Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1480. Immortal Companions

In the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm, the mystical dragon tribe was divided into nine great tribes, led by the 9 Great Dragon Emperors.

Amongst them Sky Heart tribe was one of the great tribes, and Sky Heart Dragon Emperor was an Ancient Sky Heart Dragon, whose authority was highest among the dragon emperors.

At least within the Sky Heart tribe, he was an eternal immortal emperor, the absolute ruler. Tian Ming Dragon Lord was the royal grandson, and had been royally match-made.

Even in the mortal domain, who would dare to go against a royal marriage arrangement.

Therefore, this was a pain in the ass. Luo Pin had only grown more and more outstanding after obtaining the Eight Division Heavenly Dragon legacy. Clearly, she had become even more attractive to Tian Ming Dragon Lord now.

Wu Yu recalled that Tian Ming Dragon Lord had even once hired killers to assassinate him.

Besides, his father Sky Chariot Dragon King had failed in his own romantic pursuit back in the day, and probably looked foward to his son chasing his love rival's daughter to ease his hate!

Wu Yu had snatched away Tian Ming Dragon Lord's championship in the Dragon Emperor Purgatory trials. Their family still nursed that grudge. Now having heard nothing for all these years, they could not be bothered with where the nameless nobody had disappeared to.

If not for Luo Pin still being considered young in the mystical dragon tribe, she would already have been forced into it.

"Someone actually dares to challenge me for my woman? No matter if he is the royal descendant, I will purge him of all his desires. I dared to kill even Gu Huo Immortal Lord, let alone a paltry Tian Ming Dragon Lord."

Wu Yu swore resentfully. This Tian Ming Dragon Lord had lost to him 100 years ago, and now Wu Yu could easily bring him to his knees.

However, it was inconvenient for him to reveal his identity now.

"You can't be careless. After all, there are many dragon kings backing him, as well as the Sky Heart Dragon Emperor. The entire Sky Heart tribe belongs to their family, and they know your identity as well." Luo Pin said with a worried frown.

After thinking a little more, she continued: "I heard my adoptive parents say that Sky Heart Dragon Emperor indeed has such an intention. Although he has yet to meet me before, but he has asked after me through my uncle. He bid my uncle guide me well so that I could come quickly into strength. At that time, he will personally arrange a match. If such a time comes, it will be set in stone, and I cannot avoid it. In the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm, no one dares to defy the Sky Heart Dragon Emperor. No one will dare to challenge his pride."

Wu Yu of course knew this. He was someone on the same level as Provenance Phoenix Empress or Mighty Miracle God. He had already laid his status aside to propose a match between his own grandson and his subordinate dragon king. If Wu Jun dared to slight him, he would be in trouble. The entire Primordial Immortal Empire might be implicated as well. Although Wu Jun and her adoptive parents were all good people and would fight for Wu Yu, but under such tremendous and absolute pressure, what they could do was limited.

Wu Yu frowned. "Seems like this Tian Ming Dragon Lord grandson has really begged his granddaddy for this one. Luckily you're still a little female dragon, and not of age yet. Otherwise, you might already have become someone else's wife when I returned."

Luo Pin stretched out a finger to press his lips gently. She admonished: "Don't talk nonsense. Even if I die, I am yours. You are not allowed to just dust yourself off and leave without taking responsibility."

Wu Yu smiled, and a new cold resolution was in his eyes. "Don't worry. No matter how troublesome this gets, I will not back down on this matter. I've already offended Mighty Miracle God, Beiyin Necropolis Grand Emperor, and White Impermanence. What is one more Sky Heart Dragon Emperor? If this Tian Ming Dragon Lord dares to try anything, I will castrate him, and put all those thoughts far form his mind. See if he still dares to make eyes at my wife."

Although he said this, but Wu Yu knew well how difficult this would be. The opponent would stop at nothing, and he did not want to trouble Wu Jun and the others.

Luo Pin said: "I was keeping track of the time, and knew that you were close to returning. When I heard news of a sensational Chifeng Immortal Lord, I knew it was you. Since you have improved so much, I am reassured that we can fight again. This time, I had my parents and uncle send me out to see you. Otherwise if you were ignorant to all this and strode back into Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm, even they could not save you."

She had thought this through carefully. Of course, Wu Yu was not a reckless person either.

She continued: "Actually, you need not worry. After all, I am still young, but a child in their eyes. They would not usually force a child to get married. You have time to continue improving yourself. Perhaps at that time you could even be strong enough to stand up to them."

Back then Wu Yu had still teased her as an old cow sampling young grass. Now she was the baby.

"You mean, you're going back?" Wu Yu's tone turned somber.

Luo Pin said helplessly: "What else can I do? Should I just abscond with you? Compared to you, I am too weak. I will drag you down. The Mighty Miracle God tribe is already after you. If the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm joins in, you will be in huge danger."

She was also at wits' end. After all, she felt that there was still time while she continued to cultivate. And Wu Yu would continue to rise higher. At that time, perhaps he would have more authority to speak. As for giving up, she knew that Wu Yu would not give her up just because of authority.

Wu Yu patted her on the back. "You have too little faith in your man. In such a situation, I could not bear to have you go back. Mighty Miracle God tribe are looking for Chifeng Immortal Lord, and that has nothing to do with me. Let us husband and wife roam the lands,be immortal companions and give birth to children. We'll not care about the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm."

"No, it's too dangerous. Besides, I am so much weaker than you. How can we be immortal companions? I will be a burden to you......"

To think that she had thought through this so thoroughly. At the start, it had been Wu Yu who was catching up to her. And now they had switched positions, and she realized she was laggin further and further behind. She was honestly a little uncomfortable and worried, but Wu Yu was a monster, and there was no one who could match his speed......

Wu Yu got serious. "Firstly, if I say that I am confident, I am. I don't believe that Sky Heart Dragon Emperor would come out personally to catch us. Secondly, you will not be a burden to me forever. This time, I came back to bring you awesome transformations. Do you remember Nanshan and Ye Xixi?"

Wu Yu was very seldom so serious, and Luo Pin had yet to see him get angry with her. She still thought of him as the little kid, but now it was him who was teaching her the lessons.

"I know them. Are they not with you anymore? What happened to them?" They were nestled close, Luo Pin's fair arm circling his neck. Her eyes were wide with life as she gazed up at Wu Yu's hard face.

Wu Yu smiled back at her. "Those two have limited talents, but thanks to my guidance and nurturing, they're already 5-realm immortal lords. They can face off against 9-realm immortal lords with some difficulty. This time, I plan to spend 300 years, which means 30,000 years, to bring you just as far. You will be able to fight 9-realm immortal lords, and you know how strong they are, just one tier below dragon kings and immortal kings."

Luo Pin's eyes were wide and full of doubt. "Are you just pacifying me? How is that possible......"

Wu Yu pressed a long, deep kiss and said forcefully: "You haven't seen my prowess for a long time, and already you are doubting me. I should "punish" you strictly. In truth, 300 years is conservative. If you don't believe me, just wait and see?"

Luo Pin smiled and blushed. She rapped Wu Yu's head. "Alright, little one, I'll believe you. It's all because you're the almighty Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast and also the inheritor of the Great Sage, Heaven's Equal's legacy."

"Most importantly, I'm Wu Yu."

"Yes, yes." After some bickering, their excitement grew, and they again got down to frisky business. Only when they were panting, spent, did Luo Pin say: "If I go with you this time, no one might find out for a while, but if I am missing for a long while, they might pressure my parents."

Wu Yu said: "Then we must make good use of what time we have. Of course, they will feel the pressure. It's your fault for being their precious daughter. But you're not born to them, and they can distance themselves from you, saying that you ran away by yourself. Or, they can even put the blame on us. If they cannot catch us outside, that is their own fault. It is not that the Sky Heart Dragon Emperor's grandson is unfilial. It is not so serious that your parents will be killed either." Indeed, it was not as serious as Luo Pin had imagined. It was mainly a question of face.

Sky Heart Dragon Emperor wanted to protect his ego as well.

The business of youngsters should be left to youngsters. Wu Jun and the others could clarify the relationship, and say that Luo Pin's departure and absconding had nothing to do with them.

"When do we leave?"

"Right now! Immediately! Off we go! To find a remote and beautiful place where we can be in seclusion. Occasionally we will roam the world, we will play, and we will be carefree and idyll. Is that not the life we dreamed of in the mortal domain? Now we have Yuans' worth of lifespan, we are unafraid of death."

"That's right. That was our dream......"

To be immortal companions, to give birth to children, to wander the world knowing only happiness and bliss. Wu Yu was looking forward to it all with this beauty by his side.

"Let's go!"

For safety reasons, he still brought Luo Pin into the Floating Dreams Pagoda, and then he casually left Dragon Immortal Sky, headed to the Well of Eternal Life. Given his current abilities, the higher sky palaces were more suited for him.

"From now on, it will just be us two." Wu Yu rejoiced.

"Us two my ass! Old mother here has waited for so damn long. What am I, invisible?!" Suddenly Ming Long's voice came blaring in his ear, and Wu Yu almost flipped a full somersault in surprise.

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