Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1542. Golden Rhino Demon King

Wu Yu was about to escape but halted upon hearing his words.

After some deliberation, he thought that this Dreary Gold Demon King was tricking him.

This demon king was trying to stop him from using the Somersault Cloud to escape.

The other party wanted him dead.

After all, if Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi were in danger, they would definitely contact him using immortal message talisman.

However, he did not receive any call for help. This Dreary Gold Demon King was sly and knew what Wu Yu cared about the most.

It was a pity that Wu Yu did not fall for his trick.

He knew that the other party had not even seen Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi. Hence, he only hesitated momentarily before escaping swiftly. He left the region of the two Dreary Elemental Vajra Lion Demon Kings.

Previously, he had successfully slipped through the grasps of Elemental Gold Demon King. Similarly, Wu Yu escaped easily from the Dreary Gold Demon King. The demon kings would not be able to catch up to him.

However, Wu Yu was still worried about Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi. Hence he immediately sought them out. The three of them united soon at the depths of the black sea.

"That Dreary Gold Demon King claimed that he had killed you guys. I nearly fell for that." Wu Yu heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing that his two friends were safe and sound.

"We did bump into that Dreary Gold Demon King but escaped with our moves. He didn't catch us. It is lucky that you did not fall for his lie." Full Moon of Nanshan also sighed with relief.

"It's just that we lost the water demon. That Dreary Gold Demon King is too strong and we are forced to use all our powers to tackle him before we can escape." Ye Xixi said with regret.

"It's alright, we can always look for the water demon again if we lost it. The most important part is your safety." Wu Yu grinned. He did not feel that losing the water demon was a pity.

The three of them had gathered and were now far away from the Dreary Gold Demon King and Elemental Gold Demon King. They could look for signs of the water demon again.

After all, this black sea was too big and broad. Rather than looking for the eternal demon emperor corpses, they would benefit more by finding the water demons.

However, their rate of search was slowed down now that they could not act alone.

"Should we just split up? Our search for the water demon will be faster this way. Besides, we can take care of ourselves and will not meet with any danger. Also, wouldn't this be more thrilling?" Full Moon of Nanshan suggested.

"Yes, even the Dreary Gold Demon King failed to trap us. The strongest in this black sea are of the Dreary Gold Demon King's level. We will be fine." Ye Xixi also nodded. She really wanted to help Wu Yu. If they split up and searched for the water demon, they would be much more efficient.


Wu Yu also nodded. He did not reject their suggestion. After all, it was true that the strongest beings in this black sea was only at the Dreary Gold Demon King's level. Full Moon and Xixi would not be easily captured.

The three of them split up and searched the black sea. They moved away quickly.

Wu Yu was roaming alone in the black sea and searching for traces of water demons.

It was a pity that his search was futile. He did not even find any trace of the water demon. He was upset and had no idea where these water demons could have gone to.

After half a month had passed, he spotted a 6-heavens demon king from afar. That was the Golden Horned Ancient Colossal Rhino, the Golden Rhino Demon King!

That Golden Rhino Demon King was the good friend of the Golden Horned Demon King whom Wu Yu had devoured. He was at the Sixth Tier Great Void Demon Immortal Realm.

He was also the one who had told Golden Horned Demon King of the Black Yama Demon King's invitation to the black sea.

However, he saw that the Golden Horned Ancient Colossal Rhino, with its two long golden horns, glowing eye-catchingly bright in the murky shadow black water.

It was burly with strong muscles. Its eyes shone with golden light and it looked majestic. It moved freely in the black sea like a fish in water. It was originally a demon that lived both in the water and land. Now in the black sea, it moved freely and much faster than other demon kings.

Wu Yu thought of an idea. This Golden Rhino Demon King who could move freely in the murky shadow black water, should know some special tracking moves.

If he could go near the Golden Rhino Demon King, he might learn something useful.

Hence, Wu Yu transformed into the Golden Horned Demon King. At this moment, the Golden Rhino Demon King had no idea that his friend had died in the dark forest. Thus, it would not be suspiscious for Wu Yu to turn into the Golden Horned Demon King to get near to the Golden Rhino Demon King.

Except, the Golden Rhino Demon King might not expect for the Golden Horned Demon King to appear here and become upset.

Wu Yu could not worry too much about this. Finding the water demon was more important.

Besides, the Golden Rhino Demon King was in the black sea earlier than them. He should know more about the black sea in general.

Wu Yu and his two companions were searching blindly. More information would be helpful. Perhaps, the eternal demon emperor corpses had been taken away.

He turned into the Golden Horned Demon King and quickly approached the Golden Rhino Demon King.

The Golden Rhino Demon King had acute senses.

After all he was a 6-heavens demon king. He had sensed Wu Yu the moment Wu Yu approached him.

He turned back quickly and was stunned when he realised that it was his good friend, the Golden Horned Demon King. In the next moment, anger filled his eyes as he questioned: "Why are you here? Don't you know that this place is dangerous?"

Golden Rhino Demon King did not ask Golden Horned Demon King to come here. Hence, he was furious to see Golden Horned Demon King here.


Wu Yu pretended to be shocked and did not say much. From the memories that he had absorbed, this Golden Horned Demon King was usually docile in front of the Golden Rhino Demon King. He never explained himself. Hence, this pretense worked well.

Golden Rhino Demon King did not comment upon seeing his reaction. He huffed and said: "You are really useless yet greedy for treasures. Even I, a 6-heavens demon king, cannot be confident in getting the eternal demon emperor corpse, what's the point of you coming here?"

"Forget it, anyway, many have come to this black sea. Since you are here, follow me."

He shook his head as though he had expected better from his friend.

Hence, Wu Yu happily followed the Golden Rhino Demon King and grinned as he said: "Big Brother, what's the situation now? How many demon kings are in this black sea?"

Golden Rhino Demon King snorted upon hearing his question and answered: "There are many demon kings here while the Black Yama Demon King did not appear. I don't know what he is up to. There are many among these demon kings that I have to be careful of ... ..."

Very quickly, the Golden Rhino Demon King explained the current situation in the black sea to Wu Yu.

There were many 6-heavens demon kings that the Black Yama Demon King had invited, including the Golden Rhino Demon King.

There was one ruthless demon king called the Primitive Demon King whose true form was a Primitive Gold Devouring Rat. He was quite famous and led many rat demons to dominate a territory. He was a fierce character who dared to fight and kill.

There was also the Primordial Forbidden Demon, the Primordial Forbidden Demon King. He was a 6-heavens demon king who acted alone. Similarly, he was also invited by the Black Yama Demon King and was now searching somewhere in the black sea.

Of the Dreary Elemental Vajra Lion Demon brothers, the Dreary Gold Demon King was also a 6-heavens demon king.

Comparatively, there were plenty of 5-heavens demon king. Of them, there was an Eight-winged Purple Gold Mosquito called Purple Gold Demon King, an Archaean Golden Tree called Golden Tree Demon King, and an Eight-eyed Fire Elemental Ape called the Eight-eyed Demon King.  

There were more than 10 demon kings in total who were in this black sea by invitation from the Black Yama Demon King.

The Black Yama Demon King himself had not appeared yet.

The situation was now unclear. No one knew if all these were just the Black Yama Demon King's trap.

If that was the case, Golden Rhino Demon King and the other demon kings were not afraid. After all, the Black Yama Demon King was alone and would not be able to defeat all the other demon kings.

They were more wary of traps in the form of immortal designs. Those were more troublesome.

"The Primitive Demon King had appealed to us before to gather and discuss if we should cooperate and see if this is just the Black Yama Demon King's ploy. But this Primitive Demon King is a selfish demon, who would want to work with him, hmph!"

Golden Rhino Demon King was derisive as he spoke about the Primitive Demon King, who was the Primitive Gold Devouring Rat. He seemed to have a very bad impression of the latter.

After the Golden Rhino Demon King told Wu Yu about all these. Wu Yu understood what was going on in the black sea.

He had transformed into the Golden Horned Demon King and followed Golden Rhino Demon King obediently. They searched for clues in the black sea. The Golden Rhino Demon King did not suspect Wu Yu at all.

Wu Yu's replicate ability was truly terrifying. There was definitely no one in the black sea who could tell that he was not the real Golden Horned Demon King.

"Dumbo, go there and take a look."

Golden Rhino Demon King was not pleasant to Wu Yu. Even though he explained the situation and gave Wu Yu useful information, he verbally abused Wu Yu who was following him.

After all, Golden Rhino Demon King was originally alone and could move easily in the black sea, retreating and advancing as he wished. However with the Golden Horned Demon King following him, he was now burdened with extra considerations if they bumped into trouble.

If he lost his prize due to this Golden Horned Demon King, the Golden Rhino Demon King would be enraged.

Wu Yu did not care about the verbal abuse.

Anyway, he would do as the Golden Rhino Demon King commanded. The original Golden Horned Demon King had acted this way with the Golden Rhino Demon King. Hence, Wu Yu's disguise was perfect.

After some time, the Golden Rhino Demon King did not find anything. Naturally, the same could be said for Wu Yu.

This black sea was too big. Compared to the vast black sea, the colossal eternal demon emperor corpse would only be like a needle in the sea.

If they followed water demons, they might have a chance of finding the corpse. However, Spirits of the Universe had some intelligence and now many water demons had hid. It was extremely difficult to find any water demons.

However, after a period of time, Full Moon of Nanshan actually sent news that he found something.

At this moment, Wu Yu was ordered by the Golden Rhino Demon King to check somewhere further away. He was away from the Golden Rhino Demon King's sight.

He took this opportunity to leave and headed towards Full Moon of Nanshan in his fastest speed.

He was not afraid of being discovered by the Golden Rhino Demon King. He was too fast. Besides, it was the Golden Rhino Demon King who had asked him to leave and check other places. At that point he could give the excuse that something had happened.

Soon, Wu Yu contacted Full Moon of Nanshan via the immortal message talisman and met up with him in the black sea.

As expected, Full Moon of Nanshan had found the water demons.

And this group of water demons carried the aura of the eternal demon emperor corpse.

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