Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1546. Baleful Yin Qi

The demon kings followed Black Yama Demon King closer towards the Black Sea Grand Emperor tentacle.

There were indeed traces of immortal designs around the corpse-tentacle. However, it did not seem as strong as they had expected.

For an immortal design of this level, Black Yama Demon King alone could definitely destroy it, given some time.

This immediately raised their suspicions again. Primitive Demon King was first to press him, halting his advance and demanding: "Black Yama Demon King, this can't be the elite immortal's immortal design you spoke of, can it? This couldn't even stop you. I can't imagine why you would call us all here!"

This question was on the minds of the other demon kings as well. To them, this was no game. Perhaps they might be done in by Black Yama Demon King here. Of course, they had to tread carefully.

Seeing that the immortal design was weaker than expected, it would naturally rouse their suspicions.

However, Black Yama Demon King seemed well prepared for this. He spoke beseechingly: "Gentlemen, why would I dare to lie to you? All that I said was true. Now all you see is the peripheral immortal design. When you are truly near the Black Sea Grand Emperor's corpse, the immortal designs are more than ten times stronger. It would be difficult for me alone."

This seemed reasonable, and Primitive Demon King was content to remain silent after hearing this. "Let's go on then. Be careful."

The other demon kings were naturally fully on guard. The eternal demon emperor corpse was right before their eyes.

With the chance to become an eternal demon emperor right before their noses, they would not let it pass now. Even if they met with some danger, they would have to take that risk.

All the demon kings, as well as Wu Yu's group, inched closer to the eternal demon emperor corpse.

Of course, Wu Yu's group still remained a distance away from them, and were undetected for now.

As they drew close to the eternal demon emperor corpse, everyone grew tense. And then suddenly an unstoppable change happened!

Just as they all were within a close radius!

The suckers of the eternal demon emperor corpse suddenly spurted out an inky black gas, which surrounded all of them.

This happened too fast for the demon kings to react. They used all sorts of Mystiques and techniques to deal with the black gas.

"Damn you, Black Yama Demon King!"

Primitive Demon King roared. And then his voice and figure was also swallowed by the black gas.

All of the demon kings were trapped here!

"This is Baleful Yin qi, the primordial gas form of the Black Sea Yama Beast. Black Yama Demon King has it as well. However, the eternal demon emperor Baleful Yin qi from the Black Sea Grand Emperor's body must be even stronger!"

Through Golden Horned Demon King's memories, Wu Yu knew that this was the Black Sea Yama Beasts' technique. He knew that he had been careless.

Through Golden Horned Demon King's memories, Wu Yu knew that Baleful Yin qi would heat up everything it touched. All that was metal or fire affiliated would be greatly affected.

In all things there was opposition. And yin and yang were one such opposition.

This special gas had trapped virtually all of the demon kings within this area.

The terrifying black eternal demon emperor Baleful Yin qi engulfed all of the demon kings, as well as Wu Yu.

The Baleful Yin qi continued to eat away at their masculine qi with terrifying speed. They were completely unable to move within the Baleful Yin qi.

"No wonder. All of the demon kings that Black Yama Demon King invited were of the fire and metal affinities. With this, he could use the Baleful Yin qi to attack these demon kings... As for himself, he is not of those affinities, and will not be affected by the eternal demon emperor's Baleful Yin qi!"

Wu Yu and the other demon kings realized Black Yama Demon King's intent and plan now. Too late.

If Black Yama Demon King had not invited these demon kings, the eternal demon emperor Baleful Yin qi would not attack him, but would still force him out of the region, preventing him from approaching the eternal demon emperor corpse.

And now, with so many demon kings keeping the eternal demon emperor Baleful Yin qi, it served as a shield for the Black Yama Demon King.

Primitive Demon King, Purple Gold Demon King, Dreary Gold Demon King, Primordial Forbidden Demon King, and all the others were of fire or metal affinities. They were all completely consumed by the Baleful Yin qi, drowned under its dark embrace. Their masculine, yang qi continued to be devoured by the Baleful Yin qi.

"Black Yama Demon King, damn you to... AH!"

A cross between a jellyfish and an octopus, Primordial Forbidden Demon's body continued to burn with a purple and gold flame that attempted to repel the Baleful Yin qi!

But the purple and gold flames were immediately smothered and eaten away by the Baleful Yin qi the moment they appeared. Primordial Forbidden Demon King had no other choice but to be bound by the Baleful Yin qi.

At the same time, it ate away at the fire and gold aura that he had.

"Once I get out of this, I will definitely tear you into two!"

Primitive Gold Devouring Rat was looking demented. There was too much Baleful Yin qi surrounding him. He felt completely helpless, as the attacks continued to press on him.

"Hahaha, first you would have to get free of this. And even when you do, I, Black Yama Demon King, would already have consumed this eternal demon emperor corpse and improved my cultivation realm by leaps and bounds. Can you stop me then?"

Black Yama Demon King cackled madly, speeding away from the Baleful Yin qi.

Now that the eternal demon emperor's Baleful Yin qi was attacking all these fire and metal affiliated demon kings, including Wu Yu, it meant that there was not much resistance to Black Yama Demon King now.

In the face of his demented laughter, it seemed like no one could stop him from harvesting the Black Sea Grand Emperor's corpse-tentacle now.

Finally, he felt that the tentacle was his.

And once he ate it, he would rise beyond his wildest imagination. He might even become an elite demon king and find a way to breakthrough and become an eternal demon emperor.

However, he had overlooked one thing, and that thing was called Wu Yu.

Although Wu Yu was also of a masculine qi, and trapped by Baleful Yin qi, but he had Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi by his side, and they were not of such affiliations.

Although the two were within the Baleful Yin qi's area of influence, but they were unaffected by its attacks.

"We will send you inside. As to how to deal with the Black Yama Demon King, that's up to you."

Full Moon of Nanshan said seriously. This was going to be a gamble.

Since he and Ye Xixi were basically unaffected by Baleful Yin qi, they could help send Wu Yu out of its affected area.

Wu Yu's Eyes of Fire and Gold could see very clearly that there was an area around the eternal demon emperor corpse where there was no Baleful Yin qi.

Baleful Yin qi had basically absorbed all of the demons' masculine auras, covering them up to their heads.

It was exactly because the Baleful Yin qi had left an unaffected perimeter around the eternal demon emperor corpse that Black Yama Demon King could get close to harvest it.

Right now, he and Ye Xixi could send Wu Yu through, but Black Yama Demon King was a sixth tier Great Void Demon Immortal Realm cultivator. To defeat him and win the eternal demon emperor corpse would be incredibly difficult.

But riches were found amidst risks. Wu Yu had an idea.

"Let's go."

Wu Yu did not hesitate. He had resisted the assault of the Baleful Yin qi for a long time, but this did not mean that he could hold out forever.

If Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi did not send him forward, he could do nothing to Black Yama Demon King either. All he could do was be a sitting duck like the other demon kings.

Therefore, why not take a gamble? Who knows, he might even be able to eliminate Black Yama Demon King.

Of course, the crux was that Wu Yu understood his own abilities very well. He knew which of his techniques would be effective against Black Yama Demon King. Although it was not a sure-win, and he would definitely suffer a lot, but if he could win the eternal demon emperor corpse, he could recoup those losses and even shoot past his current cultivation realm.

Therefore, he had to get the eternal demon emperor corpse no matter what.

He could see clearly that the eternal demon emperor corpse, left for millions of years, was still rich with a bloody qi.

The essence of the flesh was a precious treasure to him. If he could get it, any price was worth it!

After getting Wu Yu's affirmation, Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi did not hesitate. Both employed their respective Mystiques to propel Wu Yu in the direction of the eternal demon emperor corpse.

The Baleful Yin qi continued to eat away at Wu Yu's masculine qi. Before, it had ignored Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi. But now that they were moving Wu Yu, the Baleful Yin qi also turned its attentions on them. However, it was not as intense, and they could still hold it back for now.

Before long, Wu Yu was pushed out of the Baleful Yin qi's area by their combined efforts. He was in the small ring surrounding the eternal demon emperor corpse!

Black Yama Demon King was just about to begin harvesting the eternal demon emperor corpse, the sucker-covered tentacle of the Black Sea Grand Emperor.

When suddenly Wu Yu was pushed out of the Baleful Yin qi's influence, appearing before Black Yama Demon King.

This development startled Black Yama Demon King. He took a look at Wu Yu. Never saw that punk before.

And only at the Immortal Lord Realm?

Didn't seem like a demon immortal either. Where in the world had this guy come from?

In any case, he was one step away from harvesting the eternal demon emperor corpse. Naturally, he would brook no interference.

For this moment, he had waited so long, and even deceived so many other demon kings. If he did not succeed here, only death awaited him.

"No matter who you are, if you dare to disturb my harvesting of the eternal demon emperor corpse, you're dead."

The true form of Black Yama Demon King was an inky-black octopus. He hissed lightly towards Wu Yu, and decided on the spot to deal with Wu Yu first before harvesting the corpse.

Now that the other demon kings were trapped by Baleful Yin qi, they were no threat to Black Yama Demon King. All he had to do was to finish off this pathetic Immortal Lord Realm cultivator before him, and his path was clear.

He had not expected such a turn of events, but seeing Wu Yu a mere Immortal Lord Realm cultivator, he did not mind too much. It was as if he was a human going about his business - how could he possibly be troubled by the interruption of an ant?

In any case, this guy would be dealt with as simply as flicking a finger. Deal with him and settle it.

As Wu Yu charged into this area free of the Baleful Yin qi, both Black Yama Demon King and the eternal demon emperor corpse were before him.

Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi had almost been caught back by the Baleful Yin qi again, and so Wu Yu put them back into the Floating Dreams Pagoda for now.

In any case, they could not be of much help against an opponent of the Black Yama Demon King's caliber.

"I'm here now. But dealing with the Black Yama Demon King will not be easy."

Wu Yu calmed himself down. Seeing his opponent about to attack, he immediately began his own fight preparations.

This was a rare chance which he had to grasp - and then the eternal demon emperor corpse woudl be his. It would be much better than dealing with all those demon kings outside at the same time.

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