Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1578. The Battle Between The 8-heavens Demon Kings

Diabolical Dragon King had ambushed them and trapped the 10,000 Eyed Taotie. This mini Ancient Demon Dragon Perpetual Devourer immortal design was instantly activated. Countless black dragon shadows rose up and black fog spread out, covering the 10,000 Eyed Taotie and trapping him within.

This ambush enraged the 10,000 Eyed Taotie. He had trusted the Diabolical Dragon King and thought that they were going to see his treasure and decide on how to split the treasure. In the end, the other party ambushed him. How could he remain calm?

At the instant the Ancient Demon Dragon Perpetual Devourer immortal design activated, a thunderous roar erupted from within and the 10,000 Eyed Taotie's terrifying mystique and heavenly rule exploded simultaneously. He was trying to escape from the Ancient Demon Dragon Perpetual Devourer immortal design.

Wu Yu was also shocked by the trap and froze in his steps at the first instant. It was lucky that he had intentionally maintained a safe distance from the 10,000 Eyed Taotie. Otherwise, he would also be trapped inside the Ancient Demon Dragon Perpetual Devourer immortal design.

Hence, Wu Yu was now outside the immortal design. With one look, he could tell that this was the simplified version of the powerful immortal design that the Diabolical Dragon King had asked all the other demon kings in the Underworld Dragon's Den to set up previously.

While this was only a simplified version, the power of the Ancient Demon Dragon Perpetual Devourer immortal design was exhibited thoroughly. It could actually trap the 10,000 Eyed Taotie well. Regardless of the moves and mystiques that he used, he failed to break free from the immortal design.

Wu Yu had a bad feeling about this. After all, this looked like a mere simplified version of the Ancient Demon Dragon Perpetual Devourer immortal design. However, it successfully ensnared the 10,000 Eyed Taotie who was a 8-heavens demon king. This proved much about the power of the full version of the Ancient Demon Dragon Perpetual Devourer immortal design that the Diabolical Dragon King had asked his demon kings to set up over the entire Underworld Dragon's Den.

"Just based on the range of the bigger Ancient Demon Dragon Perpetual Devourer immortal design, it seems like it is not meant to trap a 8-heavens demon king. Rather, it is meant to trap an eternal demon emperor." Wu Yu realised. However, due to the sudden change, he did not have the luxury of time to analyse further.

He was now in the form of the Bloodsucking Scourge. When 10,000 Eyed Taotie was trapped, he could only use some heavenly rule and mystique to hide himself. He also ran away from the Diabolical Dragon Palace.

He was not the Diabolical Dragon King's subordinate. Now that the 10,000 Eyed Taotie was trapped inside an immortal design and roaring furiously, the Diabolical Dragon King might order his subordinates to fight the Bloodsucking Scourge together.

Perhaps, this was his true intentions in the first place. However, he saw that the Bloodsucking Scourge actually escaped at the first sign of trouble and disappeared from his sight, the Diabolical Dragon King grunted unhappily. He had just trapped the 10,000 Eyed Taotie and as long as there was someone handling the Ancient Demon Dragon Perpetual Devourer immortal design, 10,000 Eyed Taotie could never escape. This was the perfect opportunity to kill the Bloodsucking Scourge.

It was a pity that the Bloodsucking Scourge was too alert and had escaped directly and hid.

Actually, he had wanted to trap the Bloodsucking Scourge as well inside the immortal design. It was a waste that the Bloodsucking Scourge was too far away and he missed the perfect opportunity. Besides, it would be too suspicious if he had suggested for the Bloodsucking Scourge to come closer. Then the 10,000 Eyed Taotie would have sensed that something was amiss and be more cautious.

Anyway, a mere Bloodsucking Scourge was not much a worry for the Diabolical Dragon King. Without the 10,000 Eyed Taotie, he was nothing.

The eyes on the the Diabolical Dragon King's nine dragon heads gleaned in a frightening glow and stared intently at the 10,000 Eyed Taotie who was trapped inside the immortal design. This was his rival and yet he dreamt of sharing the treasure with him. What a fool!

As long as he got rid of this eyesore, the 10,000 Eyed Taotie, then his plan was one step closer to success.

"You guys, control this immortal design. Do not let that old fool Taotie escape. The three of you, come with me to slay this foolish Taotie!"

The Diabolical Dragon King finally revealed his true face. He no longer needed to pretend to be courteous. His killing intent flooded out immediately.

As the 10,000 Eyed Taotie roared furiously, the Diabolical Dragon King, together with Spectral Fire Phoenix, Nightmare Ink Qilin and Darkstrife Beast, entered the Ancient Demon Dragon Perpetual Devourer immortal design and began their preparations to kill the 10,000 Eyed Taotie.

This mini Ancient Demon Dragon Perpetual Devourer immortal design located near the Diabolical Dragon Palace was set up by the Diabolical Dragon King himself. At this moment, he called out all the other demon kings in the Underworld Dragon's Den. The 5-heavens demon kings and 6-heavens demon kings all appeared together, surrounded the whole immortal design and controlled it.

There were a total of 30 to 40 demon kings who controlled this immortal design together. Even if they were only 5-heavens demon kings and 6-heavens demon kings, the 10,000 Eyed Taotie would not be able to escape.

After being trapped in the immortal design, the 10,000 Eyed Taotie became fiercer.

"You nine-headed old fool of a dragon, what kind of treasure have you got that made you want to kill me, hahaha!"

The 10,000 Eyed Taotie was in an extremely crazy state now. He thought that the Diabolical Dragon King must have gotten his hands on a very wonderful treasure that made him decided to kill him. One must know that if the two 8-heavens demon kings fought each other, the victorious would only win by a narrow margin and emerge from the battle with much injuries.

It was also because of this reason that they had never really fought each other in the past, even if there had been many conflicts between them.

Now the Diabolical Dragon King did not even hesitate to kill him, so he felt that something was amiss. Perhaps the Diabolical Dragon King had really gotten his hands on some treasure related to the eternal demon emperor.

"I'll tell you the truth when you go to hell!" Of course, the Diabolical Dragon King would not answer the 10,000 Eyed Taotie's question. Now his nine dragon heads were full of ferocity and coldness. All his thoughts were on eliminating the 10,000 Eyed Taotie.

Soon after, the Diabolical Dragon King and the other three 7-heavens demon kings attacked the 10,000 Eyed Taotie together in the immortal design!

Wu Yu transformed into the Bloodsucking Scourge and hid. He watched coldly from the sidelines.

To him, whether the Diabolical Dragon King or the 10,000 Eyed Taotie survived or died, both had nothing to do with him. But now, the 10,000 Eyed Taotie was undoubtedly at a disadvantage. He was trapped in the Ancient Demon Dragon Perpetual Devourer immortal design alone, and facing the Diabolical Dragon King and  three 7-heavens demon kings at the same time. In such a situation, he would definitely be defeated in the end.

If that happened, Wu Yu's identity as the Bloodsucking Scourge would not have much use anymore. When he wanted to rescue Jiu Ying, he would not have any strong support as well.

"I can't let the 10,000 Eyed Taotie be killed, and I must find out what the Diabolical Dragon King is planning to do!"

Wu Yu kept thinking and he put his target once again on the Diabolical Dragon King's subordinates, the three 7-heavens demon kings. The three demon kings would know the Diabolical Dragon King's plans as they were his confidants.

From how the Diabolical Dragon King had previously appeared at the Xingyan Volcano in order to save the Spectral Fire Phoenix using all means, Wu Yu believed that the Spectral Fire Phoenix definitely knew some of the Diabolical Dragon King's secrets.

However, Wu Yu's target now was not the Spectral Fire Phoenix, but the Darkstrife Beast, whom had been severely injured by him previously. It was impossible for the Darkstrife Beast to recover completely within such a short period of time. As they battled the 10,000 Eyed Taotie, it was also obvious that the Darkstrife Beast was acting as a support. He only used his mystique and heavenly rule occasionally to harass and distract the Taotie Demon King with not much effect.

This made Wu Yu set his eyes on the Darkstrife Beast again.

Originally, he hid outside the immortal design as the Bloodsucking Scourge. However, if he continued to hide, he would lose the chance to save Jiu Ying.

Hence, he had two goals now. The first was to devour one of the 7-heavens demon king and find out what the Diabolical Dragon King was secretly plotting and secondly, to save the 10,000 Eyed Taotie.

Wu Yu's identity would definitely be exposed once he reached these two goals. The 10,000 Eyed Taotie would definitely know that he was no longer his subordinate, the original Bloodsucking Scourge.

But Wu Yu did not care about that. He believed that the attraction of the Diabolical Dragon King's treasure would be more important to the 10,000 Eyed Taotie than a subordinate like the Bloodsucking Scourge.

No matter how valuable the Bloodsucking Scourge had been, he was just a subordinate. Whereas the Diabolical Dragon King's treasure would allow the 10,000 Eyed Taotie to glimpse into the eternal demon emperor's realm!

Now Wu Yu was sure that the Diabolical Dragon King was plotting something to do with the eternal demon emperor. Otherwise, there was really no need for him to take such drastic measures.

In that case, there was no doubt that the 10,000 Eyed Taotie would have no choice but to cooperate with Wu Yu. Now Wu Yu had nothing else left to worry.

"Now the Diabolical Dragon King is attacking the 10,000 Eyed Taotie while the 7-heavens demon kings are in charge of suppressing and limiting his movements. Once the 10,000 Eyed Taotie attempts to escape from the immortal design, they will harass and prevent him from getting the opportunity to breakthrough the immortal design."

Wu Yu observed the situation inside the immortal design and prepared to attack. His target was the 7-heavens demon king Darkstrife Beast inside the immortal design. The 5-heavens demon kings and 6-heavens demon kings outside were nothing to worry about.

Wu Yu could not kill all these 5-heavens demon kings and 6-heavens demon kings within a short period of time, just killing one or two was easy but their deaths would change nothing. It would just be a waste of his time and effort.

Hence, Wu Yu set his eyes on the Darkstrife Beast!

While the Ancient Demon Dragon Perpetual Devourer immortal design could prevent the 10,000 Eyed Taotie from escaping, it could not stop Wu Yu from entering it.

Countless black dragon shadows soared inside the immortal design and attacked the 10,000 Eyed Taotie relentlessly, causing him trouble. At the same time, whenever the 10,000 Eyed Taotie attempted to escape, he would be attacked by the countless black dragon shadows and remain trapped.

However, there was nothing to stop Wu Yu from stepping into the immortal design.

Wu Yu appeared in a flash among the shadows and transformed into a streak of blood-red, using the speed from the Blood Evasion heavenly rule and pierced through the Ancient Demon Dragon Perpetual Devourer immortal design, entering it.

While this Blood Evasion heavenly rule could not break the immortal design, it had high speed and in that instant, Wu Yu was able to breakthrough the shadows outside and enter the immortal design. He appeared behind the Darkstrife Beast.

No one had expected the Bloodsucking Scourge to return at this crucial juncture. It was obvious that the 10,000 Eyed Taotie was now the underdog. Wasn't the Bloodsucking Scourge just courting death by returning?

The Darkstrife Beast was momentarily stunned but reacted quickly. His three tortoise heads cackled wickedly: "Bloodsucking Scourge, you had the chance to escape yet you walk willingly into a death trap. This is the Ancient Demon Dragon Perpetual Devourer immortal design. Are you here to die?"

He was not afraid and roared with laughter.

To him, once the Bloodsucking Scourge stepped into this immortal design, he would not be able to withstand the attacks of the black dragon shadows and was doomed.

It was a pity that he did not know that this Bloodsucking Scourge was the Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast that had previously heavily injured him!

This was Wu Yu’s chance.

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