Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1572. If The Trick Ain't Broke, Don't Fix

Wu Yu still remained in Underworld Dragon's Den, while Full Moon of Nanshan was already trailing Bloodsucking Scourge all the way back to Fiendish Underworld Metropolis.

This had been a failure for both 10,000 Eyed Taotie and Wu Yu.

Even before Spectral Fire Phoenix had been subdued and information obtained, Diabolical Dragon King had intervened.

This made Wu Yu feel like Primitive Demon King's status was useless indeed.

It was unlikely that a new 6-heavens demon king initiate would get any juicy information. And he had only been an agent of information in the ambush on Spectral Fire Phoenix, but not participated at all.

He was starting to think that the Primitive Demon King's form would be hard to make work. He came back to the same idea from before. If he could just devour Bloodsucking Scourge and move as him, it would definitely be much freer.

Besides, now that Wu Yu had full knowledge on his movements, and knew how eager Bloodsucking Scourge was to get things done, he might be able to maneuver this to a sweet conclusion.

All he needed to do was to do what he had done against Crimson Moon Kunpeng. However, Bloodsucking Scourge was much stronger than Crimson Moon Kunpeng, and so he would have to prepare for a longer time.

Wu Yu continued to bide his time within Underworld Dragon's Den. Soon enough, Bloodsucking Scourge came to him instead, ordering him to lure a 5-heavens demon king out.

Perhaps this Bloodsucking Scourge felt that a 5-heavens demon king in Underworld Dragon's Den would know of Diabolical Dragon King's plans.

What he did not know was that nothing but a 7-heavens demon king would do, if he wanted information on the Ancient Demon Dragon Perpetual Devourer immortal design. At most, he might be able to find out the name.

This was just one part of it. Another part of it was that Wu Yu had just entered Underworld Dragon's Den himself as Primitive Demon King. How could he possibly lure a demon king out?

Diabolical Dragon King was on the warpath now, not allowing any Underworld Dragon's Den demon king out. And after learning that Spectral Fire Phoenix herself had been under 10,000 Eyed Taotie's spell, the demon kings were cowed.

It was impossible for Wu Yu to lure anyone out at this time.

However, Wu Yu did not reject Bloodsucking Scourge. He smelled an opportunity in this.

Since he was so anxious for a result, Wu Yu would turn that against him!

Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi crept far away from Fiendish Underworld Metropolis, headed for a rather remote location. It was full of void chasms, and also the signs of some elite immortal designs. There had probably been a great battle here in the past.

These were excellent conditions for Wu Yu to make his move.

First, he had Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi erect a huge immortal design here. It was the same as he had used against Crimson Moon Kunpeng the previous time - World Discursor immortal design!

And this time he had them spend even more time and effort to prepare the immortal design, making sure it was thoroughly perfect. He had to ensure that not even a 7-heavens demon king like Bloodsucking Scourge could escape from it. There had to be no weak spots.

After this, Full Moon of Nanshan even added an extra 9 Great Illusional Formation on top of it, an illusion immortal design that he was an expert at. Once one fell into it, even a 7-heavens demon king would struggle for a very long time. 

If he wanted to escape, Bloodsucking Scourge would fall into the illusion. Although the illusions might well fall apart if he attacked them, but he would be trapped within the 9 Great Illusional Formation, unable to escape.

With these two immortal designs in place, Wu Yu was reassured, and prepared to make his own move.

He would find out about Diabolical Dragon King and Jiu Ying through the identity of Bloodsucking Scourge!

At this time, many months had passed since the incident with Spectral Fire Phoenix. Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi had also spent a long time ensuring the immortal design was strong.

However, this was a very short time for the demon kings.

As Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi completed the immortal design, Wu Yu finally sent word to Bloodsucking Scourge that he had managed to deceive a 5-heavens demon king called Golden Bee Demon King. He bade Bloodsucking Scourge head to the destination to await him.

Although Full Moon of Nanshan was no longer tailing Bloodsucking Scourge, but Wu Yu knew that he must be in the area.

Wu Yu's message was immediately answered with an immortal message talisman congratulating him on his good work, and instructions for him to bring Golden Bee Demon King to the destination immediately.

Because his information about Spectral Fire Phoenix had been reliabel the last time, Bloodsucking Scourge was inclined to trust Wu Yu's information.

He had even gotten information on a 7-heavens demon king, what more luring a 5-heavens demon king?

Wu Yu had left before Bloodsucking Scourge did, heading secretly to Full Moon of Nanshan and Ye Xixi's location beforehand, preparing to ambush Bloodsucking Scourge.

Wu Yu had not been sitting idle these days. He had already ascertained that Golden Bee Demon King was in seclusion recently, and perhaps on the cusp of a breakthrough to become a 6-heavens demon king. Therefore, he could not possibly leave.

If he stumbled across Bloodsucking Scourge, it would bungle Wu Yu's plans.

Bloodsucking Scourge would definitely hurry to the location that Wu Yu had mentioned. Therefore, Wu Yu, Full Moon of Nanshan, and Ye Xixi all waited within the immortal design for the fight.

One month later!

Wu Yu was finally reunited with them in the immortal design.

"Big brother, this Bloodsucking Scourge is a cunning one. We definitely can't let him escape." Ye Xixi too knew the importance of this fight. If Bloodsucking Scourge was allowed to escape, then all their plans would come to naught.

"But once we succeed, our identities will be upgraded! Hay hay!" Full Moon of Nanshan chuckled gleefully. This was all too exciting to him. To go against 8-heavens demon kings like Diabolical Dragon King, and toy with 10,000 Eyed Taotie.

It would be ideal if the two could be instigated into a fight, and he could just clean up......

Full Moon of Nanshan was ready for battle now. He turned over and said to Ye Xixi: "When the fight starts, our job is to keep Bloodsucking Scourge occupied. The two immortal designs alone might not be able to hold him completely, and needs our contribution."

"Mm. And we'll leave the killing blow to big brother Yu." Ye Xixi said with a winsome smile.

She was a very cute girl indeed. Luckily Full Moon of Nanshan did  not like her type, or he would not have been able to control himself.

"If we can deal with Bloodsucking Scourge, then we will be able to move much more freely after this. With the 10,000 Demons Ancient Lands backing us, we can wreak havoc in Underworld Dragon's Den!"

Wu Yu was already planning ahead.

Because he could not afford to fail this time, he planned to Immolate a portion of his strength. This way, he would be able to face Bloodsucking Scourge with more equanimity, and finish him off quicker, and with less chance of a slip up.

Judging that Bloodsucking Scourge was reaching soon, Wu Yu began to Immolate, rapidly building up his strength.

This was not a major Immolate, but a small-scale one. However, it still took a toll on Wu Yu. After this battle, he did not know if devouring Bloodsucking Scourge would be able to replenish it, but this was too important a battle to be stingy on.

It was nothing like the suicidal Immolate he had employed against Black Yama Demon King previously. This took much less of a toll on his body.

The previous time, he had needed an eternal demon emperor corpse to replenish his strength. This time, perhaps just the Bloodsucking Scourge would do.

Wu Yu could sense the aura of Bloodsucking Scourge draw closer, and the trio readied themselves.

A giant scarlet mosquito charged into their immortal design. The demon king had come over reeking with the smell of blood and his battle will fired up!

Bloodsucking Scourge had assumed that the Golden Bee Demon King which Wu Yu had spoken of was trapped within this immortal design. Therefore, he had immediately come in ready to deal with Golden Bee Demon King.

After all, Wu Yu was merely Primitive Demon King, and it would not be that easy or fitting for him to take down Golden Bee Demon King.

However, he was surprised when he entered. The scene before him was completely different from what he imagined. Golden Bee Demon King was nowhere in sight, and there were only three Great Void Demon Immortal Realm cultivators before him.

What was this?

In any case, Bloodsucking Scourge sensed that something was off.

He had survived until such a high cultivation realm because of his acute sensitivity to danger. Even if these three looked harmless enough, he sensed danger.

Therefore, Bloodsucking Scourge immediately turned to flee.

He had not yet passed on the information to 10,000 Eyed Taotie. If he died here, then 10,000 Eyed Taotie would not even be able to find out what happened!

After all, these three guys were complete strangers to him. Bloodsucking Scourge could not tell where they had come from.

His first thought was that another faction had also discovered that something was going on at Underworld Dragon's Den, and had been snarled up in this.

As he flew, the air around him rippled.

He was trying to leave, but could not. The World Discursor immortal design and 9 Great Illusional Formation activated simultaneously, the immortal design power trapping him within!

Bloodsucking Scourge had even stumbled into the 9 Great Illusional Formation and triggered it. He was currently in an illusion world.

This was the perfect time for them to strike!

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