Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1471. Upheaval in Circumstances

Wu Yu recognized this great void immortal treasure from Tundra Hell master and White Chalk Ghostly Lord's memories.

This was also the treasure that the Beiyin Necropolis Grand Emperor had made his name with all those years ago. To think that he would have given it to Xuanyang Emperor Lord, along with the Nine Moons Devil Emperor's Battle Axe.

The reputation of the Riposte Needle was even greater than than of the Nine Moons Devil Emperor's Battle Axe.

Because this had an even higher tier heavenly rule, the Riposte heavenly rule. Although it was just a very small portion of Riposte heavenly rule, but it was already better than the Nine Moons heavenly rule.

And the Riposte Needle killed with frightfully swiftness. More had fallen to the Riposte Needle than the Nine Moons Devil Emperor's Battle Axe by a huge margin.

It was rare for such an advancced heavenly rule like Riposte heavenly rule to appear on a great void immortal treasure.

"He hid it up till now! What control! No wonder he could keep his cool!" Wu Yu marveled within.

The power of Riposte Needle was indeed terrifying, but Xuanyang Emperor Lord was in a desperate situation now. Wu Yu did not believe that he could do much! Seeing the Riposte Needle unleashed, Wu Yu knew that he had to seize the initiative. He had already opened up a chance to defeat Xuanyang Emperor Lord just now.

As Xuanyang Emperor Lord was about to strike with the Riposte Needle, Wu Yu's eyes blazed. Furnaces of Heaven and Earth appeared!

Furnace of Earth, Furnace of Heaven. They joined as one and held Xuanyang Emperor Lord for now, trapping him within an enormous fireball!

Before Xuanyang Emperor Lord could even attack, he was already trapped and immobilized!

The raging fire was indeed unbearable for a creature of the dark and cold like he was!

Of course, Wu Yu himself was also within this furnace. The raging fires would melt anything. The 3,000 greater realms, 90,000 lesser realms, all would be burned cleanly within Wu Yu's Golden Furnaces of Heaven and Earth.

But this was just Wu Yu's first step in his fatal choreography. He had already thought of the way to kill Xuanyang Emperor Lord!

Although he had not foreseen the Riposte Needle!

But this did not change his next step!

Within the Golden Furnaces of Heaven and Earth, those outside could not see clearly. all they knew was that Xuanyang Emperor Lord had been trapped by Wu Yu just as he pulled out the Riposte Needle.

They could not see that Wu Yu had a different object in his hand!

The Tundra Spirit's Lamp!

Within the Tundra Spirit's Lamp was Tundra kerosene. Wu Yu immediately lit the wick. After devouring Tundra Hell master, he was no different from her in wielding it now.


Wu Yu heard Xuanyang Emperor Lord thrust with the Riposte Needle within the Golden Furnaces of Heaven and Earth. He must be aiming for Wu Yu.

To be able to lash out with the Riposte Needle under such conditions spoke of uncommon tenacity.

However, Wu Yu moved quickly too. He blew, and the cobalt flames roared out, expanding as they went. They grew into a huge cobalt dragon, burning with blue glames.

The Golden Furnaces of Heaven and Earth's fire and this tundra glacial fire both seemed like fires, but they were fundamental opposites. One was the epitome of heat, the other the epitome of frost.

These two opposites mingled, one trapping Xuanyang Emperor Lord, the other attacking him. It created a huge reaction!

Firstly, the two fires clashed against each other. When extreme heat and cold met, it resulted in a violent explosion, and Wu Yu channeled the entire force, directing it at Xuanyang Emperor Lord!

Although the Riposte Needle was incredibly powerful, but those outside could see that Xuanyang Emperor Lord was trapped within a huge golden fireball with a cobalt dragon of fire, and sandwiched between the two destructive forces. It could not possibly feel good!

Wu Yu was confident that these two destructive forces could thoroughly defeat Xuanyang Emperor Lord.

However, he was still leery of the Riposte Needle. It was hard to throw off, and would not lose its target either!

Wu Yu calculated that if this continued, he might be able to kill Xuanyang Emperor Lord, but he would be threatened by the Riposte Needle. If at this time, Mo Yuji could lend a bit more strength to hasten Xuanyang Emperor Lord's demise, then all would be well!

"Mo Yuji!"

Wu Yu yelled. He believed that Mo Yuji understood his intention, and he knew what methods she had as well.

All she had to do was shake her Lingxiao Jeweled Bell, using Spirit Squanderer heavenly rule to disorientate Xuanyang Emperor Lord. That would make him succumb more readily to Wu Yu's twin fires! Mo Yuji did not disappoint. As Wu Yu shouted, she very quickly pulled out the Lingxiao Jeweled Bell even while playing!

Mo Yuji still had an indifferent expression on her face. With a shake of her hand, the crisp peals of the Lingxiao Jeweled Bell rang out through the central light ball, and then outwards as well. Many of the spectators had their immortal spirits and ghostly spirits disoriented.


Those affected swayed dangerously, their vision going black and their bodies stinging with pain. It was like they had been clubbed over the head by a heavy hammer, unable to clear their heads.

Against such an attack, Xuanyang Emperor Lord was doomed!

But what was off about this clear sound?

Wu Yu felt something was off. His immortal spirit started to hurt!

He could not help but smile wryly. To be betrayed by a woman at this time!

Indeed, Mo Yuji was not attacking Xuanyang Emperor Lord, but Wu Yu! And this was while Wu Yu was being menaced by the Riposte Needle.

She had planned this setup to perfection! This was as good as the situation got for her, when all the cards were in her favor.

If at this time she continued to support Wu Yu and defeat Xuanyang Emperor Lord, then she would probably lose readily to Wu Yu.

At this time, she attacked Wu Yu instead. Xuanyang Emperor Lord was already severely injured, but his Riposte Needle could very well deal a fatal blow to Wu Yu as well. This was a gamble. Throwing Spirit Squanderer heavenly rule Wu Yu's way might very well see both of them severely injured! Wu Yu might also die to the Riposte Needle!

If that was the case, she could easily defeat Xuanyang Emperor Lord, who Wu Yu had wounded seriously, and easily take the ultimate victory! This was indeed her best opportunity. Once it passed, she would no longer stand a chance.

Every person for themselves. An understandable philosophy.

But Wu Yu had judged her wrongly. From her conduct before, Wu Yu had thought that she would adhere by their temporary alliance.

But she did not!

At this moment, both Lingxiao Jeweled Bell and Riposte Needle were trained on Wu Yu. He was in a difficult state indeed, and caught by surprise as well.

Be that as it were, Wu Yu was still Wu Yu. He was still prepared to some extent. From the moment the Lingxiao Jeweled Bell began to peal, he sensed something was off, and immediately used Fulgurating Shadows without hesitation. He escaped out of the fighting area, disappearing from the course of the Riposte Needle's thrust and appearing at the edge of the light ball!

Lacking his control, Golden Furnaces of Heaven and Earth and the tundra glacial fire vanished instantly. Xuanyang Emperor Lord had narrowly escaped danger. He was lucky in that regard, but the previous attacks already had him breathing raggedly. His remaining attacks would not be able to continue pressuring Wu Yu. In order to preserve his energy and reassess the situation, he hurriedly retracted the Riposte Needle, choosing to observe the situation.

But ultimately, Wu Yu's strength was now respected by even Xuanyang Emperor Lord, the son of the Beiyin Necropolis Grand Emperor.

Mo Yuji's jaw dropped at last. She was shocked that she had not managed to nail Wu Yu with such an opportunity. She immediately retreated to the edge, watching Wu Yu uneasily. Although there was still a coolness in her eyes, but they had heated up slightly as her ill-intent towards Wu Yu showed.

"I thought I would give you a fair chance at it later. Seems like you don't need it. You're shrewd."

Mo Yuji said indifferently: "All is fair in war. You are too strong. Of course this would happen."

She had turned on their agreement without the slightest tinge of guilt.

"Alright, there's no need to play nice with you then." Wu Yu smiled. He had thought to show her some mercy.

"Worry about yourself." Mo Yuji spoke with supreme confidence. She turned to Xuanyang Emperor Lord: "If we don't defeat this person, you and I don't stand a chance."

Xuanyang Emperor Lord had narrowly escaped death, and managed a weak laugh: "You calculated your deception well. You waited until I was severely injured before seeking an alliance. You would stand the ultimate advantage."

Mo Yuji said: "There's nothing I can do about it. He could just have joined forces with you to deal with me?"

She revealed her true character as petty now, no longer the gentleman.

But just as she had calculated, Xuanyang Emperor Lord wanted to hold on as well. The pressing problem was Wu Yu. If it was just him and Wu Yu, he stood no chance at all. If it was him and Mo Yuji left, he had marginally better odds.

Her Spirit Squanderer heavenly rule had indeed affected Wu Yu to some extent. The two of them together indeed stood a chance!

"Besides, she betrayed that Chifeng Immortal Lord, who must be enraged. I can agree to the alliance, but things might continue to change. This battle is about both wits and strength. But Chifeng Immortal Lord is the most outstanding right now. He must be beaten down!"

Both he and Mo Yuji knew that the other was not to be trusted. But the situation gave them the chance to attack Wu Yu from two sides. They crowded in on him. Although they were on guard against each other, but the two were intent on attacking Wu Yu!

Before, it had been Wu Yu who stood the best chance, but now the situation had gone belly up. This fight for the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King was a rollercoaster ride. It was hard to say who had a better chance. not even Wu Yu himself could be sure that he could deal with these two strong opponents!

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