Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1599. Opening of the Emperor Tomb

Through his sparring with Wu Jun, Wu Yu had proven he could now face a 9-heavens immortal king or a 9-heavens demon king.

"And now I have the capital to contend with the five demonic emperors." Wu Yu finally felt more assured. Moving forward, it would be almost impossible to improve further. Therefore, he made up his mind to meet the five demonic emperors to discuss cooperation.

Both parties definitely wouldn't give up on the Eternal Emperor Tomb. If Wu Yu wanted to be involved, he would have to cooperate with the other party.

There were five of them. Wu Yu and Wu Jun together still weren't a match for now. Fortunately, the key to opening the Eternal Emperor Tomb was still with Wu Yu. Before the bronze gates were opened, the other party wouldn't ack recklessly.

"Even if they agreed to a cooperation, they might strike the moment the bronze gates are opened. We have to be careful," reminded Wu Jun.

"I understand."

Wu Yu nodded.

After, Wu Jun and Wu Yu, who had vanished for 30,000 years, showed up before the five demonic emperors openly.

At this time, the five demonic emperors were riled up. They had almost lost all confidence and hope in opening the bronze gates by themselves.

Now, they were spending most of their efforts on finding Wu Yu and Wu Jun. Unfortunately, even though they had mobilized the entire Demon Immortal Realm, they couldn't find anything. Now that Wu Yu and Wu Jun had shown up abruptly, they became exhilarated immediately.

However, they exchanged glances and didn't dare to make any reckless moves.

This was because to this point, they still couldn't decipher how Wu Yu had escaped from their encirclement previously. Therefore, if Wu Yu was to escape again, they might never be able to open the bronze gates.

With the five demonic emperors leading the way, over a dozen 8-heavens demon kings, who were all subordinates of the five empires, moved forward to meet Wu Yu and Wu Jun.

"Immortals, we have been waiting for you. Too long in fact."

Perpetual Demonic Emperor was the first to speak. The green leaves from the true form of Perpetual World Tree covered the sky. Although he spoke rather slowly, it was solemn and signified contempt.

He was a demon that evolved from a plant after all and his personality wouldn't be as explosive as other immortals or demon beasts. Nonetheless, the main factor was because he had been around for too long. This resulted in his indifferent attitude with few matters that could bestir his interests.

Even though he was at the doorstep of uncovering the secrets of the Eternal Emperor Tomb, he could still hold himself well.

"We are here to discuss the terms. I'm guessing you guys would like to enter the Eternal Emperor Tomb, right?"

Wu Yu didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point. "I can give it a try to see if the Eternal Emperor Tomb would open. Obviously, I have a certain level of confidence. My condition is that once the bronze gates are opened, not a single other demon king other than the five of you can enter it!"

He knew the bottomline for the five demonic emperors was for all of them to enter it.Otherwise, they definitely wouldn't agree.

None of them would agree if they were excluded. In the end, the only outcome would be a total failure for the negotiations.

Therefore, he requested not to let any other demon kings enter. In that case, the pressure Wu Yu and Wu Jun had to face in the Eternal Emperor Tomb would also be lighter. Although they were still in danger of being besieged, Wu Yu now had the confidence after his recent increased in strength and knowing he still had Somersault Cloud to rely on.

This condition seemed to have exceeded the expectations of the five demonic emperors.

Dignified Lava Beast was to first to voice his objection. "This condition is too stringent. We have so many subordinates that have worked hard for us for so long. It's impossible that we aren't even letting them get a share at all! At the very least, you have to give us additional slots. Otherwise, the entire Demon Immortal Realm wouldn't agree to it!"

Although his demands seemed overbearing, he was just fighting for opportunities for his subordinates.

If entering the bronze gates would allow them to reach the cultivation realm of eternal demon emperors, the distribution of power in the Demon Immortal Realm after they exit would also reshuffle. At that time, the strength of their subordinates would be crucial.

Unfortunately, Wu Yu wasn't going to budge an inch. He shook his head and answered, "This wouldn't do. You guys can discuss but no one other than the five of you are allowed to enter. Otherwise, I'll leave immediately and talks of our cooperation would end here. I would just like to remind you that it's not a must for me to enter."

This was Wu Yu's trump card.

He held the key and the other party was more eager to enter the Eternal Emperor Tomb. In the negotiation, he had the absolute upper hand.

The five demonic emperors weren't pleased at all to be threatened by a junior.

However, they had no other solutions. If they wanted to enter the Eternal Emperor Tomb, they would have to listen to Wu Yu.

Therefore, they could only reply, "Immortals, please give us some time. We will need to have a quick discussion."

Wu Yu asked them to hurry up. The five demonic emperors led mumerous demon kings back into the great void immortal designs around the bronze gates to discuss in private.

While they conversed within the immortal designs, Wu Yu wouldn't be able to hear them. Wu Jun and Full Moon of Nanshan would have no opportunities to eavesdrop as well.

Nonetheless, Wu Yu believed they would likely tell the 8-heavens demon kings to tolerate the situation for now. Once the bronze gates were opened, they would definitely make a move on Wu Yu and Wu Jun. When the time came, they wouldn't have to do as Wu Yu and Wu Jun's said.

Wu Yu couldn't do anything about this.

He just wanted an opportunity to open the bronze gates. Therefore, as long as the other party provided the opportunity, he would just act accordingly after the bronze gates were opened.

After seven days and seven nights, the five demonic emperors reappeared.

Unending Demonic Emperor, Olden Demonic Emperorm, Perpetual Demonic Emperor, Dignified Demonic Emperor and Celestial Demonic Emperor transformed into their human form, seemingly as an indication of their respect and sincerity to the immortals.

"We agree to your condition. Other than the five of us, other demon kings are not allowed to enter the Eternal Emperor Tomb. Those who go against our words would be killed without mercy!"

Celestial Demonic Emperor shouted indifferently. When the words "killed without mercy" were made, the killing intention was especially apparent. It would appear the outcome of their discussion had successfully suppressed the 8-heavens demon king and forbidded them from entering.

Regardless if they were for real or were just acting, Wu Yu didn't care.

He nodded and said, "Let us start then."

Other than the five demonic emperors, all the other demon kings, including the 8-heavens demon king, were all chased away from the vicinity of the bronze gates. They were forbidded from approaching the immortal designs surrounding the bronze gates.

With the five demonic emperors supervising personally, these demon kings weren't going to take the risks. The thousand-odd demon kings that were initially here to help open the gates were now asked to get lost after wasting 30,000 years.

They definitely wouldn't be pleased with the outcome. In fact, one could easily sense the grievances that the thousand-odd demon kings were emanating.

Unfortunately, before the powerful five demonic emperors, they didn't dare to vent their frustrations despite nursing it. Whoever dared to speak up now would definitely be executed as warning to others.

After, the five demonic emperors followed Wu Yu and Wu Jun into the immortal designs and towards the bronze gates.

During this period, Wu Yu and Wu Jun kept their vigilance at all times. After all, they were now in the territories of the other party and were surrounded by immortal designs put up by them. Once the other party showed any signs of ill-intention movements, Wu Yu would bring Wu Jun and escaped immediately.

Fortunately, the five demonic emperors in their human forms had been well-behaved. Moreover, they kept a distance, seemingly wanting to reassure Wu Yu and Wu Jun.

As they got closer and closer to the bronze gates, the aura of the Eternal Emperor Tomb pounced towards them. Although the gates had ancient vibes, age had not left any sign on the bronze gates. The gates had a natural anicent beauty that would shock anyone.

The words "The Eternal Emperor Tomb. No Living Being Allowed" would send chills down anyone's spine.

"You may begin. We won't approach you."

The five demonic emperors stood a distance away from the bronze gates and said sincerely to Wu Yu.

At least on the surface, they had been behaving well. At this distance, Wu Yu didn't have to worry about them taking sudden actions. If there was any trap, he could also escape with his quickest speed.

Soon, he was standing right before the bronze gates.

He started by observing the bronze gates carefully. He waited for a full day and night to wear down the patience of the five demonic emperors slightly.

As time passed, it would be harder for them to determine when exactly Wu Yu would make a move. At the same time, they couldn't be rushing Wu Yu and he could just take his time. When the next night arrived, Wu Yu gave a silent reminder to Wu Jun to prepare to move soon.

He retrieved the two mini bronze gates pendants and placed them into the dents on the two sides of the gates. They fitted perfectly.

As the mini bronze gates pendants were placed in the dents, the entire bronze gates to the Eternal Emperor Tomb started shaking and opening gradually. A dense ancient aura leaked out from within the door. Wu Yu took the brunt of it and almost suffocated by the fluish of ancient aura.

"It's opening!"

Wu Jun and the five demonic emperors were exceptional excited and agitated.

However, after delaying for a day and night and opening the gates and when the five demonic emperors were getting restless, their reactions were a tad slower.


Just as the five demonic emperors were about to strike, Wu Yu and Wu Jun were even quicker to move. When a small opening between the gates were opened, they dived into it swiftly!

Once Wu Yu entered, the two mini bronze gate pendants were back into his hands.

Shortly after, the bronze gates started to close!

The five demonic emperors were just about to take actions when Wu Yu and Wu Jun vanished. They darted forward immediately and managed to scape into the Eternal Emperor Tomb before the bronze gates were shut completely.

Initially, their plan after discussion with the 8-heavens demon kings were to wait for the gates to open. Once that happened, they would try to capture Wu Yu and Wu Jun. In the worst scenario, they would still have chasen Wu Yu and Wu Jun away.

When the time came, the other demon kings would be free to enter as they wished!

However, they had never expected Wu Yu to keep away the key to the bronze gates once he entered. Moreover, the bronze gates were also closing!

After the gates were closed, the gates even vanished completely before their eyes.

When the faraway 8-heavens demon king finally got closer, the space that spanned roughly 10 zhang had quieted down completely. Only traces of ancient aura were evidence of what had happened here.

At that moment, numerous 8-heavens demon kings and 7-heavens demon kings began growling. They were indignant! A great opportunity that might even propel them to become eternal demon emperors had just slipped away before their eyes!

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