Heavens Gift Pack: Start with One Punch Man

Chapter 875: You won't understand

"Why, I dare not?"

Lin Bei's voice is not loud, but very serious.

To show sincerity.

He even put his hands behind his back.


The cloak boy looked dull.

He did not understand.

Why did Lin Bei do this.

Let the ghost hit two punches for nothing? Isn't this dying?

The cloak boy was puzzled.

Looking at the person coming by, my wife Shanyi.

What are you doing?

My wife Shan Yi smiled secretly in her heart.

After all...

He can't.

Know Lin Bei ten minutes earlier than the man in the cloak.

Don't know.

Why did Lin Bei die?


Why can he die so much?


How to say.

He is also a senior.

How can you say you don't know?


Come back.

If you analyze it carefully.

Lin Bei's actions really seemed suspicious.

after all……

Even Lin Bei.

Wouldn't it be that way?

Could it be that……

Is it a tactic?

My wife Shan Yi squinted her eyes.

not sure.

Lin Bei this guy.

He had secretly hidden the steel plate under his chest a long time ago.

Just wait for the two ghosts to shoot...

Hit them again by surprise!

That's right!

It must be so.

My wife Shanyi nodded secretly.

I think I have grasped the truth!


The young man in the cloak looked admired: "As expected, senior, he knows so much about Brother Lin."

"It's nothing!"

My wife Shan Yi laughed, her face full of triumph.


A loud "bang"!

Silly two ghosts.

Can no longer stand Lin Bei's provocation.

With a fist, it blasted Lin Bei's chest together.


Lin Bei's chest.

It collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A few "crack" sounds followed.

Say less.

Five ribs were also broken!


The young man in the cloak stared at my wife Shanyi blankly: Didn't you say that there is a steel plate under Brother Lin's clothes?


My wife Shan Yi was silent for a while.

Silently, gave himself a big mouth!

from now on……

If he tried to guess Lin Bei's thoughts again.

Even once.

His wife Shan Yi.

I can't find a wife for a lifetime!

Secretly made a vow in my heart.

Slightly eased the embarrassment of being slapped.


The problem still exists.

Lin Bei, why do you want to die?


One punch broke Lin Bei's five ribs.

The dumb ghosts are also a little confused.


When they punched.

I'm ready to fall into the trap.

after all……

No one.

Will it be so stupid that they really make them punch for nothing?

At least three seconds ago.

They never believe that there will be such a thing!

And now...

"Hahaha, what a fool!"

The dumb two ghosts leaned forward and backward with a smile: they thought.

Both of them.

It's silly enough.

I didn't expect...

There are even stupid than them!

"What a fool!"

The dumb ghost, pointing at Lin Bei and laughing.

But suddenly...

The dumb ghost's laughter solidified.

Because they see...

Lin Bei...


It's like winning five million.

With a grin, a big smile...


The dumb ghost swallowed.


Are they ghosts, or is this Lin Bei a ghost?

Why is it so scary?

"You...you...what are you laughing at?"

The dumb ghost is bold.

Asked the voice of everyone present.

"What are you laughing at?"

Lin Bei smiled faintly, and did not rush to answer.


Ripped off his shirt...


Was hit by a dumb ghost to the chest collapsed.

"Did you hear that?"


The two people present were dumbfounded.

What to listen to?

"Listen more carefully!"

The dumb ghosts pricked their ears.

But still, nothing can be heard!

"You guy, what are you talking about..."

The dumb ghost was halfway through scolding.

My wife Shanyi suddenly looked surprised and stood up: "What is going on with this voice?"

This time.

Even the boy in the cloak was stunned.

Why didn't he hear anything?

"My hearing is different from ordinary people."

My wife Shanyi briefly explained.

And more importantly...

The sound made in Lin Bei's body.


The dumb ghosts are about to be anxious to death.

What sound is it?

You TMD, speak up!


My wife Shanyi swallowed, "As you know, the biggest difference between a human and a ghost is the body."

"A ghost with a broken root arm will grow well in half a day."

"Awesome ghost."

"It can even grow in one second."

And people...

"Don't talk about a broken arm."

"A broken finger is a disability for a lifetime."

"There is absolutely no possibility of growth!"


People are also resilient.

For example, a broken bone.

Human cells will also be repaired slowly!


This speed is very slow.

To use an old saying: one hundred days of injury.

In other words.

The bones of ordinary people are injured.

It takes less than three months to cultivate well.

But the problem is...

He can hear clearly.

There was a moment in Lin Bei's body.

The sound of rapid cell repair!

if we assume……

Normal human cells.

It is normal to work from nine to five.


Lin Bei's cell.

Just at the speed of 996, working frantically.


This speed.

It's getting faster and faster!

Follow this trend.

My wife Zenyi even doubted.

Sooner or later, Lin Bei will become one.

Worse than ghosts.

In any case, monsters that cannot die.


Speaking of which.

Even the dumb ghost swallowed hard.

What everyone didn't expect was...

Lin Bei.

Slowly shook his head regretfully:

"I asked you to listen, not this."


My wife Zenyi:

Honestly, are you targeting me?

Lin Bei smiled slightly.

He does not deny.

Under the oppression of dumb ghosts.

His resilience is indeed growing rapidly.

But important...

Not this!

"It's this..."

Lin Bei stretched out his finger.

Tap your own heart!

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

In the silent forest...

Lin Bei's violent heartbeat was clearly audible.

But the problem is...

The ghosts and people present still don't understand.

What exactly did Lin Bei say?

The heart beats faster.

What's special?

"You don't understand."

Lin Bei smiled faintly: "I have been a long, long time..."


Under the suspicion of everyone.

Lin Bei raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a brilliant laugh: "I'm not so excited anymore!"

The voice has not fallen...

Lin Bei stepped forward and rushed straight towards the dumb ghosts, with his fists out of the hole like a dragon:

"Coming to fight!"

This is a skillless punch!

Lin Bei just rushed forward.

and so……

A loud "bang"!

The dumb ghost just punched.

Lin Bei spit out a mouthful of old blood on his back.

Flew out directly.

What frightens the dumb ghosts is...

Lin Bei's face was still full of brilliant laughs.

"This guy is crazy!"

The dumb ghost swallowed.

My wife Zenyi and the boy in the cloak also looked tangled.

Could it be...

Is Lin Bei really crazy?

Reached out and wiped the blood from the corners of the mouth.

Lin Bei smiled faintly: "You won't understand."


The only one who can understand him.

It's a bald!

Speaking of...

It's been a long time since I saw Saitama.

When this matter is over, go find him!

While thinking.

Lin Bei raised his fist while facing the dumb ghost, showing a smile with red lips and white teeth:

"Coming to fight!"

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