Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1548. Over-Immolation

Wu Yu originally intended to take the eternal demon emperor corpse and get out of the black sea, heading for safer waters to devour the corpse.

But as he defeated Black Yama Demon King and took the corpse, the Baleful Yin qi from the eternal demon emperor corpse faded at the same time.

This meant that other trapped demon kings were now free to swarm him.

Of course, they were not going to show Wu Yu any mercy. All of them were ready to fight him.

A pity for them that Wu Yu moved too quickly. Scooping up the eternal demon emperor corpse, he immediately turned and left with speed, seeing the Baleful Yin qi dissipating.

The demon kings could not pinpoint Wu Yu's location.

"Sly little weasel. We might not know where he's hiding, but he's only an Immortal Lord Realm cultivator. He dares to lay his grubby fingers on our eternal demon emperor corpse? He will pay with his life!" Primitive Gold Devouring Rat snarled.

They had finally escaped the throes of the Baleful Yin qi, but not yet fully recovered. All of them were limping a little.

"But Black Yama Demon King was actually killed by that kid. Better not underestimated a cornered rat. Of course, he can't protect the eternal demon emperor corpse against our combined strength." Dreary Gold Demon King said grimly.

"Speaking of which, Dreary Gold Demon King, seems like you know this guy pretty well, and there's a lot of hate in those eyes of yours. Could it be that your little brother wasn't chased home by you, but died at the hands of this guy as well?"

From beside, Eight-eyed Fire Elemental Ape, the Eight-eyed Demon King, noted shrewdly. He could see the spiteful glint in Dreary Gold Demon King's eyes.

Dreary Gold Demon King pursed his lips, before admitting. "Indeed. Truthfully, my little brother split up with me. By the time I reached, that kid and his comrades had already finished him of. I have a grudge with that gnat. And now he has the eternal demon emperor corpse as well as proven himself capable of killing Black Yama Demon King. We must team up together. Otherwise, we will all be undone by that kid!"

Now that even Black Yama Demon King had fallen to Wu Yu's hands, Dreary Gold Demon King's admission did not sting as much.

After all, his little brother Elemental Gold Demon King was much weaker than Black Yama Demon King. But they could not understand it. A mere Immortal Lord Realm cultivator, defeating these fifth and sixth tier Great Void Demon Immortal Realm cultivators?

"No matter what, seems like that kid is quite worn down. Take his life! Together we can seal the black sea. See how he runs." Primordial Forbidden Demon King spoke as though he were spitting froth, causing the black sea to stir with his words.

"Concurred. Together we seal the black sea, and then we can leisurely hunt down the kid."

Primitive Demon King also agreed. He had not even seen how Wu Yu had just vanished. To err on the side of caution, he would join forces with the others.

Otherwise, he alone might not be able to catch Wu Yu. The boy seemed too wily, and their combined strength seemed necessary.

With even Primitive Demon King and Primordial Forbidden Demon King speaking up, and the plan's mastermind Dreary Gold Demon King obviously being on board, the three were in agreement.

And with the three strongest demon kings present in accord, the other demon kings naturally had no choice but to join their alliance.

They could not possibly act alone, or they might be outcast from this inner circle. More importantly, all of the demon kings wanted the eternal demon emperor corpse. And given their individual strengths, they probably could not deal with Wu Yu.

Therefore, they formed an alliance, and then acted without hesitation, calling upon their Mystiques and heavenly rules to seal the entire black sea.

Golden Rhino Demon King was also in their number. However, he had yet to spot Golden Horned Demon King. He also began to wonder - could it be that Golden Horned Demon King had also inadvertently fallen to this kid when they had separated?

Golden Rhino Demon King felt that this was definitely possible. After all, Wu Yu had even defeated Black Yama Demon King. Defeating his younger brother would not be that hard.

And yet he knew that his little brother was as timid as a mouse. He could not possibly not cry out if he were in danger, and he himself had been nearby when he had sent Golden Horned Demon King off. The slightest commotion, and he would have been alerted.

In any case, Golden Rhino Demon King had no clue regarding Golden Horned Demon King's whereabouts, and this upset him. Of course, the eternal demon emperor corpse was still more important for him.

With the four 6-heavens demon kings leading the pack, the entire black sea was sealed off.

And then they used all sorts of Mystiques in conjunction with the other 5-heavens demon kings, and began to search the entire black sea.

They intended to find Wu Yu, and then snatch the eternal demon emperor corpse from him. In truth, they did not care the slightest about Wu Yu. The corpse was paramount. It could well decide whether they could ascend to become eternal demon emperors.

Eternal life and longevity were two completely different concepts. The allure of eternal demon emperorhood was too strong for these demon kings. Once they broke through, they would truly be forever.

Therefore, all of the demon kings readied to take the eternal demon emperor in one swoop for themselves.

The entire black sea was sealed off more or less instantly. It was a guarantee that no Immortal Lord Realm cultivator could escape this surround.

A pity that it would not hold Wu Yu.

Even if these demon kings had locked off the entire black sea, Wu Yu could still use the Somersault Cloud to escape.

But now he had a huge problem. He had burned too much against Black Yama Demon King, and he was not in good shape.

If he continued to drag this out, he might well develop a permanent injury. Therefore, Wu Yu had no intention to flee the black sea for the moment. He would first find a place to devour the eternal demon emperor corpse.

That way, he could repair the side-effects of over-Immolation.

He found a void chasm not far from the eternal demon emperor corpse's position. Wu Yu immediately fled from the surround into it, and then hid himself in the most remote corner. He pulled out the eternal demon emperor corpse tentacle.

This void chasm was already a place that most demon kings in the Demon Immortal Realm would hesitate to enter. More, the place that Wu Yu had chosen was also a remote place, and it was fairly difficult to even find him within the void chasm.

Therefore, no demon king could stumble across Wu Yu for now.

Firstly, they could not enter the void chasm. There were numerous void chasms throughout the black sea. Who knew which one Wu Yu was in?

Secondly, these demon kings would not think that Wu Yu would hide himself in a void chasm.

To these demon kings, void chasms were places to be left alone. They were almost taboo ground. Once you touched them, you might very well be harmed by the void energy.

Wu Yu had found the safest place possible to devour the corpse-tentacle.

The body of the Black Sea Grand Emperor was going to be Wu Yu's replenishment. First, he would use this to heal the after-effects of over-Immolating.


Wu Yu directly used Devour, taking big chunks of the eternal demon emperor corpse into his body. This was the corpse of a true blue eternal demon emperor. It had come from the famous Black Sea Grand Emperor himself.

The vitality within the tentacle was frightening in its volume. It was manifold more potent than the dried blood stains that Wu Yu had devoured within the dark forest.

This overwhelmed even Wu Yu's devouring.

While he was using the rich vital force to replenish what he had burnt off, Wu Yu's condition improved a little. Before long, Wu Yu had already recovered to his previous peak condition.

And more importantly, although the eternal demon emperor corpse also did not have memories, it held many revelations regarding dao, as well as the terrific energy.

Wu Yu was already fully restored, and there was still plenty of cadaver left over. To him, it was impossible for him to continue devouring, or he would bloat beyond his ability to digest.

Therefore, he could only bring Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi out, for the three to partake of the flesh.

After all, this was the corpse of an eternal demon emperor. Wu Yu was not used to devouring it. It was too overpowering and intense for him, but this was also a chance for Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi as well.

However, it was agony to endure.

This eternal demon emperor corpse-tentacle truly held a shocking amount of power within.

Wu Yu alone would definitely not be able to hold it. Even with Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi alongside, they were sorely pressed.

All three held the vital force within them, and could barely hold on, digesting it bit by bit.

It was a torturous process. Every single moment, they felt like their bodies were on the verge of exploding. But if they could just endure this process, then their gains would be even more stupendous.

"It's hard to imagine that this is the power of an eternal demon emperor. This is not even the immortal spirit's power, but merely the body. One can only imagine how incredible an eternal demon emperor's immortal spirit would be to devour......"

Wu Yu mused. However, the legendary battle in the Demon Immortal Realm had seen all the demon immortals dead. Even if eternal demon emperor corpses were left behind, there could not be eternal demon emperor immortal spirits.

But even the body was a huge treasure for Wu Yu.

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