Heavens Gift Pack: Start with One Punch Man

Chapter 999: Like drinking coke

As an assassin.

The most important ability is camouflage!

And only the perfect disguise.

In order to have an unexpected identity.

Close to the goal! A fatal blow!


Although that is the case.

"But let's not even go to the island, just dress up like this **** now?"

Pink hair.

Standing on the head like a broom.

Chiya looked like he killed Matt.

Very dissatisfied!

"You know what a shit!"

Orange Rose stared her eyes: "The two of us in disguise are trendy barbers from the country of haircutting."

It can be said……

"Is the person who has the most opportunity to get close to an idol!"

and so……

"We must adapt to their habits in advance. After the province entered the island, we accidentally exposed our feet!"

Orange Rose frowned: "Don't forget, the targets of our assassination this time are Ah Qi and Qingfeng."

"You can't be too careful!"


Chiya suffocated a little.

He also knew that since he had practiced the Gorefiend Dharma, his brain had become unusable.

But the problem is...

"Even to disguise your identity."

"Are we going to ride on such a broken ship?"


On the vast sea.

Chiya and Orange Qiangwei hugged their legs, shrank in a sailboat the size of a bedboard, and followed the current.


Orange Rose is also very troubled.

Because she doesn't know why...

Three days ago, all passenger ships that used to solicit passengers to and from Xiaoji Island were suddenly suspended.


She just bought this boat!

Drifted in this sea for three days and three nights!


It's all worth it.

Little Chicken Island has appeared in the field of vision.

As long as they land on the island.

Everything will be easier!


Just halfway through.


A nuclear-powered submarine of Stan State suddenly emerged from underwater and stopped in front of them.

"Why is there a submarine from Stan here?"

Orange Rose's eyes widened in horror: Little Chicken Island, Ah Qi, Qingfeng, Stan State Submarine.

Could it be that……

This little chicken island is not as simple as it seems.

It's actually Stan.

A secret base built in secret?

Ah Qi and Qingfeng, they did not simply defect, but went to the enemy of Stan?

Just thought of this...

There was a "di" sound.

The loudspeaker on the submarine began to shout:

"The front is Xiaoji Island. Only residents of the island are welcome. If you are foreign tourists, please leave immediately."

"Trust me, it's all for your good!"

"For our good?"

Chiya scratched his head and looked at the orange rose on the side: "Is this guy threatening us?"


Orange Rose nodded gently.

Chiya was right this time!

The meaning in this sentence is like saying:

If you don't leave.

We are about to attack!


Chiya grinned and sneered:

Had it not been for Orange Qiangwei had been stopping him, he would have found a big ship and killed him directly on Little Chicken Island.

I was so worried that there was nowhere to spread...


Orange Rose nodded slightly: As a shadow assassin, she had to do something like this when she encountered it.

Naturally, there is no need to be patient!


"Start quickly."

I don't know why.

She always feels a little uneasy.

"Do not worry!"

Chiya laughed, stepped onto the bow, and laughed wildly: "Then what if we have to go in?"

Finish this sentence.

Chiya eagerly stretched out his paw.

Ready to show at any time.

The power of tearing guides and bombs by yourself!

"bring it on!"

Chiya grinned.

I can't wait any longer.


The other party did not launch a guided missile, and opened the hatch, throwing a thick contract from it.

"Entry contract!"

"Party B (XXX) takes the initiative and voluntarily to step on the land of Xiaoji Island and abide by the laws and regulations of Xiaoji Island."

And then……

There are hundreds of pages of detailed instructions.


The loudspeaker shouted loudly: "As long as you sign this, you can go in!"


Chiya and Orange Rose were stunned.

What does it mean?

When is the military base of Stan State.

Can you visit casually?


Since fighting can be avoided, it is natural to avoid it. Chiya and Orange Rose did not hesitate to sign their names.

The submarine of Stan.

Also keeps promises very much.

Immediately gave way to both of them.


There is no more blocking.

Chiya and Orange Rose drove straight in.

Finally, set foot on the land of Little Chicken Island.


One stepped onto the land of Little Chicken Island.

Chiya let out a long breath.

Floating on the boat for three days.

His mouth is almost fading out of the bird.

Before performing the task.

Why should I fill my stomach first!


Where they landed.

There happens to be a beef hot pot!

Walk into the shop.

Chiya raised his hand and photographed a pile of bills on the table: "Quick, give us three catties of offal!"

Orange Rose also nodded.

No matter how strong the Shadow Assassin is, he is still human after all.

She was already hungry.

But the weird thing is...


Looking at the banknotes on the table.

The guy in the beef miscellaneous hot pot restaurant.

A very strange expression appeared one after another.

just like……

Is looking at cherishing animals.


Chiya raised his brows and wanted to get angry.

"low profile!"

Orange Qiangwei stopped Chiya first, and then gave a bright smile to the little brother Niu Zai aside:

"Little brother."

"Why do you look at us like this?"

"Little brother?"

Little Brother Niuza grinned: "I guess, you two just arrived on the island today, right?"


Orange Rose couldn't help but stunned.

She does not understand!

How did this little brother see it?


Not waiting for her to ask clearly.

The tempered Chiya's eyes widened: "What? Are you discriminating against guests who just came to the island?"

"no no!"

Brother Niuza shook his head quickly and said: There is absolutely no such rule in their Niuza restaurant.

"Then why not serve it?"

Orange Rose frowned:

The anxiety in her heart became more intense!


Niuza grinned, he hehe smiled: "We are afraid that you will finish eating and you won't be able to pay for it!"

"Can't pay?"

Chiya almost laughed off Big Tooth.

The net worth of the two shadow assassins, he and Orange Rose, is not to mention hundreds of billions, but also tens of billions.

Can't afford a pot of miscellaneous money?


Even if this young man doesn't know them.

Could it be...

Don’t you know the money?

He just walked in.

Just took out a whole pile of bills!


Tossing the banknotes in his hands.

The red teeth laughed loudly: "Don't you know the money? Is this money not enough to pay for a pot of offal?"


Little Brother Niuza bowed his head and pondered: Of course he knew the money, and the money in Chiya's hand was definitely enough to pay the bill.

The only problem is...

"This money is not yours!"

"not mine?"

this time……

Chiya couldn't even smile.


All this money was earned by his own hard work, completing the assassin mission, and earning it back little by little.

This messy little brother.

Why is it not his?


"It's not mine, who's that?"

To this.

Little Brother Niuza didn't hesitate: "The money comes from Mr. Lin Bei, Chairman of the Lin Group!"


Chiya laughed angrily:

How could the money he just took out of his pocket just become Lin Bei's?


Little Brother Niu Za did not answer, but silently took out a thick contract from the counter.


Silently turned to the middle.

Point to the smallest line and read:

"Signing this contract, everything that comes on the land of Xiaoji Island, whether it is money, dead or living."

"All belong to the island owner Linbei."

"This clause."

"Island owner Lin Bei has the final right of interpretation!"


Chiya and Orange Rose were stunned.

What devil's contract is this?

Even if (996) Lv Yunhe (Use Money to Create Happiness)'s Twisted Teng saw it, I am afraid I would be ashamed?

and also……

Who is Lin Bei, the owner of this island?

Why did he make such an outrageous contract?


Brother Niuza shrugged: "It's very simple, because he bought the entire Little Chicken Island!"


Chiya and Orange Rose were speechless.

How rich is this TM?

Will you buy this little chicken island where birds don’t shit, and then make such a shameless contract?


Brother Niu Zai thought:

He is not sure how rich it is.

He only knew that Linbei controlled 100% of the Lin Group, and the Lin Group currently monopolized the world's video, live broadcast, energy and other industries...


Chiya and Orange Rose: You sell offal.

Why do you know so clearly?


That said.

They suddenly remembered: Ah Qi and Qingfeng's company seems to be Lin's Media.

In other words...

This Lin Bei.

Is that the boss of Qi and Qingfeng?

In other words...

Just touch Lin Bei.

They can too.

Take the opportunity to get closer to Wu Liuqi and Qingfeng!

"tell me!"

Chiya was excited, and grabbed Niuza by the shoulder: "How can I see Lin Bei?"

The orange rose on the side also nodded.

Lin Bei!

Yes they are so far.

The most clear and straightforward breakthrough in the assassination mission!

"You don't have to do anything."

Niuzao smiled kindly: "Mr. Lin, he asked me to take you to see him now."


Chiya's eyes widened in surprise:

There is such a good thing? Surprised?

"it is true!"

Niu Zaixiao brother chuckled: Putting away the scissors for cutting Niu Zai, he took the initiative to lead the way.

Chiya: "..."

Moving tears filled his eyes.

There are still many good people in this world!

think about it.

If every one of their assassination targets.

They all actively invite invitations like Lin Bei!

There are even good-hearted people.

Lead them in front.

They assassins, where do they need any disguise?

I don’t know how easy it is to work!


Orange Rose scratched her head: I don't know why, she always feels that something is wrong.


Look at this little boy with tie-up hair.

She always feels a little familiar!


For a while.

But I just can't remember it.

Waiting for them to see Lin Bei.

Little Brother Niuza untied his bundled hair and stood next to Lin Bei with Qingfeng.

Only then did Orange Rose regained consciousness.


It turned out to be ah!


There was silence for three seconds.

"Go to hell!"

Chiya stretched out his claws.

Roaring, Chao Wu Liuqi rushed forward.

And the orange rose...

Then he turned his head and fled without hesitation!

What a joke!

In terms of hard power, the two crane tails of her and Chiya are not Qingfeng and Wu Liuqi's opponents at all.

The only advantage...

It's just the enemy light and me dark!

The assassination of Assassin's Way can be played out.

But now...

Things were revealed.

Wu Liuqi and Qingfeng are both prepared.

Plus other enemies of unknown strength.


There is only one dead end!

and so……

She Orange Rose not only wanted to escape, but also deliberately escaped at the moment Chiya started her hands.

Use Chiya.

Give yourself a chance to escape!

And the fact...

Sure enough, as she expected!

There are red teeth restrained.

No one can stop her at all!

After a few breaths, he escaped from the house.


Just give her a few more seconds.

She is confident that she can escape to heaven.

But suddenly...


A strange breathing suddenly sounded from my ears.

how to say?

This breathing sound was as long as water, but there was a bit of free wind in it.

In addition to these~

She even smelled a little sweetness!

It seems to be...

Like drinking coke?

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