Heavens Gift Pack: Start with One Punch Man

Chapter 853: I was on the line, it turned out to be air

Looking at her pure white wedding suit.

Gu Geoff's life.

Never been so nervous!

"I said Lin Bei."

Looking at Lin Bei, Gu Gefu couldn't help swallowing sharply: "What kind of fake marriage are you, are you reliable?"

That's right.

Geoff and Albedo were fake marriages.

after all……

How to say.

Ge Geoff is also the chief warrior of the kingdom.

It is a moral and cultivated person.

Already, people who are out of low-level taste.

Just because Albedo is beautiful.

Just marry her and dig into the corner of your apprentice?

This kind of thing.

He will never do it.


What is this place?

This is the battlefield of life and death!

Getting married here, do you say this is fair?


Gu Gefu was finally convinced by Lin Bei.


He will never get married again.

Bring the demon army over.

The army of the kingdom cannot withstand the pressure.

I crashed on my own!


What made Gu Gefu murmured.

This demon army?

Would really take the initiative because of a maid?

"Do not worry!"

Lin Bei grinned.

This Albedo is not a maid.

Speaking smaller.

This is the supreme secretary.

Go bigger.

It's this supreme wife!

Status, that is quite lofty.

Lin Bei didn't believe it.

What is this supreme supreme.

Seeing Albedo, marry Geoff in public.

Can still stay calm!

If you can...

Lin Bei suggested: Stop calling the Supreme Supreme.

Simply call it supreme to green!

and so……

This supreme Supreme will definitely come.

And then...

He showed up.

Lin Bei has already taken the initiative.

The reason is simple.

Old Yinbi hiding in the grass.

No matter what the game.

Generally speaking, they have advantages!

all in all……

"As long as you become the groom's official today, I promise that the army of the kingdom will be able to win."


Gu Geoff scratched his head.

In my heart, I always feel a little weird.

Think of him dignifiedly the kingdom chief warrior.

I used to dream.

Defend the family and the country with his martial arts and swordsmanship.

I didn't expect...

Now, it has fallen to the point of sacrificing hue.


For the future of the kingdom.

He can only reluctantly and sacrifice himself.


Gu Geoff was a little nervous.

Albedo, would you agree?

To know.

Even a fake marriage.

For the reputation of a woman.

It's the same, it's a big damage!

"Do not worry!"

Lin Bei smiled and shook his head.

In terms of brainwashing.

Naruto devas.

It's not the first illusion blown out!


Albedo's body is a succubus.

A succubus.

How could you care about your reputation?

no kidding!

Speaking and pure.

It is the biggest insult to a succubus!

and so……

"Go ahead, Mrs. Gu Geoff."

While talking.

Lin Bei throws the baby ball on the side.

Throw Gu Geoff into the wedding scene.


Gu Geoff just appeared.

The generals of the Kingdom Army.

They all brushed together and looked at Ge Gefu.

To be honest.

They have no idea.

Geoff, what is this moth.


It depends on Gu Geoff's reputation for many years.

They can stand their temper for the time being.

At least until the wedding is over.

They will not say much.

And now...

Gu Gefu could only bite the bullet.

Taking steps of shame.

Gu Geoff walked to the priest step by step.

beside him.

It is in a wedding dress.

Albedo is so beautiful.


Dry cough twice.

The priest started the opening remarks of the wedding.

First of all, express God's blessing to the newcomer.


Under the witness of God.

Ask everyone present.

"Under the witness of God, this new couple will be married, please ask everyone here."

"agree or not!"


There was warm applause at the wedding scene.

It's in the face of Gu Geoff.

Applause, shouting for agreement is fine.

But suddenly...


The terrifying black clouds gathered in the sky.

The combination transforms into a scary skeleton.

"No, I don't agree!"

The scary skeleton opened his mouth.

Then it issued a roar like a tenth typhoon.

This can be seen.

The mood of the caster when casting this spell.

But obviously...

Unleash such a powerful magic.

Not just to say a word of disagreement.

What it really says is:

"Congratulations, humans."

"I admit that you have completely pushed the great Ainz Ur Gong to a dead end."

"As you wish."

"At this moment, the decisive battle officially begins!"

Skeleton's voice did not fall.


Vanguard scout of the king's army.

It's like having encountered a ghost.

Stumbled and rushed into the wedding scene.


"Devil army, it's moving!"

Just one sentence.

The guests present all stood up.

A handful of torn dresses.

The military uniform hidden in the dress was exposed.

Gu Geoff standing in front of the priest.

It even kicked the priest's altar to pieces.

Take out a set of Mithril armor from inside.

In twos or twos, he armed himself to the teeth.

See this...

How can the generals who are present fail to understand?

This is actually.

It's all Gu Geoff's strategy.


What puzzled them was.

How did Gu Geoff know.

Doing this wedding will make the devil anxious?

Could it be that……

These demons are single dogs.

Don't look at people as a double?

Tsk tut, show affection, really fast!


There is no time to sigh for everyone.

In fact, every kingdom general here knows.

The strength of the demon army.

It is far stronger than their Kingdom Army.


Now, only desperately resisted!

"Flush me!"

The generals turned on their horses.

Bring his soldiers.

He rushed straight towards the demon army.

Behind them.

It's the royal capital!

In any case, they cannot take a step back.

At least at the beginning.

They fought with this belief.


The strength of the devil.

It is completely beyond their imagination.

The sword in the hands of ordinary soldiers,

It can't break the skin of an ordinary demon at all.

Even if it is a general of stainless steel.

Killing an ordinary demon also costs a lot of hands and feet.

That's right...

The generals of the Kingdom Army.

Indeed, I knew it.

The Demon Army is stronger than their Kingdom Army.

But the problem is...

They didn't expect the gap to be so big.

It's like in the beginning.

A pack of wolves.

Challenge the tiger with a feeling of death.

It turns out that...

The opponent is not a tiger at all.

And dinosaurs are the Tyrannosaurus rex among dinosaurs.

And they.

Nor is it a wolf.

But a bunch of poor chicks!

This is not a war at all.

It was a total massacre.

The kingdom army was beaten up.

On the devil's side, he was also beaten up.

According to the bosses.

They thought there would be a fierce battle!

I didn't expect...

"It's hard to withstand a single blow!"

Demons, killing like crazy.

However, Ainz stood in the demon camp.

A skull face, but very ugly!

Demi Uggs standing on the side.

Even more cold sweat...

Of course he knew why Lord Ainz was angry.


This vulnerable kingdom army showed.

Their caution a few days ago was all unnecessary stupidity.


In line with the air!

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