Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1468. The Final Game

From the first to the last, they were Wu Yu, Xuanyang Emperor Lord, Tundra Hell master and Mo Yuji.

Now, each of them stood on a separate pillar within the glowing sphere.

Among them, Wu Yu now had five Rainbow Pearls, Xuanyang Emperor Lord and Mo Yuji had two each while Tundra Hell master, who just arrived, got the final one. In all, it summed up to ten.

Although Wu Yu obtained two Rainbow Pearls using the identities of Qing Xuan Immortal Lord and White-Eyed Ghostly Lord separately, he believed the others could tell after the multiple events that had unfolded since. They probably knew Qing Xuan Immortal Lord, who vanished without a trace after appearing once, and the frenzied White-Eyed Ghostly Lord, who had a brilliant performance, were all the same person before them.

Therefore, all three of them would have known Wu Yu had five Rainbow Pearls with him currently!

Wu Yu could visibly see the other three looking at him cautiously.

What would be happening next?

This was what all four of them would be most concerned of. It was hard to fathom the thoughts of the Jade Emperor. Who knew what unbelievable events would unfold before them again?

All of a sudden, everything was changing.

Before Wu Yu could react, he realized the central glowing sphere, where the four of them were in, started inflating rapidly. Moreover, the pace was getting quicker and quicker! 

Outside, there were still a large number of mini worlds. Within them, some of the immortals and ghostly immortals were just a step from the central glowing sphere.

The central glowing sphere collided into their glowing spheres or mini worlds. If they were in their glowing spheres, they would be pushed outwards. If they were in the mini worlds, the mini worlds would separate into two glowing spheres upon contact. The people battling inside would be redistributed before being pushed outwards.

Within a short period, the central glowing sphere had inflated to fill the entire 10th Grade Palace of an Immortal King. The other glowing spheres totalling over ten billions were pushed towards the inner walls of the 10th Grade Palace of an Immortal King like a bunch of grapes.

The central glowing sphere was small to begin with. However, it was almost as large as the entire 10th Grade Palace of an Immortal King currently.

Wu Yu and the rest were still on the four pillars. From where they were, they could see billions of people leaning toward the exterior walls of the central glowing sphere with their eyes wide open and waiting to witness a show. They couldn't move and couldn't leave their smaller glowing spheres. After they were pushed to the corners, they were neating aligned while waiting for the show to begin.

Wu Yu and the other three were still on the stone pillars. However, they could sense something would definitely happen to the stone pillars that were trapping them. With the central glowing sphere inflating to this size, the area it encompassed was comparable to a colossal battlefield. All of them had ample space within with several billions of competitors watching them in close proximity!

The looks on the three parties were changing. Clearly, no one had confidence on what was about to happen next.

It was a strange feeling for the quartet facing off. Everyone of them could sense the threat coming from the rest.

In fact, even the billions of people watching from outside would notice the strange atmosphere. They held their breaths while waiting for the next development.

Suddenly! The four pillars vanished to the surprise of everyone. 

What did this mean?

Wu Yu quickly understood the situation.

This would probably signal that they could move freely within the gigantic central glowing sphere!

At the same time, it would be the start of the battle.

All four of them had the same first reaction at the first instant!

That was back off abruptly to open up distance between one another. Previously, they were too close together. In just a breath of time, all four of them were distributed evenly within the central glowing sphere. 

Just as expected, they were able to move freely within the central glowing sphere!

"All of us had Rainbow Pearls on us. In other words, we would be fighting against one another while competing for the Rainbow Pearls on others. Only the final one standing would stand a chance to get the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King! With only four of us, it would be a contest of wits and brawn. As to who would have the last laugh, it wouldn't just be about individual's strength......"

Wu Yu observed the other three cautiously while he organized his thoughts. He knew this was the setting by the Jade Emperor and this setting could lead to endless possibilities. It wasn't just about the clash of individual's strength but also one's attitude, abilities and intelligence.

From the beginning Prismatic Thunderball to the current power struggle between the quartet, there were too many challenges imbued into the setting. If one didn't possess exceptional abilities, it would be hard to reach this stage. Furthermore, any small changes in this process such as one who obtained a Rainbow Pearl previously but failing to reach the final four would mean that all would be pointless in the final power struggle.

Therefore, it wasn't surprising that Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor claimed it's more likely no one would end up with the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King this time.

It was a tough process. Fortunately there was someone like Wu Yu had fought his way through hurdles to bring five Rainbow Pearls in. Otherwise, it would be a futile attempt by the other three despite their efforts to reach here.

Even the designer of it had probably overlooked this situation!

The outsiders probably knew little about the current situation. Regardless, they knew all four of them would give their all in the contest of wits and brawn. As spectators, they no longer felt any stress and could just focus on watching a show.

There might even be fatalities from this contest. If they knew descendants of immortal emperors and eternal devil emperor like White Chalk Ghostly Lord and Gu Huo Immortal Lord had died in battle, they would likely be more flabbergasted.

Wu Yu believed the other three would definitely have thought of this issue.

Tundra Hell master first turned towards Wu Yu and remarked calmly, "I'm guessing both Qing Xuan Immortal Lord and White-Eyed Ghostly Lord are you. In other words, you have five Rainbow Pearls on you, taking the total to ten. It seems like you did us a great favor."

What she had in mind was thanking Wu Yu for bringing the Rainbow Pearls in. However, it wasn't a sincere thought.

Xuanyang Emperor Lord and Mo Yuji were still observing the ever-changing Wu Yu who instilled fear in them. Clearly, Wu Yu was the one they were most fearful of and especially so for his transformation ability.  Obviously, they were also eyeing the five Rainbow Pearls on him.

"Everyone is well aware who's the most dangerous person in this place. Why don't we finish him off first and remove the uncertainty before we continue?" Tundra Hell master could no longer wait patiently. Wu Yu and the rest had yet to shown any desire to act while she felt it's especially crucial to take this opportunity to remove the greatest threat and unknown in Wu Yu.

Upon hearing, Xuanyang Emperor Lord seemed to agreed to standing along Tundra Hell master. Tundra Hell master could also choose to serve him. As both of them were ghostly immortals, Wu Yu wasn't particularly worried. Mo Yuji was quick to catch on and knew who she should be targeting.

"This wouldn't do. Once you guys finished him off, I'll be the next." After making the statement, Mo Yuji edged towards Wu Yu as a display of her sincerity.

Among the four of them, the ties between Xuanyang Emperor Lord and Tundra Hell master were the easiest to established. Although Mo Yuji had nothing to do with Chifeng Immortal Lord, they were both immortal lords. Once she lost Wu Yu on her side, she would definitely be the next target of the duo. At the same time, she wasn't confident of facing against them at the same time. Therefore, the most sensible choice was to ally with Wu Yu.

In that case, the two factions representing sky palaces and hell were formed. Withoug hesitation, Mo Yuji took the intiative to moved beside Wu Yu. Her eyes were clear and exchanged a glance with Wu Yu. At this moment, her black hair flew freely and her dress fluttering in the wind. Her voice was cold but was clear, elegant and had a unique charisma that an ordinary person couldn't match. 

She was the authentic fairy that was described in the legends of the mortals. Quiet, tranquil, exceptional and beyond the world. It's natural that she would defeat Qin Yunling.

To kill her way to this stage was clear testament to her remarkable abilities.

"Have you decided? Once I'm done with them, I wouldn't hold back against you," Wu Yu remarked with a cheeky smile.

"Don't be too confident of yourself. Everyone is clear of your tricks. Obviously, I wouldn't hold back against you as well. You just have to do your best before we clash." Mo Yuji seemed to be born with a cold personality. Even though she had allied with Wu Yu, she kept her usual tone and without variation in her emotions.

For those outside, although they couldn't hear others, they could clearly hear the conversation within the central glowing sphere. Many ghostly immortals weren't pleased with Wu Yu's overconfidence. After all, they were currently in the 10,000 Levels of Hell. This was their territory and most of them probably deciphered Wu Yu's true identity was an immortal. Hearing him belittling the ghostly immortals, the anger within them was triggered.

"He's probably feeling inflated now!"

"He defeated Chakravarti Ghostly King and Gu Huo Immortal Lord so there's nothing to doubt about his strength. However, the other two had also made their way to the final stage!"

"Since he's so arrogant, it's entirely within expectation that he would be the first to be eliminated."

However, some might feel that the haughty attitude displayed by Wu Yu would strengthen Mo Yuji's trust in him and wouldn't turn his back on her. What he said had offended the other two while deepening the ties between the individuals of the two groups. 

As such, Mo Yuji stood beside Wu Yu without hesitation. She was smart to recognize her only chance was to face off against Wu Yu in the final clash. If it wasn't so, the other two would definitely not allow her to persevere to the end. After all, Tundra Hell master couldn't possibly choose not to help Xuanyang Emperor Lord.

This battle was watched by several billions of people.

If he acted otherwise, how would he explain to the Beiyin Necropolis Grand Emperor when he got out.

Anyone with intelligence could tell the circumstances in the battlefield wouldn't change for now. The standoff had ended but to prevent their teammates for turning on them, they would clearly choose to fight alone. Therefore, they had to choose their opponents.

Wu Yu wouldn't accept Mo Yuji's rejection and said, "Help me hold back Xuanyang Emperor Lord while I kill that old fool. Right after that, I'll work with you to finish him off before having the final battle with you."

"Why aren't I taking Tundra Hell master? You are confident of finishing her off quickly? Are you sure?" 

"You bet I do," Wu Yu grinned. 

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