Get out of the bar.

Mark's face is a bit ugly.

First of all because...

He did not expect.

I will be slapped so fast!

This mosaic net.

Except for milk.

You can even get food!


Because of.

Charles, it's dead!

He is missing an ally who can cooperate.

This is for him.

It's all bad news!

And hear this...

Ran Bing was a little surprised.


Mark, it seems that he has not given up.

To know.

Charles's appearance, although very decadent.

But what he said just now was very reasonable.

at least……

Ran Bing was unexpected.

By the two of them.

How to defeat one.

The existence supported by the whole beacon and the people from above and below!


They can't even find it.

This mosaic is like a ghost.

No trace!

Watch the video.

Direct projection through the iris.

Give rewards.

It is even more exaggerated.

Use the space teleport that only exists in the legend!

Tell me...

How can I find this?

They can't even find the enemy.

How should this win?

"Lin Bei!"

Mark's voice was abrupt.

Ran Bing for a while.

He hasn't even recovered yet.

After a long time, he stared in confusion:

"Mark, what did you just say?"

"Lin Bei!"

Mark repeated it again, squinting his eyes slightly: "I think this matter may have something to do with Lin Bei."


Ran Bing was stunned.


She couldn't help but doubt.

Mark, is it really broken?

Lin Bei?

But that is an ordinary citizen.

not to mention……

The big dog of the Light and Shadow Council before.

Haven't he been tempted for them?

She remembered the words correctly.

At that time, Lin Bei seemed to be frightened directly.

At last……

The tornado saved him.

"Not necessarily!"

Mark squinted slightly: "He doesn't have to be scared, but there is another possibility."

"Another possibility?"


Mark nodded slightly.

just like……

An ant charged the elephant.


Would you care about it?

The answer is no!

That's right!

The big dog is the ant.

And Lin Bei is the elephant!


Come this way.

Everything makes sense!

First of all……


A mere layman.

How can you suddenly gain such a strong power?

Very likely.

It was Lin Bei who secretly helped her.

And this is also explained.

Tornado her.

Why do you believe in Lin Bei so unconditionally.


Her strength.

It was from Lin Bei that the land was obtained.


After some analysis by Mark.


Ran Bing was dumbfounded.


This sounds like it really is.

But the only loophole is...

The strength of the tornado came from Lin Bei.

What about Lin Bei?

do not forget!

Lin Bei.

It is also a native of the lighthouse.

His power.

Where did it come from?

In this way...

Mark's reasoning just now seems reasonable.

But in fact...

Just put everything unreasonable.

It is unreasonable!

This is obviously unreasonable speculation!


Mark was silent.

He did not expect.

Ran Bing usually looks cold tempered.

But I can say so...

However, after such a minute Ran Bing.

He was really a little uncertain.

"Maybe, I really think too much, right?"

In fact...

at the same time.

In the gem of space in Xiacheng.


Lin Bei smiled and greeted Tornado and Mr. Nan: "Our plan has taken another big step forward."


Tornado and Comrade Nan applauded desperately.

These days……

The lighthouse changes.

They all saw it.


Another step forward in the plan?

The two of them still don't understand.

what's the plan?


Lin Bei looked helpless.

People in the spirit cage world are really innocent!

In fact.

Feel free to change the world.

I'm afraid we all know what he is doing.

That's right!

It is the "Taobao" network!

Or to be precise.

It is a combination of "Taobao" and "Video" network.

First of all……

He used the teacher's video.

Get a lot of attention and user base.


Use the way of watching videos to give rewards.

Attract more people to join the mosaic.

And when the traffic reaches its peak!

He turned the mosaic into a mosaic net in one fell swoop.


Another reward was introduced.

Further, expand and stabilize users!

And obviously...

What he will do next.

It is for mosaic net.

Add more kinds of videos and books.

And rewards!

Books are like...

The subjects of nine-year compulsory education.


For example, the online teaching of famous teachers.

And the reward...

Then copy the "Taobao" network.

Thereby putting the mosaic net.

Develop into a comprehensive giant platform of "pan-education", "pan-entertainment" and "pan-life".

Materially and spiritually.

Take the entire lighthouse.

Regardless of whether the people are up or down.

They are all elevated to an extremely rich level in one fell swoop!

So as to achieve the goal of equality for all.


Tornado and Comrade Nan, look at me, and I look at you.

To be honest...

The two of them couldn't understand a word.


But inexplicably feel very powerful.

and also……

"How can we help?"

Tornado and Comrade Nan both felt a little guilty.

So many days.

They couldn't help in anything!

if possible……

The two of them also want to contribute!


Lin Bei thought for a moment.

"Or, can you change your name, Comrade Nan?"


"Just called Jack Ma!"


Have a brief meeting.

Lin Beihe Tornado and Comrade Nan three.

They left the space gem together.

What Dragon Juan and Comrade Nan didn’t expect was...

They just left the space gem.


Victor of the city defense army pushed open the door.

He bowed his head respectfully.

"Mr. Lin, the lord wants to treat you to dinner!"

Heard this...

Tornado and Comrade Nan immediately became vigilant.


"do not worry."

Lin Bei smiled and shook his head.

Not to mention.

He had seen Victor a long time ago in the gem of space.

In fact...

Victor will come to him about this.

In his heart, he had already expected it.

after all……

The lighthouse is just this big.

It is also installed everywhere.

A large number of cameras and detection devices.

Victor, or the city lord Morgan behind him.

He will be found.

It's just a matter of time!

He just didn't expect...

"You guys are so slow!"

The corner of Lin Bei's mouth was slightly raised, revealing a bright smile: "You guys are really a bunch of trash!"

Victor's smiling face suddenly went black.

But for a long time...

But only one word came out:


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