Heavens Gift Pack: Start with One Punch Man

Chapter 824: Obliterate, nonexistent

Shangmin, Xiamin, Baiyuekui team.


There are about tens of thousands of people, all crowded together.

They are looking forward to it.

The outcome of this battle!

After all, Lin Bei, a guest from the ground, won.

Still the underground emperor, Master Lai won.

Everyone is silent and looking forward to it!

At this moment...

A well-dressed Citizen.

Suddenly jumped out of the crowd, hehe sneered: "What are you looking forward to?"

"Think and know with your ass."

"A brat who didn't know where he came from."

"Want to win Master Lai too?"

"I bother!"

Heard this.

The vast majority of the people nodded.

"Yes!" "Master Lai will definitely win!" "Master Lai loses, I eat **** on the spot and eat ten tons!"

See the lay people say so.

The citizens can only nod their heads.

But I don’t know why...

While nodding.

They always have a little expectation in their hearts.

Although only a little bit.

But they are still thinking...

in case.

Was it the boy named Lin Bei who won?

As the high-level Bai Yuekui team, it said nothing.


Their anomaly.

It attracted the attention of others.

"Captain Bai, why don't you speak?"

The first man to speak.

Looking at Bai Yuekui with a puzzled look:

"Could it be that you think Master Lai will lose?"


Bai Yuekui smiled wryly.

She didn't think it at all.

She is sure, Master Lai will definitely lose!

The man looked at the rest of the team in surprise.

"Master Lai is dead!"

Broken Star and Shanda sighed faintly.

Xu Tong also shook his head lightly, with a bitter expression on his face: "I see, let's prepare for the funeral of Master Lai!"

Look at Xia Dou.


I don't know where I got a handful of paper money.

It looks like.

Be ready to fire at any time and transfer money to Master Lai.


The talking man was stunned.

To know……

Bai Yuekui team.

But Master Lai's confidant.

Said to be in the underground world.

The person who knows Master Lai best is not an exaggeration.

But now...

They are so optimistic about Master Lai?

"This Lin Bei, is it really so scary?"

Talking man.

It can be regarded as the high-level of the underground world.

In the subconscious, there is still some disbelief.



Xu Tong swallowed, with a look of fear: "That is not terrible, it is despair, despair!"

A desperate.

Xu Tong, said it twice!

Shanda and Broken Star shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

This guy Xu Tong was really frightened!


They are actually the same.

"Master Lai is dead!"

Bai Yuekui sighed deeply: "I advise everyone, let's get used to it!"


The man still doesn't understand.

Bai Yuekui was slightly bleak, and smiled slightly:

"Get used to days when everyone is equal."


"He has come!"

Under the unbelievable gaze of everyone.

Lin Bei is coming step by step from a distance.

With BGM "Bubbles"

"It's all bubbles, although it's a flash of fire~"

Accompanied by the sound of music.

Xia Dou lit the paper money in her hand.

You can already start transferring money to Master Lai.


The man was silent for a long time, grinning bitterly: "Why don't you find Master Lai's body and worship it again?"


Xia Dou couldn't help but laughed: "Where can there be any corpse when Mr. Lin killed the guy?"

It's like a BGM bubble.

There was a "bang".

Not even a single hair can stay!


Lin Bei smiled and put down the phone.


Compared to courage.

He still prefers the song bubbles!

"how about it?"

"Doesn't it sound good?"

Lin Bei smiled and turned to look at everyone present.

"It sounds good!"

Xu Tong did not hesitate.

The first one shouted.

Broken Star and Shanda also clapped desperately.


The people applauded thunderously.

Continue again.

The Citizens also raised their hands with embarrassment.

at this moment……

The man found out.

I'm afraid he really has to get used to it as soon as possible.


The underground world has changed!


Character: Lin Bei.

Physique: One hundred thousand (constant)

Comprehensive evaluation: Unable to evaluate, exceeding the world limit.

The power of the world: 11.

Current world task: complete.

Current World Reward: Not received.


With Lin Bei nodded gently.

System panel.

Suddenly, a bright light burst out.

But about half a second.

The light faded!

At the same time...


Licking the dog Xiao Tong grinned, hehe sneered: "After so long, I finally got the primary authority of the system."

"Not easy!"

Since being exposed by Lin Bei.

Licking the dog and talking, he became more unbridled.

Just like...

The yin and yang are obviously strange!

Or, sour, eat lemon!


"Tongxi, Tongxi!"

Lin Bei smiled and thanked: "Without you, I am afraid I would have died in the jojo world a long time ago."

"In this military merit chapter, you have a contribution!"


Licking dog Xiaotong's face turned black.

That's right!

Without him.

Lin Bei could not tell.

As early as when I first opened the jojo world.

Just because of expansion.

I plunged into the world of jojo and was crushed to death!

Speaking of...

He really helped Lin Bei from the side.

after all……

The old saying goes well.

Taking history as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall.

"The reason why I, Lin Bei, can live so well."

"It's all on you!"

Lin Bei looked at the licking dog Xiaotong’s smile, and it became brighter: "Rely on the lesson of your failure!"


I couldn't say the words of Ligao Xiaotong.



Zhu Xin!

Lin Bei smiled slightly.

He Lin Bei.

Jin Ke learns from Saitama and hits the world with one punch.

Retreat can learn from Naruto, and there is no enemy in the mouth.

in case.

Take him Lin Bei.

As a reckless man who can only fight.

So naive!

Put aside the autistic licking dog Xiaotong.

Lin Bei hasn't had time yet.

Check out the rewards you have this time.

"Open the system panel."

Lin Bei's heart moved.

The upgraded system panel opens slowly.

first timing.

Lin Bei discovered a huge difference.

The original system panel is relatively simple.

Only three pages.

The first page.

It is the character panel.

That is, Lin Bei's personal status panel.

And the second page.

It is the world panel.

That is, the star map used to travel through the world.

And the third page.

It is the system space.

There are a lot of things he collected inside.

And now...

One more page in the system!


How familiar is this word?

Lin Bei.

Almost subconsciously thought of twist vines.

But luckily...

The system clearly stated.

The developer of this mall is not Twice.

Heard this.

Lin Bei opened the mall with confidence.

Open the mall.

Lin Bei was inside.

The dazzling array of goods fans dazzled.

What reincarnation eye, infinite gloves, everything.


Lin Bei quickly found out.

These commodities.

It seems that they are all props for him to experience the world.


Most of them.

He already has a collection!

And look at the price...

A gem of time.

Actually, the price is exactly three world coins!

To know.

He has asked about the system just now.

As the name suggests, the world currency counts as one currency.

He has so far.

Set foot in ten worlds.

There are only ten world coins.

And one gem of time requires three.

In other words...

He is now.

I am afraid I can only buy three time gems!

"Black, too dark!"


"Who will buy?"

Lin Bei was very puzzled.

To know.

In his system space,

Not to mention, there are hundreds of time gems.

A fool would spend three world coins.

Go buy a time gem!


"The items in the host warehouse are not universal."

System sound.

It is completely different from the fake licking dog Xiaotong.

Very peaceful!

I don't care whether you buy it or not.



Lin Bei had a headache.

All of a sudden, I was exposed to so many new things.

It's really hard to accept.


The concept of the world is also very simple.

Just like time gems.

Put it in Marvel World.

Time gems can reverse the time of a universe or even the entire multiverse at will.

And in the spirit cage world.

Because of changes in the quality of the world.

It can only affect a small villa.

Changes in three months!

This can be seen.

The power of time gems.

How weakened!

This is there is no universal time gem.

And the time gems in the mall...

"It will not be weakened by the quality of the world, and will fully demonstrate its power with the quality of the current world."

Lin Bei: "..."

The explanation of the system is long.

But the core is only one sentence!

Props bought in the mall.

Can show the true power of the props!

In other words.

in case……

Lin Bei Future really encountered one.

The quality of the world is hundreds of millions of times different.

Not so much.

There is really no resistance!


Just in the mall krypton gold.

You can use props to obtain a means of self-protection.

"Conscience, it is too conscience!"

Lin Bei had to sigh.

Why is the gap between the system and the system so big?

You take a look.

Other people's systems.

Give it to your host if you don't agree.

What is released does not accomplish the task of obliteration.

But here...



Even the task itself.

They were all decided according to his own wishes.

This shopping mall.

More conscience!

It's simply because of fear that the host will capsize in the gutter.

Powerful plug-in for the host!

But when it comes to this.

Lin Bei had to be curious.


"Why can you be so unique, completely different from other coquettish bitches?"


There was silence for a while.

"The goal of the system is to help the host."

"Not to embarrass the host."

"What the future is, it should be the host's own choice!"

"The system has no right to plan for it."



Lin Bei let out a long breath.

You listen.

This is what a good system should say.

Kill it if you don't agree!

What is the host?

Just let the system play by itself.


Is it interesting to control a puppet?

For this system.

Lin Beihe's system evaluation is all: "Garbage!"

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