Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1526. Baffling

When Wu Yu disappeared from the Dragon Emperor's Supreme Battlefield, no one could find him anywhere in the entire Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm. That was when everyone knew that after missing this chance, Mighty Miracle God, Beiyin Necropolis Grand Emperor and the other immortal emperors and devil emperors would never be able to trap Wu Yu again.

They could only be baffled by such a conclusion. They could not accept this turn of events.

After Wu Yu had disappeared, many of them searched the immortal realm like crazed people. However, they realised soon enough that they would never be able to find him.

Mighty Miracle God, Beiyin Necropolis Grand Emperor, White Impermanence and the others glared at Luo Pin with sharp eyes. They were thinking of using Luo Pin to force Wu Yu out of hiding.

However, the other eight dragon emperors, other than the Sky Heart Dragon Emperor, had all blocked their way to Luo Pin.

Previously, they allowed the Sky Heart Dragon Emperor to take advantage of the chance to take care of Luo Pin. Now they would not allow the opportunity to slip. 

"I know what you guys are thinking but forget it. From now on she will be heavily protected by us. No one from the entire Heavenly Domain can dream of touching her."

The dragon emperors had made clear their stance.

"Father, wouldn't Tian Que's death be in vain?" Sky Will Dragon King asked with his face pale.

"Isn't it! Resign yourself to the truth! This rascal Wu Yu has too many abilities and even possessed such a mysterious weapon. That monkey must be the person he received the legacy from. Perhaps that monkey is an eternal demon emperor." Sky Heart Dragon Emperor muttered darkly.

It was his unlucky day today.

Actually, Wu Yu did not expect this incident to happen too.

He was only a little embarrassed. The ones who were truly humiliated were Mighty Miracle God and the other eternal emperors. They have caught a mere Immortal Lord Realm immortal and even agreed to a plan for 600,000 years of torture. Yet, they allowed Wu Yu to escape.

When word got out, it would only make them the laughing stock of the Heavenly domain.

The funniest thing was that due to their complacency, they did not take Wu Yu's 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King first. Now they had even lost the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King.

Mighty Miracle God could almost imagine and hear the ridicule of the entire Heavenly Domain, millions of immortals and ghostly immortals laughing at him once he exited from here.

Under extreme irritability, his eyes locked onto Nangong Wei.

"Provenance Phoenix Empress, could we ask Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord if she has any more clues to Wu Yu's whereabouts?"

Provenance Phoenix Empress did not ask her daughter but replied: "I think you should forget it. You've caught him yet failed to trap him. If you guys really hated him, you should kill him directly the next time you capture him."

Mighty Miracle God wanted to do that but the chance had passed.

Nangong Wei's eyes still burned with flames. She shook her head blankly and replied: "There's no way to find him. Anyway, now that you all know his identity, you can find him yourself."

After saying, she told the Provenance Phoenix Empress: "Mother, I do not like this place. Let's go back first."

Provenance Phoenix Empress nodded. She felt that something was off too and wanted to leave this troubled place as soon as possible. Anyway, she did not lose anything this time.

"Nangong Wei." Luo Pin suddenly called out to her. Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord stopped walking.

She did not turn back.

"You will regret this." Luo Pin spoke calmly. Now Wu Yu was safe. However, the torture that he had suffered was imprinted in her head and she would never forget that.

Nangong Wei did not reply. Her eyes were clouded and she left with Provenance Phoenix Empress expressionless.

As the event came to a conclusion, the other guests had no more reason to linger and left gradually.

"Wu Yu probably inherited an eternal immortal emperor or eternal demon emperor's legacy. Although he may not be alive, he seems to still have the ability to help Wu Yu escape. Moreover, he also have transformative abilities. We cannot allow him any chance of escaping the next time." Dhrtarastra said.

Mighty Miracle God said glumly: "I know. Now he will definitely be on guard. I'm afraid that only True Lord Erlang's Eye of Heaven can find him. Next time, he won't even have the slightest chance of escaping."

This time, he was careless.

In fact, there was no way that they would comfort each other. They did not grasp the perfect opportunity this time. Even if it was not Mighty Miracle God, they would all ridicule each other behind one another's back. As for their goal of punishing Wu Yu to serve as a warning to others, they not only failed to achieve it, but the attempt had also became a joke.


What they did not know was that after they left, a dark shadow gradually appeared in the clouds near the Dragon Emperor's Supreme Battlefield.

He stroked his long beard with an excited expression and said: "After endless years, they have finally returned but with different identities......"

His voice sounded like it was full of anticipation for the future.

Of course, after anticipation, there was a slightest tinge of worry.

Even the 9 Great Dragon Emperors did not seem to be aware of such a person's existence.



In the blink of an eye, Wu Yu had exited the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm. This time, he appeared directly in the Well of Eternal Life.

As long as he entered the Well of Eternal Life, he was basically safe. He changed his appearance and identity immediately. Then he went to the upper levels of the sky palaces.

Now, the Ruyi Jingu Bang had disappeared. His body had already recovered and there was no traces of injuries.

In fact, after swallowing an unholy spirit, its power had not yet been digested.

This unholy spirit was enough to make up for Wu Yu's loss.

"Uncle Sun? Are you there?" Wu Yu tried to call out for Sun Wudao, but there was no response. He was a little disappointed. He thought that he could communicate with him from now on but that was not the case. As for the state of Great Sage, Heaven's Equal, whether he was dead or alive, it was still unclear for the time being.


After waiting for a long time for a response, he gave up.

Because he knew that he was not out of danger. He had to priortise his actions.

"Nangong Wei doesn't know about my sister and the others. They can continue to train and cultivate in the sky palaces. On the contrary, she may know Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi. These two guys are too outstanding. I'd better meet them as soon as possible."

As for Luo Pin whom he just married, they could only be separated for the time being. Of course, Wu Yu could not bear to be away from her, but there was no choice.

He sent immortal message talismans to Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi to ask about their whereabouts. In the end, they were both near the 4000th level of Heaven.

Wu Yu asked them to meet up first and he would look for them.

Not long later, Wu Yu found them and after he found them, he immediately invited them into the Floating Dreams Pagoda.

"Boss, what happened? Tonight is your wedding night. Why aren't you enjoying your night with the great beauty Luo Pin instead of talking to me here? I'm straight through and through and cannot help you!" Full Moon of Nanshan exclaimed dramatically.

"Oh shut yout trap. With your looks, you can only be fed to pigs." Ye Xixi retorted.

"How dare you laugh at us pigs?"

The two of them were very relaxed. They did not know that Wu Yu had almost perished just now.

Wu Yu was now quite calm and told them what had happened.

"F*ck, for real?! A great palace drama? This Nangong Wei is awesome. She can't get you, so she's destroying you?" Upon hearing that Wu Yu was exposed in front of a whole group of eternal immortal emperors, Full Moon of Nanshan was so shocked that his legs gave way. 

Ye Xixi frowned and said: "Are you sure, I didn't think that big sis Nangong Wei will do such a thing. Could it be that she is controlled by Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord again."

Wu Yu shook his head. He was very sure that it was Nangong Wei. His instinct would not be wrong. Her eyes and her movements were definitely not Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord.

Full Moon of Nanshan said: "Girl, you are still too young. A woman's heart is like a needle in the deep sea. You won't understand."

Wu Yu continued his recount. They were also curious as to how Wu Yu managed to escape. When they heard that the Ruyi Jingu Bang had actually appeared, they were very surprised.

"It appeared? But my Marshal Tian Peng never appeared before?"

"Mine too. We can't even communicate." Ye Xixi asked.

Wu Yu frowned: "The important part is the contents that he spoke about. What old friends, what puppets, what empty shells. Do you know what all these means?"

He had already discussed with Ming Long but they still could not understand.

The two of them thought for a long time.

"Are all these immortals fake now? How can it be? They have existed well for countless years, and each of them has the strength that they were meant to possess. There is nothing weird with them. On the contrary,we seem to be the strange ones. I have inquired about the Great Sage, Heaven's Equal, Marshal Tian Peng and Curtain Lifting General. After tracing back to hundreds of yuan before, I still cannot find any sign of these three characters at all. Only the Dragon ancestor had existed, but there are few rumors about him too. It is said that he appeared a long time ago. "

The Great Sage, Heaven's Equal's words were completely incomprehensible.

Wu Yu had interacted with these eternal immortal emperors and he knew how scary they were. They could not be fake. As for puppets, he could not understand that too. All the eternal immortal emperors were living well. They competed against each other and had disagreements too. If they were simply puppets, then whose puppets were they.

Anyway, they could not make the head or tail of the Great Sage's words.

"Could it be that these four eternal immortal emperors whom we received the legacies from are too old... ..." Ye Xixi could not understand too.

Wu Yu was baffled too.

"If that is the case, then we better not run about outside. Now that we have offended even the eternal immortal emperors, we might as well train in seclusion. We can only come out and play after we become immortal kings. The most regretful thing is I have almost reached my goal of sleeping with a million beauties!"

"... ..." Wu Yu was speechless with his perverted friend, Full Moon of Nanshan.

"Aren't you afraid of having descendants everywhere?"

"Don't worry, I won't leave any of my precious seeds behind." Full Moon of Nanshan grinned.

"Scumbag!" Ye Xixi was desensitized to his playboy attitude now after being friends for so long. Full Moon was practically like a sowing machine!

Wu Yu recalled something else. He said: "I think he said that the Demon Immortal Realm have been destroyed. Besides, according to what they say, the Demon Immortal Realm does not belong to the Heavenly Domain. However, Jiu Ying went to the Demon Immortal Realm. What does that mean? "

All the demons in the mortal domain would ascend to the Demon Immortal Realm when they become immortal.

He clapped his hands and suggested: "Since the sky palaces are no longer safe, I suddenly remember that I found some strange places in the Ancient Demon Realm. Shall we go and take a look? Just right, I can avoid Mighty Miracle God and the others."

"Let's go!"

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