Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 915: The Old Demon's Anger

Wu Yu did not deal with the young demons; otherwise, not a single one would have made it out alive.

Soon, the little demons were hollering and wailing as they fled to the deep corners of the sea.

Before, Wu Yu, the Greener Pastures Company's warship had finally stabilized. Without any more attackers, the Defensive Spirit Designs, on the verge of collapse, flickered out. A bunch of Yan Huang Tribe members were standing on it, numbly staring at Wu Yu and their surroundings. After ascertaining that Wu Yu had killed their enemy, they broke out into delirious joy.

"Many thanks to our savior!"

Led by an elder, they all fell on their knees on the ship, thanking Wu Yu.

If Wu Yu had not come, they would have fallen to the clutches of the demons. That would have been a tragedy.

Therefore, they owed him thanks.

"Kingmaker Le! It's Kingmaker Le!" From the crowd, a fresh-faced youth had recognized Wu Yu, and his face was rapt with emotion, tears almost spilling forth.

"Kingmaker Le, I saw you in the Immortal's Capital, during your appointment ceremony. I was in the Immortal's Capital then," the youth said with emotion.

Hearing that it was the famous Kingmaker Le, the others were equally moved, and hurried to offer their thanks anew for his rescue.

"Kingmaker Le, I am called Qing Ye." The youth introduced himself. He was probably the young master of the Greener Pastures Company [1].

"Quick, quick, take the God's Way Pills out," Qing Ye ordered the elder beside him.

Wu Yu waved it off. "No need. It was no hardship on my part." Besides, it was just 30 God's Way Pills, and he was not mad for them. He had not saved them for these 30 God's Way Pills.

He said, "I've helped you solve the problem, but I can't continue to protect you from here on. Whether you press on or return back to Yan Huang for reinforcements - that's up to you. I have business, and will take my leave first."

Hearing this, Qing Ye hurriedly said, "Kingmaker Le, we were ambushed by the Yin Yang Snake, which we were completely unprepared for. Such a development makes it impossible for us to continue. We will hasten back. Kingmaker Le, please rest assured that our Greener Pastures Company's assistance has already departed, and will link up with us soon. We were careless this time. We never expected the Old Yin Yang Demon to appear here."

So that two-headed sea snake's real name was the Yin Yang Snake.

It sounded like a mutated demon with extraordinary talent.

"That's right!" A hint of terror appeared on Qing Ye's face. He hurriedly added, "Kingmaker, the Old Yin Yang Demon is a third tier Dao Querying Realm demon. He roams the sea region between the Nanyin Demon Continent and Yan Huang, and specializes in killing people and robbing them! There are also dozens of Dao Querying Realm demons who follow him. That old demon is one of the tyrants of the Yan Huang sea region, and even the Nanyin Army of Yan Huang can't do anything about him. You killed his son, the Old Yin Yang Demon's only son! I pray that Kingmaker Le sees the gravity of this situation and turns back to Yan Huang!"

"That's right! Kingmaker Le, please do not treat the Yin Yang Snake's death lightly. We forgot it in our wild happiness just now. Kingmaker Le, flee with us!" The elder beside Qing Ye urged him as well.

News of the Yin Yang Snake's death must have reached the ears of the Old Yin Yang Demon by now.

The first time Wu Yu interceded, he had already knocked on the door of a troublesome figure. Obviously, the Old Yin Yang Demon would come looking for revenge.

A third tier Dao Querying demon was definitely a difficult character to deal with. Perhaps all of Wu Yu's forces combined would not be able to deal with him. More, he had dozens of adult demons and old demons with him!

This was the sea region, their territory!

After some thought, Wu Yu made his decision. "You had better leave quickly. Our warship has quite a few experts, so the Old Yin Yang Demon would die if he came. If there are pursuers, we will draw them away. You must leave, and quickly."

"But Kingmaker...." Qing Ye was still a little apprehensive. After all, the Old Yin Yang Demon was no one to be trifled with. He was a little worried about Wu Yu.

"Leave quickly." Wu Yu tapped him on the head. If the Old Yin Yang Demon was nearby, they would soon be unable to leave. Wu Yu could not bring this bunch of old and feeble invalids to the Nanyin Demon Continent. The best he could do was draw the pursuit away.

"Alright...." Qing Ye finally nodded. After all, it was an order from Wu Yu. At his side, the other old people were already very anxious. After giving Wu Yu their thanks, they hurriedly boarded their warship and fled towards the direction of Yan Huang.

"Kingmaker, take care of yourself!"

As they left, Qing Ye's face was still full of worry.

Wu Yu's real body was still on the Hidden Immortal, and the Full Moon of Nanshan grumbled glumly, "Good deeds always get rewarded with damned trouble." 

"My deeds follow my heart. Any opinions?" Wu Yu looked at him.

"None at all, haha. You're right. Otherwise, how could you overtake me step by step before my very eyes? Your dao has merits worth learning from."

The Full Moon of Nanshan had said this with a cheeky face, but these were his sincere thoughts. Although his dao was different from Wu Yu's, he still acknowledged Wu Yu.

Just at this moment, the waters churned deep in the east side of the sea, and the waves curled up to the clouds. A beast as huge as a mountain seemed to loom out of the sea, and a thunderous voice boomed out!

"Which manner of scum dares to kill my son?! Whether you run to the ends of the heavens or the earth, I will see you dead, and your body shredded into a thousand pieces! Little ones, catch the killer!"

This was the Old Yin Yang Demon.

He was probably beyond furious at hearing this news.

He had tens of thousands of demons at his beck and call, and many were elites that spanned throughout the sea region. Even the ordinary fish and prawns at the bottom of the sea were under his purview, and even the seaweed itself could become demons. Right now, he was setting up the ultimate trap to catch Wu Yu and the others.

Wu Yu was not at all worried about his own speed, but he had to be more cautious with two others with him. But firstly, he still had to ensure that Qing Ye and the others escaped safely, or his rescue would not be complete.

"Let out some sound of escape so they know we're heading in the Nanyin Demon Continent's direction. But don’t be too obvious, or they'll know I'm drawing them away," Wu Yu commanded the Full Moon of Nanshan.

"Got it. Thrilling adventure, here we come!" The Full Moon of Nanshan was not at all scared of trouble. On the contrary, he found it exhilarating, and he controlled the Hidden Immortal to purposefully drop some of his concealment spirit designs to an ordinary advanced dao treasure level, roughly the same as the Heaven's Dome or Battle Deity's. This way, the Old Yin Yang Demon would probably be able to vaguely sense they were headed for the Nanyin Demon Continent!

Wu Yu stood at the tail of the boat and surveyed the sea behind him. He could see many demons moving, swarming towards the previous scene of fighting. He did not know whether Qing Ye and the others had made it out. It was up to fate.

"A little more noise."

"Aite, Bap'n!"

The Full Moon of Nanshan throttled the acceleration spirit designs and lowered some of the concealment ones. This notched up their speed, and they could hear the demons crying,

"That way!"

"Towards the Nanyin Demon Continent!"

"The culprit is here!" 

"The one headed for Yan Huang is the merchant vessel that the little king was attacking. Only invalids there!"

Hearing that, Wu Yu knew that the main force of the Old Yin Yang Demon would come chasing him. As for Qing Ye, he would only be followed a certain distance. But their own people were coming, and more would probably go to their rescue along the way, so they stood a good chance of leaving safely.

It was rather unlucky to have encountered the Old Yin Yang Demon in such a wide patch of sea.

"We don't care who you are! You're dead! This is my domain! Just see if you can escape me!"

Wu Yu heard the Old Yin Yang Demon's voice from behind. He was even closer than before, and Wu Yu judged that he had heard the news from the other demons and was aware of the direction that Wu Yu was headed in. He was chasing them, and this meant that Wu Yu's plan to draw heat had succeeded.

For the sake of feeling good, he had crossed such a demon. But Wu Yu did not regret this at all. To him, cultivation was a risk, and he had been through all too many risks. He was not afraid of this one!

One could feel that the Old Yin Yang Demon and his demons were closing the distance!

From behind him, the stormy seas and raging winds seemed to join, and black gusts of wind and rain swept towards them. Behind this tempest, there were gigantic beasts that came loping after Wu Yu.

Closer and closer!

This proved that the demons were capable of great speed in water. They were almost on par with the Hidden Immortal under the Full Moon of Nanshan's control!

In just 15 minutes, Wu Yu had basically passed that patch of water. He saw that the being closest to him was a huge snake 10 times the size of the Yin Yang Snake from before. It probably had two snake heads as well, one black and one white, one yin and one yang. The voice was a composition of a male and female voice.

"This demon sucks. Bisexual and reproduces with itself. Where's the fun in that?" The Full Moon of Nanshan chortled, completely sanguine about laughing at a demon stronger than himself.

"Hey, you there. Does it feel good to do yourself?" From within the Hidden Immortal, the Full Moon of Nanshan's voice came floating out.

"Die! Scum! You're actually a demon!" The Old Yin Yang Demon guessed the Full Moon of Nanshan's identity from his voice alone. That, too, was a skill.

The Old Yin Yang Demon was about to catch them.

Behind him, tens of thousands of demons were in pursuit. The entire sea was churning with them - a grant sight!

1. TN: Qing Ye literally means green field

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