Heavens Gift Pack: Start with One Punch Man

Chapter 625: The real world of Pokémon

Pick up the warm baby ball.

Lin Bei couldn't help but smile.

He currently has three Pokémon.

Sparrow King, Ghosts, and Kirby beast.

among them.

Two more flight lines.

And a terrestrial system!

Sea, land and air!

It just so happens that there is a missing water Pokémon.

This tyrannosaurus.

It can be said that it just made up for his shortcomings!

Thinking about...

"Thank you, thank you."

Lin Bei turned his head.

The lady with tears in her eyes bowed deeply while hugging the little girl with croissants called Xiaohe.


"Thanks to Mrs. Ma Zhishi."

"Get a silver gift box."

"Open the silver gift box."

"Obtained a set of **** underwear from Mrs. Ma Zhishi."

Lin Bei.

I have learned to ignore the evil taste of licking the dog Xiaotong.


The name Ma Zhishi.

It sounds familiar, why?

Thinking about...

The inch-headed man came over.

However, what Lin Bei didn't expect was.

"Husband, madam!"

The Cinchou man didn't come to see him, but walked to the lady and lowered his head in shame.

"It's okay, Jin!"

The lady smiled reluctantly: "You are not to blame for this."

Heard this.

The inch-headed man finally breathed a sigh of relief.



Blushing, bowed deeply:

"Senior Pokémon, thank you for your help. Please also forgive Jin for his disrespect."


"Thanks to Ah Jin..."

Lin Bei nodded gently.

This Ah Jin, although a little timid.


People are not bad!

It didn't take long.

Lin Bei also chatted with Ah Jin.


After Ah Jin and the lady were both from Dry Leaf City, Lin Bei asked more about Dry Leaf City.

Ajin and the lady, naturally know everything.


"Lin, Mr. Lin."

Ah Jin flushed and looked a little hesitant.

Lin Bei smiled and shook his head:

"Say it."


A Jin breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes glowing and asked, "I wanted to ask, how did you do it?"

That series of attacks.

It seems to be the most gorgeous art.

Perfect suffocating!

Lin Bei smiled slightly.

In fact, the whole process is very simple.

I said it a long time ago.

Pokémon battles and Pokémon duels.

They are totally different things!


It's a 1v1 fair battle in the ring!

While fighting.

It is also an accumulation of combat experience.

Lin Bei's own combat experience, naturally needless to say.


More than all trainers in the Pokémon world!


Studying at Hualan Gymnasium this half month.

Lin Bei.


Combine your own combat experience with Pokémon combat.


Lin Bei made a judgment right away.


Three baby **** were thrown in one breath.

Even the order and strength of throwing baby balls.

Also pay attention!

For example, the Sparrow King was not only the lowest thrown, but also the first baby ball thrown.


It has to be just right.

In an instant, defeat the water cannon of the violent carp dragon!

And Guisi is second.

Was left in the air!

Responsible after King Sparrow succeeded.

Continue to attack the Tyrannosaurus.

The last is Kabimon...

It was the latest thrown by Lin Bei and the highest.

Just fell from the sky!

Play a final word and end the battle.

This triple attack.

One ring to another, one to another.

There is no room for the Tyrannosaurus to fight back.


The inch-headed man is already silly.

He didn't expect it.

Pokémon fights, it can still fight like this!

In his previous cognition.

Pokémon battles are all straightforward.

You attack.

I think of ways to cope.

Then I attacked, you find a way to deal with it.

Who can't handle it.

Whoever loses!

It can be said……

Lin Bei's battle.

It was tantamount to opening a brand new door for him.

Lin Bei smiled faintly.

in fact……

Is it more than that Ah Jin feels this way?

He is actually the same.

In his memory.

The Pokémon world is like a fairy tale.

No pain, no death.

But in fact...

The Pokémon world is a world full of dangers.

The degree of danger.

No less than a punch in the world.

think about it.

The world with one punch is even more dangerous.

Except for City Z, no weird people run everywhere.

And the Pokémon World...

The number of humans is far less than Pokémon.


Most Pokémon will not actively attack humans.

But even...

It's just a small part of Pokémon like the Gyranosaurus.


Also far surpass humans!

Keep it simple...

It can be seen from the name of this world.

Pokémon world.

It has always belonged to the world of Pokémon!

It's like in anime or games.

If you encounter tyrannosaurus.

Whether it is Xiaozhi or the player, they will all smile and feel that they are lucky.

Can be placed in reality...

A dragon that is more than ten meters long, can fly into the sky and spit water, is simply a total disaster.

Put in a punch to the world.

Let alone a ghost-level disaster!


It can be seen.

What is the real Pokémon world?


Both Ajin and Xiaohe's mother and daughter were a little startled.

They don't understand.

Lin Bei.

Why is there a sudden look of sentiment.


These things are for them.

I've long been used to it!


The captain of this ship rushed over.

"Sorry, sorry."

The chubby captain was wiping his cold sweat and bowed and apologized: "This rarely happens on this route..."


The captain also found Lin Bei specially, expressed his gratitude, and wanted to give Lin Bei a generous reward.

Of course.


Lin Bei hates it most.

The important thing is...

They have finally arrived at the destination of this trip.

Dead Leaf City!


Dead Leaf City is an international port city.

every day.

There are countless huge wheels.

Here either berth or set sail.

Lin Bei and their ship anchored.

Did not attract anyone's attention.

"Mr. Lin."

Standing by the dock.

Mrs. Ma Zhishi grasped Lin Bei's hand sincerely, "Mr. Lin's life-saving grace."

"The little girl has nothing to report..."


Feeling the soft touch on his hand, Lin Bei was stunned.

What's up?

Everyone is watching here!

Moreover, you are still married.

Don't say anything, what's the promise of life?

"Mr. Lin will definitely appreciate it and come to the humble house for a casual meal."


Lin Bei breathed a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, things did not develop in the direction of 404.


"You don't have to eat."

Lin Bei smiled and shook his head, politely declined.


Ma Zhishi bit her lip and asked regretfully: "Mr. Lin, is there any inconvenience?"


Lin Bei smiled and nodded:

"I came to Dead Leaf City, and I really have something to do."

But Lin Bei did not expect it to be.

Heard this.

Mrs. Ma Zhishi patted her chest without hesitation: "Mr. Lin, if you have anything, you might as well say it."

"Little girl, maybe I can help a little bit!"

Mrs. Ma Zhishi's words are full of pride.

Where can I see it?

What a little girl?

However, Lin Bei was not surprised.

after all……

Can make Ah Jin a Pokémon trainer as a bodyguard.

Xiaohe mother and daughter.

How could it be an ordinary person?


"I'm afraid you can't help much with this matter."

Lin Bei chuckled and took out the badges of the gymnasiums of Evergreen City and Hualan City from the system space.

"in fact……"

"I'm here to challenge the dead leaf city gym."

This word came out.

Ajin and Xiaohe's mother and daughter were all stunned.

After a while.


Ah Jin swallowed: "Mr. Lin, you are a new trainer who just started traveling!?"


Lin Bei smiled and turned his head:

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with this?"


Ah Jin was already speechless.

what happened?

What's the problem?

This problem is big!

Which rookie trainer will be so strong?

What new trainer is there?

Will there be a Kirby beast?


That spearfinch was obviously not an ordinary item.

Newbie trainer! ?

In Ah Jin's mind.

Lin Beishao said that he was also a strong man at the level of the Four Heavenly Kings.



Solving the tyrannosaurus so lightly?

"Four Heavenly Kings?"

Lin Bei smiled and shook his head.

He is very clear.

As a Pokémon trainer.

His current strength is still far away from the Four Heavenly Kings.

The reason why it looks.

Solve the tyrannosaurus so easily.

Mainly because of this period of time, training in Hualan City has improved his strength a lot.

In other words.

If it was not a tyrannosaurus.

But two.

or more!

I might not be so easy!


Ah Jin was speechless.

This person did not mean to pretend to speak.


Why is it so irritating?


Lin Beixin trains his homeland identity.

It really shocked Ah Jin and Xiao He mother and daughter.


"if it is like this."

"You have no reason to reject me."

Mrs. Ma Zhishi smiled and nodded: "Because of my husband, he is the owner of the Kunye City Gymnasium."

Ah Jin grinned too.

"I am Master Ma Zhishi's apprentice!"


Lin Bei was speechless.

No wonder he always felt that.

The name Ma Zhishi sounds familiar.

It's been a long time.

He is the owner of the Kunye City Taoist Hall.


The gymnasium in Kaaba City is the gymnasium of the electrical department.

When Lin Bei and Xiaohe mother and daughter arrived at the gym.

Ma Zhishi.

It happened to be playing against a rookie trainer.

The newcomer's training home is the Pokémon Chibi Stone of the ground system, which happens to restrain the electrical system.

It looks like.

I did my homework in advance.


Ma Zhishi didn't seem to care at all.

"Come out, Leiqiu!"

Ma Zhishi, dressed as a soldier, had a cold face and threw the baby ball indifferently.


The baby ball opens.


Leiqiu jumped out with the same cold expression.

See Raichu.

The rookie trainer who uses the small boxing stone is obviously very happy.


Raichu's power is not great.

The electricity he was good at was perfectly restrained by Xiaoquanshi.

It can be said……

Xiaoquanshi is completely Leiqiu's nemesis.

But what he didn't expect was.

Before he could take the initiative to attack.

"Raiciu, solve him!"

Ma Zhishi was cold.

Even, I didn't bother to give specific orders.

Want to be.

Let Pokémon play freely.


An even more surprising thing happened.


There is no plan to use electrical skills at all.

Instead, he stepped his legs apart.

"A flash of light!"

With the assistance of thunder and lightning.

Leiqiu seemed to have turned into a flash of lightning.

Directly rushed towards Xiaoquanshi.

Such an unexpected attack.


Hit the small boxing stone and the trainer was caught off guard.

Until Leiqiu got close.

Reluctantly gave a defensive order.


It's too late!


Leiqiu punched hard and hit Xiaoquanshi's body.


Xiaoquanshi raised his head blankly.

It's as if not hurt.


The trainer of Xiaoquanshi breathed a sigh of relief.


Attack the ground system with the electrical system.

Still too reluctant!

However, before he can completely relax...

"A flash of light!"

Another lightning flashed.

Ma Zhishi's Lei Qiu coldly, as if tirelessly, launched another attack.

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