
The hub rotates.

The wide wheels of the personnel carrier.

A clear track was left in the desert.

Tornado and 4068.

Just rely on this rut.

Only then did he barely keep up with the hunting team in front.


4068, who was in charge of driving, was panicked.

Even secretly reduced the speed!


The lighthouse is right in front of you.

But Lin Bei has not returned yet!

4068 can even be seen.

The hunter convoy had all stopped.

"It's over!"

4068 could not help grinning bitterly.

He can't explain.

Why isn't Lin Bei in the car?

You can only slow down and delay as much as possible!


The distance is fixed.

Even if the speed is slow, there will be an end sooner or later.

There was a "creak".

4068 stopped the car.

"You are still alive?"

See 4068 and the tornado.

Everyone in the hunting team also seemed very surprised.



What they are facing is the King-level Extreme Beast.

Their convoy walked ahead.

Half of the reason for being able to rush out was because of taking the lead.

Half is luck!

But 4068 them have only one car.


Has been left behind.

This, even survived! ?

This is not tolerated, and they are surprised by it.


These words also angered Tornado and 4068.

"you guys……"

Tornado gritted his teeth and became angry.

4068 seems to see that Tornado is not good at words.


"You bitches, raised!"

4068 even yelled when he spoke.


Everyone in the hunting team was stupid.

This is a subordinate of 4068.

Was it infected by scarlet?

Otherwise, how dare you scold them like this?

"you wanna die?"

While talking.

On one side, a wilderness hunter held up a gun.

If you don't agree, you must give 4068 a shot.


Mark and Ran Bing.

He actually shook his head and stopped everyone in the wilderness hunting team.

"Forget it!"

See Mark dissuade.

Everyone in the wilderness hunting team put down their guns angrily: "Captain Mark is good, begging for you."

"Then spare your life."


"If it weren't for Captain Mark's kindness, with Laozi's aura, you must have killed your kid with one shot!"

But just as everyone in the wilderness hunting team.


This thing ends here.


When I will be grateful to Mark and Ran Bing.

"Good heart?"

4068 laughed loudly: "I see, is it a guilty conscience?"

"what did you say?"

Everyone in the hunting team was stunned.

"what did I say?"

4068 squinted his eyes and sneered:

"I said, if it weren't for the kind-hearted Mark and Captain Ran Bing, they deliberately drove the Extreme Beast to our side."

"You all have to die!"

The words came out.

Everyone in the hunting team suddenly became stiff.

"This is real?"


There was silence for a while.

Mark nodded slowly.

This matter was indeed done by him acquiescing to Ran Bing.


Everyone in the hunting team was in an uproar.

They did not expect.

This time he fled, there was such an inside story!

So to speak...

They can understand.

4068, why yelled at them.


Understanding belongs to understanding.

This does not mean that they will support 4068.


They did nothing wrong at all.

In the law of the lighthouse.

Sacrifice the people, save the people.

It was a matter of course!


What surprised them a bit.

4068's courage, it seems a little too big.

To know……

Lower people and upper people.

They are two completely different classes.

The local people insulted the local people.

Even if things happen for a reason, they are equally sinful.

But 4068...

Still scolded!

Courage, how could it be so big?

"Ha ha!"

4068 sneered secretly in his heart: There is a boss who can blast the king-level polar-chewing beast with one punch.

I'm afraid of a hammer?

Don't say it's abusive!

If you have a chance……

He even dared to kill Mark!


"Where is Lin Bei?"

Mark suddenly squinted:

"Why didn't I see Lin Bei?"


The expression of 4068 froze at once.

He has one.

The boss who can blast the king-level Polar Devourer with one punch.

But the problem is...

The boss is not here!

Facing Mark’s question, how should he answer?

The answer is not there?

But if it is not there, it is naturally dead.

Wait for Lin Bei to come back.

Doesn't he contradict himself?

And the answer is.


The troop carrier is just that big.

Can't hide anyone!


4068 is in a very bad situation now.

Visible 4068 hesitation.

But Mark and Ran Bing's eyes lit up:

"Could it be that Lin Bei is already dead?"

Thinking of this.

Mark and Ran Bing immediately laughed.

Lin Bei died.

The tornado must be theirs!

As for their previous misunderstanding with Tornado.

Ha ha!

There is no Lin Bei.

Take the real character on the day of the tornado.

Isn't it, just flicker in twos or twos?

Can be.

When the two want to get into trouble...

A familiar voice suddenly rang.

"Someone is thinking about me?"


Lin Bei got up from the carriage of the troop carrier.

Looks sleepy.

It's as if I just took a nap!


at this moment.

In the hearts of Mark and Ran Bing,

Almost at the same time, the same idea emerged.

"It's really a good person who doesn't live long, and he's a thousand years old!"

Being so nervous.

Tornado, when he tried his best to kill the enemy.

This soft rice king.

I fell asleep in the carriage...

at this moment!

Mark is really interested.

Lin Bei was killed with a single shot.


Considering Tornado's mood and his own reputation, Mark finally held back.


Even if you don't kill Lin Bei.

Mark also made up his mind.

The tornado must be rescued from Lin Bei's hands.

Right now!

The mobile platform to pick them up hasn't come yet.

Get this done!


Mark took a step.

Walked straight towards the tornado.


Tornado directly drew out the pheasant sword in his arms.

"do not worry."

Mark opened his hands and said frankly: "Tornado believe me, I have no malice towards you."


There was silence for a while.

The tornado was slow, and put the sword down.

See this...

Everyone in the wilderness hunting team also gave a sigh of relief.

If the tornado really does it.

None of them.

Confident, can stop the tornado.

That sword...

It is terrible!


In addition to terrible.

There was another expectation in the hearts of everyone in the hunting team.

They all know.

What will Mark say next.

if we assume……

Before this hunting.

They are to Mark.

Good to solicit tornadoes, but still a little dissatisfied.

after all……

A subordinate.

This is something that has never happened before!


After this famine hunt.

The fool also knows.

How important it is to win the tornado into the wilderness hunting team.

And the tornado put down the sword...

It's a very good start!

Everyone in the hunting team.

Their eyes widened in anticipation.

"I want to invite you to join the hunting team."

Mark spoke again.

Invite tornado to join the hunting team.

This is not in the history of hunters.


Tornado's brow.

But it still wrinkled involuntarily.

Don't wait for Tornado to speak.

Mark resisted the nausea and pinched his nose: "Don't worry, Lin Bei, I will also let him join the hunting team."

After talking...

Mark could not help but let out a long sigh.

this decision.

It is too difficult!


He still has a straightforward character.

As soon as you come up, put your own ideas and benefits.

Throw it all out!

In fact...

Mark couldn't think of it.

Tornado, how can I refuse him! ?

The first time I refused him, it was because of Lin Bei.

And this time...

He even Lin Bei.

Also promised to accept the waste hunting team.

Made such a big concession.

He really couldn't think of...

Tornado, what else might refuse him.


"What should I do?"

4068 looked at Lin Bei, a little anxious.

The conditions given by Mark.

Even this spectator, he was moved.

He could hardly believe it.

The tornado will not move!


Lin Bei shook his head slowly.

"Let her make her own decision!"

Whether it is promised or not.

This will be Tornado's decision and her belief!


There was no long silence.

"I reject!"

Although the sound of the tornado is not loud, it is very crisp.

Everyone present.

I heard one clearly!


Tornado, once again refused Mark's invitation.

"You stupid girl!"

Mark was furious.

In his opinion.

Tornado was simply brainwashed by Lin Bei.



Tornado's eyes were clear.

How can there be any craziness in Mark's mouth?




Mark gritted his teeth:

He did not understand.

He obviously made such a big concession.


Why still refuse to accept it!


There was silence for a while.

Tornado did not answer directly.


"In the lighthouse, the lower people can only eat chaffy vegetables, while the upper people can eat fresh apples."

In fact...

If not for Lin Bei.

She almost died because of an apple!

"On the waste hunter."

"The Citizens can wear mechas, take weapons, and ride in armored vehicles. The Citizens can only use their bare hands."

"Hold the iron handle and fight!"

In fact...

If not for Lin Bei.

She is afraid that she will die again.

"In the R-47 spacecraft."

"In order to kill a spine gu, Shangmin Downey directly connected with the undermined and shot them together."

If not for Lin Bei...

Dead, it may be her!

"On the run."

"In order to save the lives of the people, you did not hesitate to drive the Extreme Devourers to my side."

Tornado smiled sadly.

in case……

She did not meet Lin Bei.

I'm afraid she is going to die again!


The faces of everyone in the hunting team couldn't help but turn dark.


What do you understand!


But unable to refute.

Because all she said about Tornado is fact!

"The Citizen?"

Tornado smiled and shook his head slightly: "I was not born a citizen, and I would not go to be a citizen."

"I am who I am."

"The trembling tornado!"



"The world mission is officially determined."

"Being born as a human, everyone is equal!"

"Assist Tornado in completing this difficult task."

"Task Reward: Unlock the basic permissions of the system."


Close the system panel.

Lin Bei smiled slightly:

"Dear Tornado, as you wish."

"This deformed world will eventually make everyone equal!"

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