Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1495. The Youth Returns

She actually did not hold out much hope either.

She felt that Wu Yu would meet with many trials in the sky palaces.

Even someone much stronger would have times when they could not leave immediately.

Wu You knew that there were many times when they would have to depend on themselves.

"The sky palaces are too far. Even if he receives the immortal message talisman, he will probably take a long time to reach. It wouldn't be that easy for him......." Princess You Xue said, head hung.

In their minds, the sky palaces were a faraway and mysterious place.

Even if the immortal message talisman could reach him, it would probably take some time.

"This Liu Yunxing probably guessed that we have quite a few immortal treasures on hand. If he spreads the word, we will indeed be in trouble. It's all my fault......" You Xue was very apologetic. Wu You and the others were all relatively discreet. It was her who went out training often, and who had leaked their secret.

At this time, Liu Yunxing had already used his excuse of anger at being spurned by You Xue to attack the spirit design. This was an immortal, so of course nobody dared to stop him.

Bang bang bang!

The Heaven Devouring Residence was in peril.

An immortal's power was truly overpowering for them.

The four of them had already divided up, each holding their respective immortal treasure ready. That was the only way they could hold him back for now. But they knew that word of their wealth would soon get out, and many immortals would be eying them.


The spirit design indeed broke very quickly, and Liu Yunxing descended from above, his horsetail whisk swishing. He immediately spotted the four, three of whom were beauties in their own right. It distracted him a little. Wu Yu had given them the best immortal cultivation techniques, and naturally they would have a unique quality about them once they cultivated it.

His eyes locked onto You Xue. He raged: "I gave you respect and you spurned it. Come back with me. I'll teach you how to properly respect an immortal!"

He immediately attacked, giving Princess You Xue and the others no time. After all, many people were watching, and Liu Yunxing did not want others to know that they had many treasures.

Yet he did not expect that when he attacked, all four pulled out immortal treasures!

"How is that possible!"

"Where did they get them! So many immortal treasures!"

Everyone was astonished.

They saw that these four anonymous people were all bearing immortal treasures, and they attacked Liu Yunxing. He was surrounded in a trice, and soon even appeared to be losing the fight.

"No wonder Liu Yunxing was targeting them. I thought it was because of the beauty, but he's clearly after the booty. This is a big bounty for him. The other immortals probably won't get here for a while!"

"Don't count the chickens before they're hatched. I think Liu Yunxing might not be able to win anything."

Because at this time, besides the four of them, a few puppets also appeared, attacking Liu Yunxing at the same time. Liu Yunxing was taking quite a beating. He could only defend but not press the attack, wound, or kill his opponents.

But even so, Liu Yunxing was grinning from ear to ear. He laughed: "Who knew that you had so many treasures! It's even more than I expected! You might think that you have the ability to fight me, but you don't know that I'm way ahead of you! Come on out, brother!"

Hearing this, Wu You and the others felt a sense of dread.

As he spoke, a white cloud rolled up, and a middle-aged immortal appeared. He had a fiercely grim face, and everyone immediately backed up respectfully to give him space. This was the Xinghai immortal sect leader Liu Yuanxing, a 3-Yuan heavenly immortal!

Seeing the immortal treasures they held, Liu Yuanxing's eyes burned hot as well, secretly celebrating his luck. As for Wu You and the others, they knew the danger they were in now.

They had already lost all hope.

Liu Yuanxing pulled out an immortal treasure, which was a large net. As he spread it out, the starry points on it twinkled, falling over Heaven Devouring Residence. As the starry sky fell with the might of a 3-Yuan heavenly immortal, these mortals were completely subdued!

They lacked experience compared to these immortals. This Liu Yuanxing had always been skulking about nearby, but had not appeared, waiting for this moment. As he appeared, Wu You and the others lost their chance.

Whoosh whoosh!

As the starry net came smothering over them, their immortal treasures were rendered useless. All four were soon trussed up within the starry net, unable to move. Their immortal treasures had ended up in Liu Yuanxing's hands. He had easily taken them all down and relieved them of their immortal treasures. He turned to Liu Yunxing. "Go, search the place. Leave nothing behind."


Liu Yunxing was in high spirits. He had barely taken two steps forward when he turned back lecherously to Princess You Xue. "Big brother, leave that wench for me, eh?"

Liu Yuanxing smiled. "Don't worry. All three are yours. As for this demon, we'll send him off to hell."

"Haha, let's celebrate today. The full banquet." Liu Yunxing's imagination was already running wild with these three beauties.

Controlled by Liu Yuanxing, the four of them were completely helpless. They had been outclassed in this one.

Given their abilities, there was no way out. Captured by these two, things were not looking good. Especially for Jiu Ying. He might even lose his life.

"I'm really useless. If I was just even a thousandth of what Wu Yu is......" Jiu Ying berated himself.

As a man, this was the time for him to stand up and bear the burden. But he was unable to. He could only blame himself.

Especially as he saw the helpless look in the three girls' eyes.

With a clatter, Liu Yuanxing drew a longsword and thrust it through the starry net, pressing it against Jiu Ying's neck. "Where else are the treasures? Speak, and I will let you live."

From his tone, it was clear that he wasn't joking. He could indeed kill Jiu Ying at any time. Even a spectator would know this Liu Yuanxing's way of doing things.

"Silent? Then die!" As expected, he had not even given Jiu Ying a chance to speak.

Jiu Ying had never imagined that he would die at the hands of such a person. He saw his life flash before his eyes.

"Don't kill him! I'll give you everything!" Wu You hurriedly said, her eyes full of tears. You Xue and Su Yanli were likewise. But Liu Yuanxing wanted to make an example of him. A cruel sneer on his face, his hand never stopped moving forward.

Jiu Ying was in grave danger.

The onlookers looked on, but did nothing.

Just at this moment, the entire world seemed to stop. Everyone realized that they could not seem to move. Especially Liu Yuanxing. His longsword was on the verge of piercing Jiu Ying's body, but suddenly it was stuck. His entire body seemed to be frozen.

But this was not a time-stop. It was just that all of them were unable to move. The wind continued to blow, and the world carried on supporting life in the city. Besides Wu You and the other three, everything else was completely frozen.

And then they saw a man and woman descend from the skies. Their aura and might were beyond imagining. To mortals, this level of cultivation was incomprehensible. As Liu Yuanxing saw them, he felt like he was a new initiate again, just starting out on the path of dao, and looking at immortals. Perhaps an even greater difference compared to then!

But he was an immortal already. Then who could they be? He could not look them in the eye, neither the man nor woman. One look, and he would probably never forget the sight in his life!

"Wu Yu!" The four had seen properly now. Wu Yu had come to the rescue, and they all wept with relief.

Liu Yunxing had just emerged from the Heaven Devouring Residence when he was frozen. He wanted to move his eyes to avert his gaze from Wu Yu, but he could not. He could not even blink.

As they saw the four of them able to move, Liu Yuanxing and Liu Yunxing knew that they were in deep, deep trouble.

"You dare to kill my friend?" Wu Yu was angry. If he had come but a moment later, Jiu Ying would have been dead. That would be unforgivable.

He flipped a hand carelessly, and the immortal treasure net crumbled into ash. He also disintegrated the longsword. Wu You and the others were free now. Wu You had not seen her brother for a long time now, and their longing was expressed in a long embrace.

"Sister, this time I've returned to see you never troubled again in this life." Wu Yu vowed.

"I know that. Seeing you now, who would dare to bully you?" She had never doubted him.

As well as Jiu Ying, Princess You Xue, and Su Yanli. He had not met them for a long time, and they had improved greatly. Especially Princess You Xue. She was on the verge of reaching immortalhood.

"Long time no see." For Wu Yu, it had been 10,000 years.

"You're as amazing as always." The three of them were completely blown away by Wu Yu's current state.

Wu Yu made no move, but suddenly everyone was able to move again. Liu Yuanxing was trembling from head to toe as he fell to the floor, prostrating himself. "I beg the mighty immortal for forgiveness. This ignorant one did not know that it was the great immortal's family!"

How could he not know that such treasures could only belong to the family of a powerful immortal!

He was asking to die.

Wu Yu's eyes were cold.

"All actions have consequences. You sowed the seeds, and now you will reap the results. You almost killed my friend. That was the decision you made with your life. You will bear the consequences."

"No! I didn't harm him in the end!" Liu Yuanxing wailed.

Wu Yu looked at Jiu Ying.

"So many years have passed. Let me ask you. To kill, or not to kill?" To think that so many years ago, this question had tested the youths sorely.

Jiu Ying struggled with himself.

Finally he shook his head. "Not to kill."

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