Ryoma negative river diagram, Xuangui negative Luo Book, to present Fuxi!

When Fuxi in that ancient picture had to view the river map and Luo Shu, he instantly realized the way of Yin and Yang Taiji!

That’s not something that everyone can understand.

Only Fuxi and others who are born divine and inherit a trace of the concept of the mythical emperor can comprehend the heavenly principles contained in the Hetu and Luo Shu.

Even the powerhouses of the ten thousand worlds, after seeing the symbols and contents recorded on the Nahe Map and the Luo Shu, could only vaguely sense that these were two supreme treasures, which seemed to record the heavens and the mysteries of the universe.

But if you look closely, it is like watching flowers in the mirror and the moon in the fog, and you can’t comprehend anything.

Because what is carried in the River Map and Luo Book is the mystery of the supreme avenue, which has far exceeded the limits that the powerhouses of the current realms can understand and comprehend.

That feeling is as if there is a mountain of gold in front of everyone.

But it never gets it, which is maddening.

But at the same time, the powerhouses of the realms couldn’t help but feel convinced.

This humane Fuxi in ancient times, who was born with a trace of the concept of the Xi Emperor, is absolutely unimaginable.

If not, you will not be able to understand the contents of this river map and the book of Luo.


In the midst of ancient pictures.

After watching the river map and the Luo Shu, Fuxi became more and more sacred.

The breath of Xuanzhi and Xuan emanated from his body, turning into two qi of yin and yang, circulating around him.

“So it is, all things are mixed, a lifetime of yin and yang, yin and yang is tai chi!”

Humane Fuxi sat cross-kneeled, his eyes brightened.

In his eyes, each of them had yin and yang intentions emerged, flowing and entangled, and finally turned into yin and yang double fishes, rotating and intertwining with each other, turning into the pattern of Tai Chi!

Just like the Xi Emperor in the original mythology, with a quasi-Taiji, the Taiji Period!

“Taiji mixed elements, non-final changes, mixed elements into yin and yang, yin and yang as four elephants, four elephants as the shape of gossip!”

Humane Fuxi rose up and began to deduce continuously according to what he saw from the river map and the Luo book.

I saw that on top of that innate Taijitu, more content continued to extend out.

It is like a further elaboration and understanding of that mixed element Tai Chi.

The inexplicable symbols of Xuan Ao continued to emerge from around Fuxi’s body and were integrated into the Mixed Yuan Taijitu.

Gradually, the mixed element Taijitu changed into a new look.

In the land around the Taijitu that mixes the Yuan Ruyi.

All of them have infinite avenue runes shining, and the changes are endless.

At the same time, Na Fuxi’s eyes also showed a clear and happy gaze.

He stood in the realms, and the power of the Huanghuang Dao projected his figure and the mysterious and complex pattern deduced in front of him into the heavens!

“Today, I have learned the way of Yin and Yang Taiji, expounded all kinds of changes, and derived the picture of gossip!”

Humane Fuxi spoke loudly, and the heavens and thousands of ways were his tongues, instantly causing his voice to spread throughout the entire heavens and realms, all the visible and invisible subtle places!

While speaking, Humane Fuxi leaned out a palm and wrote new content on the Mixed Element Taijitu.

“I look at the river map, be a congenital gossip, in order to pass through the infinite changes of the innate sacred!”

“Wu Guan Luo Shu, when the day after tomorrow gossip, with billions of trillions of sentient beings of infinite changes!”

“Dry is the sky, Kun is the earth, Xun is the wind, earthquake is thunder, Kan is water, separation is fire, Geng is mountain, and Dui is Ze!”

“The shape of the gossip, the eight directions of the Mixed Yuan Ruyi Taijitu, the changes of ten thousand worlds, the cycle of the worlds, the fate of living beings, the rise of the Dao and the Dao, all in the gossip!”

Fuxi dictated the ten thousand truths he understood from Nahe Tu and Luo Shu.

And with his voice and movements.

That mixed element Taiji diagram.

In the end, it also turned into a gossip mixed yuan taiji diagram!

The gossip is listed in the eight directions of Taiji, combined with each other, which seems to explain all the mysteries of the heavens and all the changes in the universe!

Congenital gossip, acquired gossip!

Whether it is the divine above the heavens.

It is still a trillion trillions of sentient beings within the realms of Hengsha.

All its changes, all the ways, are all in this Tai Chi gossip map!

In the boundless universe of constant sand.

All living beings have seen this Taiji gossip diagram deduced by Humane Fuxi.

And those beings who are familiar with practice and contact with the path of cultivation have even more comprehension after seeing this Tai Chi gossip map, just like clearing the clouds and mist to see the blue sky,

The difficulties and doubts that lingered on the path of cultivation were all relieved and revealed at the moment they saw this Tai Chi gossip map!

Because the Bagua Taiji diagram deduced and created by that human Fuxi seems to contain all the mysteries of practice and path.

All sentient beings in all worlds can gain something!

It’s not just sentient beings.

When the Bagua Taiji diagram deduced by Humane Fuxi appeared.

Above those heavens, there are also brilliant and magnificent divine shadows appearing, respectfully worshiping the place where the humane Fuxi stands!

Because in the innate gossip derived from that river map, even if it is innate sacred, there is also gain!

Congenital gossip, acquired gossip.

It includes the heavens and sacred, the sentient beings of Hengsha, all souls and all things, all-encompassing, all-encompassing!

This is the Bagua Taijitu derived by Fuxi.

Endless sacred and brilliant!

At the same time, the magnificent voiceover continued to sound.

[Humane Fuxi, watching the river map and derived innate gossip; Guanluo book and the day after tomorrow gossip]

[Bagua has three masters each, “Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Geng, and Dui” separates the eight sides of Taiji, symbolizing “heaven, earth, thunder, wind, water, fire, mountain, and ze”]

[The shape of gossip, all changes in the world, all phenomena, all the heavens and all the ways, fate cause and effect, are all in it, it is a supreme divine creation! ] 】

[Humane Fuxi creates the map of Bagua Mixed Yuan Taiji, and proves the innate divine position, is the ancestor of Bagua, the ancestor of Tianji! ] 】

In the picture.

Humane Fuxi sat cross-kneeled, sitting above the heavens of the ten thousand worlds.

His palms are hugged.

A round of Yin and Yang Tai Chi Bagua Diagram in his palm slowly rotated, symbolizing his supreme Dao fruit!

The Way of Yin and Yang Gossip!

When the powerhouse of the ten thousand worlds saw the slowly rotating Taiji Bagua Map in the palm of the humane Fuxi, he seemed to see the boundless avenue in a trance, and seemed to see the source of the Dao of the worlds.

That yin and yang gossip map contains the fruits of the Dao of Fuxi’s life.

It is the highest embodiment of his practice and understanding.

Ordinary strong people, even if they can comprehend a little bit of it, it is an unimaginable brilliant achievement!

Nezha: The supreme divine existence is really difficult to fathom, but the humane Fuxi transformed by a trace of the concept of the Xi Emperor has such unfathomable power!

Taishang Laojun: It turns out that the Bagua Taijitu came from this way, and it was actually created by Humane Fuxi!

Taibai Jinxing: This gossip map created by Humane Fuxi should be an extension and elaboration of the Yin and Yang Taiji diagram created by the Xi Emperor.

Emperor Xi’s Taiji, Fuxiyan gossip, the power of mythology, it is really awesome!

Beginningless Emperor: I have a feeling that if I can comprehend the contents of this gossip map, I can get rid of the shackles and achieve the legendary innate divine position!

Perfect Realm Shi Tian: This is nature, the root of the Bagua diagram, and the Mixed Element Taiji diagram. Taiji was created by the mythical Emperor Xi.

Comprehending the Bagua Map is equivalent to comprehending the Taiji Way opened up by the Xi Emperor.

If even this cannot achieve innate sacredness, then no one can achieve innate sacredness!

Perfect Realm Willow: Hard! Difficult! Difficult! Even if it is only a brief glimpse, the vastness of the gossip map created by Humane Fuxi, even if it is exhausted for a lifetime, it is difficult to comprehend it. Not to mention the Mixed Yuan Taijitu created by the mythical Xi Emperor.

The powerhouses of the ten thousand worlds are all sighing and regretting.

They can all see it.

In the Taiji Bagua Diagram created by Na Ren Fuxi, there is a mystery of achieving innate sacredness.

But even if they knew, everyone could do nothing.

Because the heavenly truth contained in that Taiji Bagua Map is too mysterious.

Even if you meditate and comprehend it for a lifetime, it is difficult to comprehend it.

Not to mention, the powerhouse of the Ten Thousand Realms only glimpsed it for a brief moment in this mythical chapter.

The powerhouses of the ten thousand worlds are helpless.

One person is an exception.

That is Fuxi in the Flood Desolation Realm!

The Flood Desolation Realm, in the Demon Race Heavenly Court.

The look of loss on Fuxi’s face was long gone, replaced by an incomparably rich color of ecstasy.

And the reason for his ecstasy.

Naturally, it was because he saw the Taiji Bagua Map created by that human Fuxi!

He was also born with a trivial concept of the mythical emperor.

Naturally, the way of Yin and Yang Taiji has a sense and comprehension that is difficult for ordinary strong people to match.

It’s just that the mythical Xi Emperor opened the picture of mixed yuan Taiji before.

It was too mysterious for Fuxi in the Flood Desolate Realm to understand at all.

But now.

When Na Ren Fuxi further elaborated and extended the mixed element Taijitu opened up by the mythical Xi Emperor, and created the Bagua Taijitu.

Fuxi of the Flood Desolation Realm realized!

He couldn’t understand the mixed element Taijitu opened up by the mythical emperor.

But the gossip Taijitu created by Humane Fuxi, he can understand some!

When in that ancient picture.

When the humane Fuxi evolved the Bagua Taijitu, in the mind of Fuxi of the Flood Barren Realm, it was as if there was a yellow bell playing Da Lu.

In an instant, he had an epiphany of empowerment!

“Mixed Yuan Tai Chi, Yin and Yang Gossip! I found it, I found it! It turns out that this is my path to holiness! ”

The Flood Desolation Realm Fuxi was ecstatic.

Enlightened, he finally realized!

His path to sanctification lies in the Bagua Taijitu created by this human Fuxi!

As long as he can deduce part of the content of that Bagua Taijitu, he will be able to use it to prove the fruit of the saint!

“No, no, it’s still a little worse…”

Fuxi of the Flood Desolate Realm muttered to himself, feeling as if there was something else he hadn’t expected.

“Yes, Heavenly Dao merit, it’s Heavenly Dao merit! Why did I realize the way to holiness, but no merit of the heavenly path descended? ”

Hong Desolate Realm Fuxi said to himself, as if he had figured out something.

After Di Jun realized his own path to holiness, he had immeasurable Heavenly Dao merits.

Why did he realize the way to holiness, but did not have the slightest merit of the heavenly path descend?

This is not right!

Fuxi of the Flood Desolate Realm pondered, and finally seemed to have figured out something.

“Most of the saints who preach sanctification have attained supreme merit and are beneficial to the heavens.

That Emperor Junming’s path to sanctification should also be related to the demon race as a whole, so the Heavenly Dao will bring down immeasurable merit.

But I realized the way of Bagua Taiji to become holy, but it was not beneficial to the demon race, so I had no heavenly path merit to descend? ”

Fuxi of the Flood Desolation Realm muttered to himself.

He thought, in that mythical chapter.

The original intention of Humane Fuxi to create the Bagua Taijitu was because the Terrans of the Hengsha realms, although they benefited from the Ten Thousand Dao Torch taught by the Emperor of Fire, initially touched the path of cultivation,

But the path of cultivation is vast, difficult to find, elusive.

That’s why Humane Fuxi founded the Bagua to clarify the principles of cultivation, which benefited all the heavens and races.

But now the demon races in the Flood Desolation Realm have long been familiar with the path of cultivation, and each has its own cultivation method.

Even like the humane Fuxi in that mythical chapter, he created the Bagua Taiji diagram.

The demon race as a whole will not benefit much.

Therefore, naturally there will be no Heavenly Dao merit descending.

So, my sermon chance… Not in the demon clan?

When he thought of this, a bright light flashed in Fuxi’s heart.

“I know, I know! The foundation of my sanctification is not in the demon race, but in… Terrans! ”

Fuxi of the Flood Desolate Realm was extremely excited.

Terrans, are Terrans!

Now the Flood Desolation Realm Terran has just been born, not long ago.

He is also just beginning to come into contact with the path of cultivation.

Isn’t this kind of scene incomparably similar to the situation of the ancient human race in that mythical chapter!

If he passed down the Bagua Taiji diagram among the Terrans and explained the path of cultivation, he would definitely receive immeasurable Heavenly Dao merit for this!

After all, even Lao Tzu Primordial and other saints were able to obtain the merits of the immeasurable Heavenly Dao and obtain the position of saint because of the neutral religion of the Terran race!

“It’s just, I’m a demon race, how can I preach the Terrans?”

Fuxi of the Flood Desolate Realm said to himself.

But just a moment later, a determined look appeared on his face.

“In that case, I will abandon the body of this demon race and ask the Nuwa saint to reincarnate me among the human race!” In this way, great things can be done! ”

He has already decided!

Abandon the body of the demon race and reincarnate among the human race!

Then imitate the mythical humane Fuxi, create the Bagua Taijitu, and teach it to the Flood Barren Realm!

This is his way to holiness!

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