Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1558. Green Fire Demon King

These 5-heavens demon kings gathered before the collection of tributes.

After discussing about specifics like the timing and so on, they parted ways in smaller groups of two or three and started chatting .

Coincidentally, Full Moon of Nanshan was just hiding near one of these small groups of 5-heavens demon king. Hence, they overheard their conversation.

Right in front of Full Moon of Nanshan was a 5-heavens demon king called Green Fire Demon King. His true form was a wild boar covered in flaming green scales. This Green Fire Demon King's eyes were filled with slyness and also contempt towards the demon immortals living outside the Fiendish Underworld Metropolis Underworld Dragon's Den.

"From tomorrow onwards, we can start to collect the tributes. Hopefully this time there won't be anyone who doesn't know their place and be rude and unruly!" Green Fire Demon King obviously looked down on those people who had to pay tribute to the Diabolical Dragon King.

"Hehe, Green Fire Demon King, I heard that some people didn't pay enough tribute the last round and you swallowed them alive. I doubt that anyone will dare to mess around this time."

A golden bee demon king standing next to Green Fire Demon King sniggered and said with the same contempt.

This golden bee was also a 5-heavens demon king called Golden Bee Demon king. To the other demon kings or demon lords in the Fiendish Underworld Metropolis, these 5-heavens demon kings were superior and were of powerful status. They would never defy them.

Whether it was the Green Fire Demon King or Golden Bee Demon King, they represented the Diabolical Dragon King's will and were collecting tributes on behalf of him. Opposing them would mean opposing the Diabolical Dragon King. Then they would not be able to continue living in the Fiendish Underworld Metropolis.

"Haha, I'd like to see some fools who doesn't know their place. They would make perfect free snacks for me."

Green Fire Demon King grinned widely and was filled with anticipation. Whenever it was time to collect tributes, he had the opportunity to act all high and mighty. He also enjoyed being feared by others.

Once someone resisted, he could swallow the other party directly, and no one would stand up for the other party. After all, he represented the will of the Diabolical Dragon King!

These 5-heavens demon kings' chatter were basically filled with disdain towards the other demon kings and demon lords. Obviously, they did not see them as fellow residents from the Fiendish Underworld Metropolis. To them, the Underworld Dragon's Den was a totally different place.

Those who could stay in the Underworld Dragon's Den were far more noble than the demon kings and demon lords staying outside the Fiendish Underworld Metropolis.

Even though they belonged to the lower levels of the Underworld Dragon's Den, and the real rulers were the nine 6-heavens demon kings, three 7-heavens demon kings, and the 8-heavens demon king Diabolical Dragon King, these 5-heavens demon kings always had the chance to exert their superiority by domineering the lower level demon kings.

Usually, in the Underworld Dragon's Den, they could only follow orders. Now they could order others around. Naturally they would be excited.

Green Fire Demon King, Golden Bee Demon King and the other 5-heavens demon kings loved to gather together on normal days. As the saying goes, birds of the same feather flocked together. Wu Yu had already set his eyes on them because of the slyness in their gazes.

"I shall start with the Green Fire Demon King."

Wu Yu made a decision and instructed Full Moon of Nanshan to stalk the Green Fire Demon King. Full Moon of Nanshan naturally agreed to do so.

The next day, that Green Fire Demon King left the Underworld Dragon's Den alone to collect tribute in the Fiendish Underworld Metropolis. He would never have imagined that someone would follow and eye him like a hungry tiger, waiting to attack him!

Following his list of the residents in Fiendish Underworld Metropolis, this Green Fire Flaming Boar began to collect tributes one by one. Every time he appeared, he acted extremely arrogant. He did not care who the other party was and what demon king he was.

Anyway in his eyes, any demon king in Fiendish Underworld Metropolis who failed to enter the Underworld Dragon's Den was weaker than him, so he could take whatever he wanted from them.

Full Moon of Nanshan and the others followed this Green Fire Demon King closely. They saw that every tribute he collected from each household would be accompanied by some other additional gifts. Naturally, he kept all these gifts for himself.

Green Fire Demon King was very rude and disregarded the other demon kings and demon lords. However, most of the demon immortals were already scared out of their wits, and rushed to hand over the tributes and additional gifts that they had prepared. They did not dare to be careless.

As for the tributes, they were all basically great void immortal treasures, immortal essences and precious treasures of high value.

Soon, Green Fire Demon King had collected more than ten tributes. He felt that he had gained a lot. Even those additional gifts that he collected had good value. Hence, he was quite satisfied.

"This time, these little guys are very obedient, I am liking this very much!"

The Green Fire Demon King continued collecting the tributes. When he came to the door of another household, he hammered the door rudely, and a 3-heavens demon king whose true form was a Frosted Jadeite Boar answered. The Frosted Jadeite Boar's eyes immediately brightened upon seeing the Green Fire Demon King.

The Frosted Jadeite Boar Demon King quickly presented his own tribute, and unexpectedly there were two sets of tributes!

"Eh? Why are there two sets?"

Even the Green Fire Demon King was stunned. He looked at the Frosted Jadeite Boar Demon King and said: "I remember that you are alone."

"Respected demon king, one set of the tributes is for the Diabolical Dragon King. The other set is prepared specially for you!" Frosted Jadeite Boar Demon King seemed to be trying to curry the Green Fire Demon King's favour.

Upon hearing these words, the Green Fire Demon King's eyes lit up and was filled with excitement. The other people only presented gifts to him. These gifts were naturally less valuable. Basically, they were worth only about a quarter to a third of the tribute's value.

However, this Frosted Jadeite Boar Demon King had now presented two sets of tributes. His sincerity sparked the Green Fire Demon King's attention. He mused over the thought that he should set this rule in future, to get the other demon kings to submit two sets of tributes instead.

The Green Fire Demon King had always been demanding and he dared to have such greedy dreams. In reality, if the Diabolical Dragon King caught wind of what he was doing, he would be punished and even chased out of the Underworld Dragon's Den.

However, these were average demon immortals in the Fiendish Underworld Metropolis and they had no chance of meeting the Diabolical Dragon King. Besides, these demon immortals would not dare to speak up.

"Of course, respected demon king. I do have a small favour that the demon king can help me with." Frosted Jadeite Boar Demon King uttered his request carefully after seeing how pleased the Green Fire Demon King was.

"Oh, so you actually have something that you need me to help with?"

Green Fire Demon King scoffed. It was only now that he understood what was going on. He was still puzzled over why anyone would take the initiative to present more tributes than required. Now it seemed like it was because he had a favour to ask of him.

"Speak up, if it truly is a small matter, I can help you." While the Green Fire Demon King scoffed in his heart, he replied with an empty promise.

He did not care if the other party had given him a set of tributes. If someone truly wanted his help, this minor offering was insufficient to sway him!

"Demon king, it's a very small matter! You just have to take note when you are collecting the Purple Beaked Roc Demon's tribute. This guy fought with me previously and got an impressive great void immortal treasure called the Heavenly Flames Demon Immortal Design Bell! From what I see, this guy is not qualified to possess that great void immortal treasure. Only a expert like you can be qualified to use it!" Frosted Jadeite Boar grinned and said.

He was not really asking the Green Fire Demon King to do something for him. In fact, it seemed like it was because the Purple Beaked Roc Demon had snatched a great void immortal treasure away from him and he hated him for it. By telling the Green Fire Demon King this information, he was obviously asking the Green Fire Demon King to snatch the great void immortal treasure away from the Purple Beaked Roc Demon.

On one hand, the Frosted Jadeite Boar simply hated the Purple Beaked Roc Demon for having something that he did not.

On the other hand, by presenting another set of tributes and giving the Green Fire Demon King this piece of information, he would be on good terms with the Green Fire Demon King in future.

"Oh? Then I do have to pay some attention. The Purple Beaked Roc Demon, right?"

The Green Fire Demon King was originally very indifferent. Now he was interested. After all, this was something that would benefit him.

He had some impression of the Purple Beaked Roc Demon. He was a cowardly demon who did not even dare to speak in front of him. He believed that if he asked the Purple Beaked Roc Demon to hand over the great void immortal treasure, the Purple Beaked Roc Demon would definitely not dare to object.

Full Moon of Nanshan was invisible and following the Green Fire Demon King. Until now, he could not find the perfect opportunity for Wu Yu to attack yet. After all, this Green Fire Demon King had been collecting tributes. If they attacked now, the other demon kings would likely sense that something was amiss.

Hence, they could only continue following him while waiting for an opportunity to attack.

The Green Fire Demon King flew directly towards the Purple Beaked Roc Demon's residence next. His eyes were cold and filled with contempt. He thought nothing of these demon kings.

Very quickly, Full Moon of Nanshan and the others followed Green Fire Demon King to the residence of the Purple Beaked Roc Demon.

After the Green Fire Demon King kicked the door roughly, a 3-heavens demon king whose true form was the Purple Beaked Roc Demon appeared immediately and presented his tribute hastily. There was a gift worth about a quarter of the tribute's value. He gave it to the Green Fire Demon King as well.

"Is this your tribute this time?" The Green Fire Demon King took only one look and knew that the great void immortal treasure that the Frosted Jadeite Boar had spoke about was not among the tribute. He huffed coldly and was instantly angered. 

"Aren't these enough?"

The Purple Beaked Roc Demon King was shocked. He had always been giving this much tribute and following the usual practice, he had given a quarter more of the tribute required as a gift for the Green Fire Demon King.

But this Green Fire Demon King seemed to be saying that his tributes were lacking?

"I heard that you have recently gotten your hands on a great void immortal treasure. That great void immortal treasure is a better gift. Hurry and hand it over.

Green Fire Demon King ordered brusquely. He had no hint of respect for the other party.

"Demon king, are you referring to the Heavenly Flames Demon Immortal Design Bell?" Purple Beaked Roc Demon immediately started shaking. He did not know where the Green Fire Demon King had received news of the treasure and was furious.

Who had revealed this information to the Green Fire Demon King?

"Demon king, two of my brothers were sacrificed to get this Heavenly Flames Demon Immortal Design Bell. If you want me to just give it up, I'm afraid... ..." Purple Beaked Roc Demon did not dare to be rude to the Green Fire Demon King. He could only lower his head and explain. 

"Who cares about that? Since you have it, take it out. I don't have the time to waste with you!"

Green Fire Demon King kicked hard at the Purple Beaked Roc Demon.

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