Heavens Gift Pack: Start with One Punch Man

Chapter 877: Competitive employment and cross-species involution

"Boom bang bang!"

It is still a continuous fist.

Only this time...

The beater and the beaten.

That is the identity of Lin Bei and the dull ghost.

Quietly a reversal happened!

"Damn it, what's going on?"

The arrogant idiot just now.


Has been beaten into a pitiful mess.

Up and down...

Except for the head.

Only one mouth can move.

The silly ghost next to him is not much better either.

But the problem is...

They really don't understand.


How could it become like this?

Why can't a human be killed?


How can you get stronger and stronger?

Regarding this...

The green-faced ghost only said two words: "Haha!"

You want to know.

I still want to know!

But it was not a turn for a few ghosts to open a victim meeting.


Lin Bei slowly retracted his fist.

if we assume.

The fight with the green face ghost.

Promoted him from ordinary people to wolf level.


Today, this battle with dumb ghosts.

He was promoted to the tiger level!


Even if he deliberately restrained his strength.

Silly two ghosts.

There was no way to bring him any pressure.

In other words...

"You are all useless!"

Lin Bei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he glanced coldly at the heads of Dumb and Qingmian and other three ghosts.


The dumb ghost looked confused, you look at me, I look at you, and some have not recovered.

And the blue-faced ghost...

He lowered his head and seemed thoughtful.

As for.

My wife Zenitsu who has been standing by and watching.

"It's weird!"

His whole life.

I have never seen such a weird scene.

A human being talks to three ghosts like this.


He has an inexplicable hunch.


I'm afraid something strange will happen!

Thinking about...

"I just need one to lead the way."

Lin Bei's voice is not loud.

It sounds like a nonsense.


"North, six hundred and thirty meters, there is one."

"East, about 300 meters away, there is also one."

The green-faced ghost didn't hesitate.

A green face was filled with flattery.


The dumb ghost still didn't recover.

They even.

I don't know what the green-faced ghost is talking about.

What is north and east?

What one one, another one?

Simply inexplicable!


Too late to think.


Lin Bei kicked both feet like lightning.

The heads of dumb ghosts exploded into "fireworks".

Dead clean!

My wife Shan Yi swallowed: He finally understood what Lin Bei had said to him before.

normal person.

It is necessary to use the sun wheel to kill the ghost.

But I am Lin Bei.

Not ordinary people!


Ghost this creature.

Although speaking, it is immortal.

But not dead, after all, there are strong and weak points.

at least……

For the ghosts of the blue face and dumb ghosts.

The head was stepped on and exploded into hundreds of pieces in an instant.

Obviously dead!

And seeing this...


The green-faced ghost let out a long breath, and the whole ghost fell to the ground as if prostration.



It might be him who died!


My wife Shan Yi also followed.

Lin Bei recovered from the shock of kicking the dead ghost.


I want to understand.

What happened just now!

In succinct words:

This is a competitive job! Ghost's inner scroll!

And in complex words:

After defeating the foolish two ghosts, the number of ghosts under Lin Bei changed from one to three.

But the problem is...

Be a ghost and lead Lin Bei to work.

All you need is a ghost!


A life and death competition has begun.

just like.

Three college students graduated.

Go to a company together and apply for a position.

Destined to...

Two are going to dimly exit!

That's right!

Green-faced ghosts and dumb ghosts.

These are these three fresh graduates!

And Lin Bei.

The boss of the company that hires people.

The words just said are interviews.

And what makes the blue-faced ghost more fortunate is...

Two ghosts competing with him this time.

One to stay and one silly!

Let him stand out easily.

From Lin Bei, I got this job opportunity.


Think about it again...

The opponent in this competition is both dumb and stupid.

Let him win by a fluke.

But next time?

Thought of this.

Green-faced ghost's heart.

Uncontrollably arose, a serious sense of crisis.

No way!

I have to work hard.

"Mr. Lin, about a kilometer to the west..." "Mr. Lin, there are also..."

For life.

The blue-faced ghost worked desperately.


My wife Shan Yi was dumbfounded:

These days, even being a ghost is like this! ?

It is terrible!

in other words……

"Even ghosts work so hard, why do you have any reason to paddle?" Lin Bei looked at my wife Shanyi with a hatred of iron and steel.

"Quickly, use your ears to find me some ghosts!"

Heard this.

In my wife's heart.

Involuntarily, a deep self-blame arose.

That's right!

Even ghosts work so hard.

Isn't it shameful for him to paddle like this?

"I heard……"

My wife Shan Yi just wanted to talk.

Just found out.

Qingmiangui was looking at him pleadingly.

I beg you!

Work is not easy, let the child make a living!


There was silence for a while.

My wife Shan Yi couldn't help but sighed deeply.

Although the ghost is hateful!

But when I met Lin Bei...

It turned out to be sympathetic.

What does this show?

this means:

Lin Bei, more terrible than ghosts!

and so……

This time.

His wife Shan Yi.

Must represent justice and stand on the side of ghosts.

Gives the green-faced ghost a reassuring look.

"Do not worry!"

"My wife, Shan Yi, is a man of integrity, who doesn't say anything, and will never take your job."


The green-faced ghost whispered.

Those who are moved are about to cry.

What a nice person!

He decides.

from now on.

My wife, Shan Yi, is his green-faced brother.

Even if it is delivered to the lips.

It is impossible for him to take a bite!

Thinking about...

"Prefer not to say?"

Lin Bei looked at my wife Shanyi and smiled faintly: "Okay, then you don't have to follow me anymore."


There was silence for a second.

My wife Shan Yi did not hesitate:

"In the north, six hundred meters, there are three ghosts."


The green-faced ghost stopped his tears with a look of stunned expression:

"Brother, you?"

"do not blame me."

My wife Shanyi raised her head and looked up at the starry sky at 45°: "Brother, I also want to survive!"


Green Face Ghost: It's decided!

Wait for the opportunity.


Just eat this nasty yellow hair!

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