Heavens Gift Pack: Start with One Punch Man

Chapter 859: Don't think about it, you're going to run poison

"War five scum?"

Ainz froze for a long time.

Only barely understood what Lin Bei meant.

Fight the five scum.

As the name suggests.

It is combat power, only five scum!


The corners of Ainz's mouth twitched slightly.

He lived two lifetimes.

I have never seen such an arrogant guy like Lin Bei!

"It seems..."

"You don't cry if you don't see the coffin!"

Ainz could see it.

Mouthful escape is useless to people like Lin Bei.

Want to convince him.

Only fight him!


What troubles Ainz a little.

His current strength is really too strong.

If you are not careful.

What should I do if I beat Lin Bei to death?

In this way...

Shatia and Albedo.

Wouldn't it be impossible to come back?

No way!

He must, carefully control his strength.

"Be careful!"

Ainz thought for a while, and thoughtfully reminded: "Next, I will use one-tenth of my strength."

"Beat your belly!"

"If you can't stand it, call it out."

Ainz chattered about precautions.

I was afraid that Lin Bei would be killed.


From beginning to end, Lin Bei did not speak.

And Ibiruai and Brian and the others.

Even more speechless...


Five minutes later.

Ainz's safety reminder is finally over.


Ainz looked nervous.

Controlling the power carefully.

With a "pop", it hit Lin Bei's stomach.

Just finished playing.

Ainz quickly closed his hands and observed the state of Lin Bei.

If something is wrong...

Rescue immediately!


Luck seems good...

Observed for most of the day.

Lin Bei did not make a "bang" explosion.


With a sigh of relief.

Ainz smiled and nodded slightly:

"How is it? Now, you should understand how big the gap between the two of us is?"

While talking.

Ainz just prepared.

Let Lin Bei restore Shatia and Albedo.

But suddenly...

He found.

Lin Beizheng uses a very weird one.

It's like looking at him with a foolish expression.

"What's your face?"

Ainz looked puzzled: "Don't you realize how strong I am now?"


Lin Bei couldn't help laughing.

Ainz looked confident.

It reminded him suddenly.

An old friend named Big Eye Pineapple!

I want to.

When the Big Eye Pineapple was still the overlord of the universe.

Same as Ainz.

Confused by my own power.

Think in this world.

Heaven is the second child, he is the boss!

Originally, there was nothing wrong with this idea.

But the problem is...

He Lin Bei, not from one world.

The world of Bone King is very small.

But the heavens and worlds are really big!

Thinking about...

"Next is two tenths."

Ainz seriously controlled his power, for fear that he would kill Lin Bei with a punch.


The punch of "bang" fell.

Lin Bei is still unscathed.


Even the milk tea in my hand has not been sprinkled yet.


Ainz's face changed slightly.

Raise the strength to 30% without saying a word.


There is no change in the results.

Lin Bei, as if not seeing him.

Eat and drink.


Ainz gritted his teeth.

Immediately, the power was increased to half.


70%, 80%, 90%...


Ainz's face was very ugly.

Because even if he used 90% of his strength.

Lin Bei...

Still unscathed.


Ibiruai and others ten kilometers away.

I have never swallowed so much saliva in my life.

I just feel dry and dry.

"No, no?"

Under the horrified gaze of everyone.


Ainz was cold.

Slowly, raised his fist.

"This punch."

"I will do my best!"

Ainz's voice was cold.


Lin Bei's expression remained unchanged.

"Crack la la..."

Ainz's power began to behave.

Space trembles in front of this power.

at last……

The power of 100,000 super-order magic blooms at the same time.


Accompanied by a loud noise.

It was pitch black in front of everyone in Ibiruai.


The space has collapsed!

It's like a black hole.

The sun's rays were all absorbed.



Ibiruai and others turned their heads and ran without saying a word.


If you stay in the collapsed space for a long time.

They are fast.

Will be drawn out of the main world.

In an empty space, stop thinking.


Lin Bei's figure.

But it still stands in place.

Even half a step, never moved.

It's like the collapsed space, it won't affect him at all.

"How could this be?"

Ainz stared and shouted in despair, "I can kill even space, why can't I kill you?"

"Kill Space?"

Lin Bei smiled faintly, without speaking.


Hold out a finger:

"One in ten million!"

"One in ten million?"

Not waiting for Ainz to recover...

A loud "bang"!


Ibiruai and others who had only escaped a hundred kilometers:

"MD, here again!"

Before their eyes, it was pitch black again.

this time……


Hundreds of kilometers of space!

Hundreds of kilometers.

Running on two legs is definitely too late.


Everyone agrees.

Focus on it.

The vampire princess, Ibiruai's body.


Among these people.

Only Ibiruai can teleport magic!


Ibiruai was also desperate.

To release the blood transmission, you need to spend source blood.

And a few days ago.

She just had a severe bleeding once.

"Needless to say."

Everyone in Gu Gefu groaned: "If you can't do it yourself, we can help."


Clenching his teeth and stomping his feet.

Ibiruai bit his tongue and barely spit out a mouthful of source blood.

The blood transmission array is on!


A few hundred kilometers have just spread.

Lin Bei stretched out his second finger.

"Two out of ten million!"

Not waiting for Ibiruai to catch his breath.

A louder roar sounded.


this time.

The little half of the kingdom of Yestige has collapsed.


There was a short silence.

"Needless to say."

Ibiruai slapped her chest hard:

"I know it!"

The blood teleportation array opened.

Ibiruai and his party successfully escaped and ascended to heaven.


Lin Bei immediately stretched out his third finger.

"Three out of ten million!"


The kingdom of Riyestige, all collapsed.

Ainz stared at all this blankly.



Through surveillance magic.

Looking at Lin Bei blankly!

Tell me clearly today.

You are punishing Ainz.

Are you punishing me?


Gu Geoff patted Ibiruai on the shoulder, and shook his head gently and earnestly: "Don't think about it."

"It's going to run poison!"

I like the gift packs of the heavens: start with One-Punch Man, please collect them: (ltnovel.com) the gift packs of the heavens: start with the one-punch Man and the literature is updated the fastest.

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