Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1499. Tianyi Heavenly Mirror

Sometimes, regret could cloud one's suspicions.

The Hundred Years, Thousand Time talisman had been first raised by Tian Que Dragon King's guess, and not by Wu Yu.

Therefore, he did not doubt the truth of it at all.

In this way, Wu Yu had quickly explained Luo Pin's astonishing progress.

He could not possibly care about explaining to the point where he would hold Luo Pin's progress back. After all, he had this ability. He could not ignore it.

After using it, he simply had to find a reasonable explanation.

Which he now had.

Of course, the Hundred Years, Thousand Time talisman would make Tian Que Dragon King and the others feel like Wu Yu was incorrigible!

In Tian Ming Dragon Lord's words, the ultimate mystical dragon Luo Pin was a Primordial Immortal Dragon, who had shown talent comparable to theirs from a young age. Her accomplishments in the future would match theirs. A talent of the highest caliber, groomed well, would have a bright future.

But now Wu Yu had all but ruined Luo Pin, and was being smug about it.

Wu Yu said: "This is just what you ignorant people think of the Hundred Years, Thousand Time talisman. Both of us have used it, and improved at lightning speed in 100,000 years. There have been no side effects. Do you see us leaking blood everywhere? As for a shorter lifespan, given what we are capable of, we will definitely rise to become eternal immortal emperors in the future. You are just jealous."

"Ignorant fool! You are so smug now, but when your early death arrives, you will regret it all. No matter what, I cannot let Luo Pin follow you anymore. You will only lead her blindly to destruction. Tian Jian, you hold her. I'll teach this punk a lesson." Tian Que Dragon King was a solemn person, and often shunned the public eye.

"Big brother, are you going to fight personally?" Tian Jian Dragon Lord was startled. Tian Que Dragon King thought highly of himself, and had not fought an immortal lord opponent in a long time.

Tian Que Dragon King nodded. Looking at Tian Ming Dragon Lord and Aurora Dragon Lord, his gaze turned cold. He nodded to Tian Jian Dragon Lord, and his killing intent flashed out.

Tian Jian Dragon Lord understood. Tian Que Dragon King had not said it, but his killing intent was all too clear now. He said: "Don't worry, I will catch her."

The two stood side by side, each focused on their own targets. Their power radiated out, especially overwhelming from Tian Que Dragon King. His heavenly rule power already swept through Tian Que Dragon Palace, causing Luo Pin to stagger unsteadily.

"What do we do?" Luo Pin asked.

"Do your best and try fighting that Tian Jian Dragon Lord. See who wins."

"Are you not going to use your Somersault Cloud to get us out of here directly?"

"No need. It would be too ostentatious to use it now. They might guess that I'm Chifeng Immortal Lord. I have a way to throw them off. Just try to deal with Tian Jian Dragon Lord as best you can. This will be a difficult fight, so go all out."


After growing to her cultivation realm, Luo Pin had yet to fight all out before. She was fired up by Wu Yu's words. All martial cultivators sought eternal life and battle. After a huge improvement, how could one not want to test their strength?

Wu Yu was a little troubled. If he could not use Somersault Cloud, and the Gateway to the Ancient Demon Realm could not be used either... Luo Pin's abilities were believable, but he would draw too much suspicion if he beat a 3-Heavens immortal king. It was best not to reveal anything that was in the immortal king level.

Therefore, he had to find a way to dispel the Tian Que Dragon Palace.

The next time, Wu Yu would definitely not be trapped by the Tian Que Dragon Palace.

With a low roar, Tian Jian Dragon Lord transformed into the Primordial Divine Dragon, facing Luo Pin. Luo Pin answered with her own transformation, turning into the pure and pristine Primordial Immortal Dragon. However, hers was already far different from other Primordial Immortal Dragons in terms of aura and might. This manifested inside her, and her appearance did not change that noticeably.

On the other side, Tian Que Dragon King remained in human form, turning the other way to face Wu Yu. A sense of dread that made one tremble, and then the two brothers attacked as one.

Especially on Tian Que Dragon King's side, a formidable pressure came surging forth. Even Luo Pin knew that this person was fully intent on killing Wu Yu. His outward mildness masked a cruel hand beneath.

What surprised Tian Que Dragon King was that the two did not group together, but instead spaced themselves out. Luo Pin was already charging Tian Jian Dragon Lord, and the two locked in battle! Now Wu Yu stood alone against a 3-Heavens immortal king!

"I thought your relationship was good. But seems like its every man for himself when trouble comes knocking." Tian Que Dragon King sneered. He was just about to get a hold of Wu Yu, when Wu Yu immediately fled swiftly within Tian Que Dragon Palace. He zoomed around madly, changing directions. Tian Que Dragon Palace was not a small place, and he had plenty of room to make his escape.

"Where are you going!" Tian Que Dragon King roared. He used close to his full strength to chase him. He did not believe that a 3-Heavens immortal king could not catch an immortal lord.

On the other side, Luo Pin was locked in battle with Tian Jian Dragon Lord. This should have been a rather balanced fight, but something suddenly happened! Luo Pin did not back down in the face of Tian Jian Dragon Lord!

"All Amalgamating Heavenly Flames!"

After her dragon transformation, the All Amalgamating Heavenly Flames that she spewed were even more destructive. The feral flames leaped forth, merging into a cataclysmic stream of multicolored fire that roared out. The defenseless Tian Jian Dragon Lord was completely swallowed up by it!

"100,000 years, and she's here...... If not for the fact that she's lost so much lifespan, she would be truly terrifying!"

"One might not even be able to reach this cultivation realm in 100,000 normal years!"

100,000 years was like 10 years for a mortal. It was as though Luo Pin had grown from an infant to a 10 year old kid. While having the fighting power of a 20 year old youth.

"Is she already close to the ninth tier of the Immortal Lord Realm? Wow......" Tian Ming Dragon Lord was despairing now. That Wu Yu was stronger than him could not be helped. But now Luo Pin had also taken a lead on him. How could he be so bold as to marry her then? Comparing their relative strengths compared, even if they were married, he would probably be unable to touch a hair on her body. Perhaps only Tian Que Dragon King could firmly subdue her.

"Damned Wu Yu, Damned Hundred Years, Thousand Time talisman!" Tian Ming Dragon Lord was gnashing his teeth. Although Luo Pin might have used a  perverted technique, but her current strength made it hard to imagine what the perversion might be. She was too ferocious now, and even Tian Ming Dragon Lord quailed before her. Whether in terms of mindset or the loo kin her eyes, he understood that he would never have the better of her in this lifetime.

Tian Jian Dragon Lord was scorched terribly by the All Amalgamating Heavenly Flames, and his head was about to explode as well. Given his disposition, he was quaking inside. A newborn baby, actually able to take on a youth in his prime. This was a damned fantasy story. He looked at Luo Pin differently now, and the only superiority left to him was that she had attained her strength through the Hundred Years, Thousand Time talisman. A self-destructive way of cheating.

"Such stray paths will not lead you to ultimate success!"

Tian Jian Dragon Lord bellowed. He pulled out a great void immortal treasure, a precious treasure that he used to tackle the Great Void Immortal Path with.  The Tianyi Heavenly Mirror was held firmly before him now, as it resisted the All Amalgamating Heavenly Flames. He only had a chance to breathe now that he had repelled the flames forcefully!

He had already been forced to pull out his great void immortal treasure. If he still could not take her down, that would be a disgrace! Therefore, he did not care too much now. His irritation at Luo Pin's cold and superior expression bubbled forth. This was not the look a proper woman should have. He would correct it!

This Tianyi Heavenly Mirror was a fairly important pillar of strength for him!

At this time, it stared to radiate white light that formed a column. The front end of the light pillar was sharp, like a blade, and it extended towards Luo Pin. The blade's tip pierced the All Amalgamating Heavenly Flames, and was closing in on Luo Pin!

"Damned wench, you sure have your ways!" Tian Jian Dragon Lord yelled angrily.

Yet, the Primordial Immortal Dragon's look did not change. She opened her dragon maw, and navy blue light poured out. It clashed against the Tianyi Heavenly Mirror's light, and the blue sparkles were everywhere. The Primordial Immortal Dragon grasped the blue within her claw, and from its midst, pulled out a huge blue halberd!

This was the Sea God's Halberd of Eternal Night!

The Sea God's Halberd of Eternal Night in the Primordial Immortal Dragon's hand split the light column into two. The Tianyi Heavenly Mirror was sent flying, and the All Amalgamating Heavenly Flames slipped in the gap to calcunate Tian Jian Dragon Lord. He was undone in a trice, howling as the All Amalgamating Heavenly Flames rushed into his body through his eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Every orifice and every wound lay open, as it entered his body and continued to torrefy his body. Tian Jian Dragon Lord was riddled through and through!

In the next instant, the Primordial Immortal Dragon appeared above his head, the Sea God's Halberd of Eternal Night still in her claw. Tian Jian Dragon Lord was reeling in disbelief as the three-pronged halberd smashed against his head, nailing him to the floor. She charged Tian Que Dragon King: "Open the Tian Que Dragon Palace and let us out, or I will spill his brains!"

This was outstanding indeed, beyond Wu Yu's wildest expectations. He too was impressed.

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