Anyway, as of the last time Lu Ren checked the harvest of wishes in the Trevi Fountain, the cumulative total of the ‘starry sky’ above the Trevi Fountain has exceeded ten billion, and it is still rising, that is, the rate of rise is slower than at the beginning.

For example, now, Lu Ren had just checked the Trevi Fountain, and a large number of dew and water droplets transformed by wishes were evaporated into the air. Today, the number of stars (wishing values) in the sky has reached more than 15 billion.

This is just a city of Olali, planing many gods, Olali actually contributed 3.7 billion in one night, and the other billion was increased when today’s event fermented, causing heated discussions among adventurers in the city, and it is expected that in the coming week, he-Lu Ren will be the protagonist of the topic of Olali.

In other words, even if he does nothing next, he can get billions of wishes in this week.

If his popularity is spread out again, not to mention every day, the wish to harvest every week alone may exceed ten billion!

After all, this is a world with gods and extraordinary powers, and although the number of human beings will not be comparable to that of the earth, in terms of quality, this has surpassed the earth more than many times.

“That’s just right! Can you come forward as Aegina’s friend tonight? The two of us will cooperate with you then. Vivian Potter’s eyes blinked, as if she could speak, and the charm was irresistible.

“Have you discussed it with Miss Zur?” Lu Ren’s eyebrows raised slightly, and he asked rhetorically.

“No way, that man is really annoying, scolding and not listening, beating and not in accordance with the rules, calling people to come and drive away, at most disappearing for a day or two, but it will only become worse afterwards…” Vivian Porter’s head was close to Lu Ren’s heart, feeling the strong sense of security, and whispered softly: “So, in desperation, she can only seek foreign help.” ”

“Exactly, Jen, you are the hottest super rising star of Olali at the moment, and it is normal to want to hug left and right, and it is estimated that the guy will never doubt whether you and Aegina really have that kind of relationship.” (Flattened mouth, slightly sour tone).

“Even if you take another 10,000 steps back, the other party will suspect it, but what can this be? He didn’t dare to bet, with that kind of person’s disposition, he didn’t even dare to offend the brand of Loki’s family, let alone you! (The tone turned, slightly disdainful).

Vivian Porter analyzed very thoroughly, in her opinion, as long as her own man appears, then all these problems will be solved.

“Okay, but you’d better discuss it with Miss Zur first, after all, I’m very popular now, and even some gods want me very much (the reason for becoming stronger), and other adventurers are…”

“You don’t have to worry about this, the main god of our Adventurers Guild is the god of Ouranos! Those gods generally do not easily offend His old man. As for the adventurers, unless they thought of returning to their hometown to retire after completing this ticket, they would definitely not dare to offend the guild. Vivian Potter smiled and hugged her tighter, she knew that her man was thinking about them, the one called Meizi in her heart.

“Okay, by the way, when is Miss Zur off work today?” Lu Ren’s right hand began to be a little restless.

“Shhh~hmm.. Today, Aegina should leave work around 7 p.m. There are a lot of documents that need to be re-entered recently…” Vivian Potter’s face began to turn rosy again, and the tone of conversation gradually became abnormal.

“Hmm~~ Since we still have a little free time, don’t waste it.” Saying that, Lu Ren turned over and stared at Vivian, the smile at the corner of his mouth was extremely aggressive.


– Adventurers’ Guild, Archives


Aegina Zur suddenly sneezed, and she immediately took out a handkerchief and wiped her reddish nose.

“Strange: It’s obviously not autumn yet, so why is there an inexplicable chill in this summer…” Aegina Zur only muttered a few words, and then devoted himself to his work again.

She wasn’t the type to fish on her job, and in a sense, she took it more seriously than any member of the guild.

“Knock – knock – knock ——…..

The guild bell rang suddenly, and it rang seven times in a row.

It also means that it’s time to get off work.

The big bell in the guild is a bell created by the god Hephaestus himself, with [precision] [local echo] [brain awakening] and other characteristics, in terms of attributes, it can be regarded as a special artifact.

So far, it has been operating unhindered for at least a few decades.

“Hmm~~hmm~~hmm!” Aegina Zur stretched out, and her beautiful figure was immediately revealed.

I have to say that as a half-elf, her figure is above the level of the standard elf race.

Probably because of the mixed blood, her size can even be compared to a certain elven royal family.

“It’s finally time to get off work… Ah, by the way, then again, today Vivian is going to bring her man over to support me, I have to leave early, but I can’t let the other party wait for a long time! Speaking of which, the movements of Aegina Zur’s hands also accelerated a lot.

Lu Ren joined the Loki clan three days ago, but it only took three days to advance to Lv2 and step on the threshold of a superior adventurer. Needless to say, this kind of deeds is as remarkable as the feats of great heroes in their youth in ancient times.

To be honest, she really envied Vivian a little, after all, her boyfriend is really strong, and he is very promising.

If such a person pursues her, perhaps, she will also fall at the speed of light like Vivian.

However, now pursuing her are those lower-level adventurers who are about to enter the retirement age of strength, and the bad intentions are quite obvious.

I don’t know where those people borrowed their courage… ε=(′ο’*)))) Alas, the more I think about it, the more melancholy I get, the more envious I become.

“Tuk Tuk ~~”

“Aegina ~ off work ~ ~ ” The person who came was Vivian Potter, who had just come in through the back door.

At this time, she was wearing casual clothes, her face was slightly bright, and her smile was even brighter.

“Hey ~ Vivian, I’ll be fine right away!” Aegina Zur hurriedly answered.

– Adventurers’ Guild, doorway

It’s still that location.

“Hey! Bro, you’re picking up your girlfriend from work again? As soon as the stubble man saw Lu Ren, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He didn’t recognize Lu Ren’s identity, he just remembered Lu Ren’s methods of picking girls before, to be honest, he was really envious.

Unfortunately, when he applied it to Aegina Zur later, it had no positive effect at all, and even played a reverse effect.

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