The various Hell masters and ghostly kings protected their body with heavenly rules while forcing their way in. Currently, the threat on them wasn't dire.

Wu Yu could also resist the wind blades with his physical body currently. However, if he had to enter deeper, he might need to use the two autonomous realm powers to protect his body.

In fact, the combination and qualities of the two autonomous realm powers weren't far off from Gu Huo Immortal Lord in terms of intensity of power.

Although Gu Huo Immortal Lord and others had elite Mystiques and immortal techniques too, Wu Yu still had absolute confidence in his four Mystiques in battle.

They were reaching!

Right in front of Wu Yu were Xuanyang Emperor Lord and others. They had dived into the Maelstrom Silver Dagger Sphere and vanished without a trace instantly.

Immediately after, the other Hell masters and ghostly kings also entered without batting an eyelid.

Wu Yu could clearly feel the Maelstrom Silver Dagger Sphere was different from the Prismatic Thunderball.

"If there is something similar to the Rainbow Pearls, the way and difficulty to get them should be entirely different from the Prismatic Thunderball. Otherwise, it would be so monotonous."

If Wu Yu was the creator, he would probably designed this challenge to be more entertaining.

When he got closer to the Maelstrom Silver Dagger Sphere and dived in swiftly, he frowned upon feeling the rampant and dense silver daggers ravaging across his body.

"This felt much worse than I was in the Prismatic Thunderball."

He was now within the range of the storm. The storm was not only capable of slicing but also possessed robust wind strength. Before Wu Yu could make a step, he was swept to an unknown place by a strong gust of gale. There wasn't anyone around. Instead, ravaging storm and countless dense silver blades bombarded and ripped his body in all directions. Sometimes it was easy to withstand while on other occasions, the intensity shot up abruptly. Wu Yu had to focus himself to resist with all his strength. He even retrieved Floating Dreams Pagoda to disrupt the silver daggers and the effects were relatively prominent.

Nonetheless, Floating Dreams Pagoda was just a destinable immortal treasure and not a great void immortal treasure. As matters stood, it was losing effectiveness. After all, this had something to do with the grade of the immortal treasure. It was tedious for a destinable immortal treasure to affect an epochal immortal treasure.

In fact, as Wu Yu's cultivation realm advanced, the interior of the Floating Dreams Pagoda wouldn't be able to sustain the 100 times quicker time flow. In other words, if he got stronger, the equilibrium of 100 times of time would be disrupted when he entered the Floating Dreams Pagoda. The flow of time would also slow down.

Otherwise, Floating Dreams Pagoda wouldn't be a destinable immortal treasure.

There were limits to a destinable immortal treasure after all.

Wu Yu soon found the difference between this place and the Prismatic Thunderball.

In the Prismatic Thunderball, the objective was to head towards the core. The treasure was located at the core and only Gu Huo Immortal Lord, Mo Yuji and him managed to last until that place.

However, within the Maelstrom Silver Dagger Sphere, he couldn't tell the direction at all. This was like entering an endless maze. No one knew heading towards which direction would result in facing the most intense storm. Moreover, everything was changing constantly. Just as you felt like you were advancing in a direction, you might felt the weakening of the storm the next moment.

Moreover, no one where to exit this place.

This was a new difficulty for everyone. Most of them had not entered the Prismatic Thunderball and probably could quickly acclimatize to this.

"However, aren't there any restrictions on the ghostly immortals within the Maelstrom Silver Dagger Sphere?"

Previously, when Chakravarti Ghostly King and the rest entered the Prismatic Thunderball, they had to withstand lightning shocks that were twenty time stronger than immortal lords.

Wu Yu had not seen any ghostly immortals and therefore didn't know about their circumstances.

He was also lazy to be bothered by them. Having no direction currently, he followed his instincts while using his Eyes of Fire and Gold to observe his surrounding in hope of finding something.

He could withstand an ordinary storm. However, he would face a terror grade overwhelming storm that carried millions of silver daggers from time to time. When that happened, all he could do was to hide and run.

If he couldn't avoid, he had to withstand the storm and sustaining injuries was a given.

"The key is still that I have no clue and direction. I don't even know where I should head towards. As time passes, I definitely wouldn't last against the storm attacks."

Wu Yu calculated in his mind.

He steeled his resolve, endure the maelstrom silver daggers and advanced ahead quickly. 

"A shadow?" After roughly fifteen minutes, this seemed to be an enclosed world. Wu Yu hadn't find anything when he seemed to have noticed a flashing figure right ahead of him.

Squinting his eyes to see, he was certain that should be a ghostly king.

However, he wasn't certain if that was a Hell master or ordinary ghostly kings. In fact, even ordinary ghostly kings had relatively high cultivation realm. Those who were chosen to enter were basically at the third tier or higher of the Great Void Ghostly Realm.

They weren't easy to handle at all. Therefore, after noticing the figure, Wu Yu didn't try to gain his attention.

To his surprise, the other party had noticed him too. After a quick flash, he dashed towards the direction of Wu Yu and locked down on Wu Yu instantly!

"Young master! What a coincidence! I have not expected to see you here!"

That man showed up before Wu Yu swiftly. After a quick glance, Wu Yu recognized him.

Dong Shen Ghostly King who was under the Astral Hell master, Chakravarti Ghostly King.

He was a favourite under the Chakravarti Ghostly King and had fought side by side with him since young. Within Astral Hell, he could be considered as the third or fourth most influential figure. His cultivation realm was at the third tier of the Great Void Ghostly Realm! 

He had served Chakravarti-raja Star for a long time and enjoyed great authority. He was also an overlord of an area and ruled over a stellar region and several stars. He didn't share any blood relationships with Wu Yu and stood on the side of Amethyst-Eyed Ghostly Lord. Only those ghostly kings within the Chakravarti Ghostly King's family would feel that the eldest son should be the authentic successor.

Obviously, when rumors of White-Eyed Ghostly Lord killed was spreading, even this group of ghostly kings weren't paying attention to White-Eyed Ghostly Lord anymore.

Dong Shen Ghostly King had crimson red eyes, was bald, donned a black robe and blazing in dazzling three-colored flames. His ghostly flames were eerie and would send chills down anyone's spine. The moment Wu Yu saw him, he could tell this man was hostile!

"This is a ghostly king at the third tier of the Great Void Ghostly Realm and definitely way stronger than 10,000 Bones Ghostly King and Amethyst Soul Ghostly King. Gu Huo Immortal Lord are definitely far from being a match against this old fool and my chances are even slimmer." Each tier for a ghostly king and immortal king would involved several tens of thousands of diligent cultivation. The differences between each tier were naturally huge. Dong Shen Ghostly King wasn't just a notch stronger than the Amethyst Soul Ghostly King!

"Young master, don't be in a hurry to leave."

Facing an existence like this, Wu Yu subconsciously felt nothing would turn out great from staying with him. Therefore, he was lazy to entertain him and wanted to leave immediately.

Wu Yu was surprised Dong Shen Ghostly King came to intercept him. He blocked Wu Yu's path and revealed a mocking smile. "The truth is I'm a little impressed by young master. Enduring shame for ten years and returning like a triumphant king. It's definitely not easy to do it. You definitely piqued my interest."

"Are you trying to stop me?" Wu Yu raised an eyebrow and was clearly annoyed. He could naturally tell he was intentionally making things difficult for him. He definitely wouldn't have the guts or need to do so. After all, he served the Chakravarti Ghostly King and had no feud or animosity against Wu Yu. Therefore, if he had other intentions, they were likely from the Chakravarti Ghostly King.

"I wouldn't dare. It's just that I'll like to prevent young master from acting rashly and hope young master would be obedient for a while. There are delicious wine and beautiful ladies within my great void immortal treasure that young master is free to enjoy." On his hand, a great void immortal treasure that resembled a city appeared. It was glittering and melodious music sounded. 

"This is trying to imprison me to stop me from wrecking havoc and embarrassing my father?  However, this couldn't be done outside as it would affect his reputation. In that case, is this my father's intention? Asking you guys to let me take a break if you guys encountered me alone?" Wu Yu scoffed.

"Young master, you have grown smarter. This is naturally Hell master's orders. As for me, I'm just doing as instructed. young master, please don't be angry. Obviously, Hell master has your interests in mind. Please think about it again and don't disappoint the Hell master." Dong Shen Ghostly King raised an eyebrow and commented indifferently.

"Rubbish! He's just resentful that I've embarrassed him and wanted to imprison me in secret so he could bring the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King to my sister successfully. How fair is that! Hehe! Do you think I couldn't tell what my father's intentions are!" Wu Yu crackled.

Dong Shen Ghostly King's expression chilled. "Young master, how could you say those words! Aren't you worried I'll tell the Hell master?" "That is the truth and there's nothing about it that I wouldn't dare to say."

"You are still too immature and it's not surprising that Hell master detests you. Alright, I've no time to waste on speaking to you. This is your final chance. Either you enter obediently or do you want me to capture you? If you make me do this, you wouldn't be able to enjoy any delicious wine or beautiful ladies!"

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