The gray boulder stands up like a mountain.

At the foot of the boulder.

It is an equally majestic giant city·Dark Gray City!


Dark Gray City, Pokémon Center.

Lin Bei stood quietly by the gate of the Pokémon Center.

Who seems to be waiting for...

One minute, two minutes.

at last……

Jiang Ruxue, in ragged clothes, and the Sparrow King with the same gray-headed face, limped over.

"finally reached!"

Jiang Ruxue was in tears.

He fell into Lin Bei's arms like collapse.

A pretty face is full of fatigue that cannot be hidden.

See this...

Everyone in the Pokémon Center cast curious eyes.

"Mr. Lin!"

Jiang Ruxue looked at Lin Bei deeply and weakly and bitterly: "You almost tossed me to death last night."


The crowd onlookers cheered excitedly.

All of them opened their eyes wide and pricked their ears.

Try to hear more details!


Lin Bei's face hurts.

What Jiang Ruxue said.

It is too easy to be misunderstood!

He was last night.

Just take the first step and come to the dark gray market.

Want to take the opportunity.

Exercise Jiang Ruxue's ability to travel alone.


For safety reasons.

He also left the Sparrow King.

It stands to reason.

There won't be too much danger!

How to say.

They were only separated for one night.

Is it such an exaggeration?


There was silence for a while.

Jiang Ruxue looked resentful: "Mr. Lin, did you drug me last night?"


The people who eat melon are more excited.

Rosa, a female police officer on patrol with a Katy dog.

Also be vigilant!

The gaze looking at Lin Bei also became sharp.

"Hey, can you speak clearly?"

Lin Bei was dumbfounded and opened his hands: "I just sprinkled a little insect-catching perfume on you yesterday."

Insects perfume is as the name suggests.

Just the opposite of the effect of insect repellent spray.

Can attract rare Pokémon.

He did it.

I also want to exercise Jiang Ruxue's strength more.

after all……

Jiang Ruxue wanted to be a real trainer.

Not his Lin Bei's follower!

But the problem is...

"Mr. Lin, do you know."

"How many times did I fight last night?"

Jiang Ruxue burst into tears.

He buried his head deeply.

A pitiful look that can't bear to look back.


this time……

The people who eat melon don't cheer anymore.


This is too much!

You talk about it.

Such a good Chinese cabbage, you can arch it, the big guys will also watch the excitement.

Just prescribe the medicine.

As long as you love me, it is also a kind of fun.


Your TM's self does not arch.

It would be too much to let "them" arch! ?

A pretty face of Officer Junsha.

What's more, it has long since become the bottom of the pot.

In the dark gray city she manages.

Never allow it.

There are criminals who are inferior to birds and beasts!

"Lin Bei, right?"

Officer Junsha took out the pistol directly from his pocket: "Please come with us!"

Lin Bei: "..."


It was hard to explain clearly.

The sky is getting down too late!

"Mr. Lin."

Jiang Ruxue looked apologetic.

She didn't expect it.

The few words she said casually caused Lin Bei to be misunderstood, and he was almost taken to prison.

"Forget it, it's okay!"

Lin Bei shook his head and said it was nothing.

It is not the first time he has been misunderstood.

He has never cared much about the opinions of others.

"What's the matter, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Lin Bei could also see it.

Jiang Ruxue's body has reached its limit.


Jiang Ruxue nodded and closed the door.

Lin Bei also turned around.

Walked to his room.


With Lin Bei and Jiang Ruxue leaving.

The Pokémon Center returned to its usual calm.


"Mr. Lin, it really is an lsp!"

Juzi, who followed all the way, nodded clearly.

Just now.

She has been eating melons from a crowd.

And in the mouth of Officer Junsha in Dark Gray City.

Understand what just happened.


Startled in a cold sweat.

"You mean, Mr. Lin quarreled with that Jiang Ruxue?"

Juzi's eyes widened in horror.

"It doesn't count."

Junsha looked weird.

She did not understand.

As the Four Heavenly Kings of Juzi, why would he care so much about a "perverted" suspect.


Juzi's identity lies here.

What to say.

She would still tell Juzi one to five to ten.

"Anyway, it's like a cold war!"

after all……

If it is a couple.

Why do Lin Bei and Jiang Ruxue sleep in two rooms?


The two of them are arguing!

And Junsha can even pat her chest to guarantee.


The atmosphere between Lin Bei and Jiang Ruxue was very cold.

Not like a couple at all!

In this way...

It could only be a quarrel!

Jun Sha's analysis is well-founded.

Sweating Juzi scared.

According to her "lsp" theory.

If Lin Bei really broke up with Jiang Ruxue.

An angry.

What should I do if I kill half of the levels?

Think before and after.

"Junsha, I have a difficult task."

"I will leave it to you!"

Juzi looked serious.


Junsha was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately straightened her chest, her body trembling slightly.


Lord Chrysanthemum is one of the four heavenly kings.

Never will.

I came here to inquire about such boring gossip!

She must have other important tasks.

To save the world.


In movies and TV series, aren't they all shot like this?

And she.

It was the one who was ordered in danger.

In a critical moment, the hero who saves the world.


Blood is on the top.

With a "pop", Junsha saluted straightly: "Dark Gray City Police Officer Junsha, willing to dedicate her life to the people."


Juzi was moved and wanted to applaud: "It's great that you can have this kind of consciousness!"


Junsha looked righteous and shouted: "Junsha has the consciousness to sacrifice everything."

"Master Juzi, please give instructions!"


Juzi grinned slightly awkwardly: "If this is the case, then I have instructed it?"

"Please advise!"

Junsha held her head high.

There is quite an aura of not hitting the south wall and not looking back.

"it is good!"

While applauding, Juzi shouted loudly: "Then I will send you to knock on Mr. Lin's door now."


Junsha nodded secretly.

She had already seen something wrong with Lin Bei.

"and then?"

"What should I do next?"

Junsha pulled out her gun with excitement: "Did I shoot him directly, or control him?"

Juzi looked surprised.

She did not understand.

Why does Junsha have this idea.

Is it good to be alive?


Juzi shook his head decisively: "Neither."

Jun Sha was taken aback.

Neither kill nor control.

Then what is she going to do when she breaks through the door?


Chrysanthemum pondered for a while, then looked at it again, Junsha in a police uniform was uneven.

"Although it is too conservative, but the uniform is also good..."


Junsha's head was a little dizzy.

She didn't know what Juzi was talking about.

at last……

Juzi made up her mind.

"Okay, that's it, you don't need to change clothes anymore."

Juzi nodded with satisfaction:

"Wait, after you enter the door, use your most feminine side to try to seduce Mr. Lin."


Jun Sha was stunned.

After a while, he barely recovered.

"You, what do you mean? Go, go hook..."

The rest.

Junsha was shy and couldn't tell.


Juzi nodded calmly:

"It's just to seduce and lure!"

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