Chapter 218 Ring car high-voltage power grid (two thousand monthly ticket plus more)

There are far more upgraded mice groups than Shen Cong saw, especially when more and more upgraded big mice appeared, all of them jumped into the big Vajra car.

Big Vajra is not a smooth body, but a bumper to protect the photovoltaic panel of the body shell.

Now these bumpers have become the climbing tools of the upgraded big mice. More and more upgraded big mice jumped onto the Vajra, then wielded the bone sticks and hammered and smashed the big Vajra.

Within five minutes, the big Vajra became a big meat ball and was rounded up by the upgraded big mouse. Only the front part of the car, because of the up and down movement of the shovel, the upgraded mouse has no place to occupy.

Shen Cong’s expression was dumb, he did not care about the extra passengers in the car, he just increased the throttle and continued to drive along the highway.

He has to leave the position of the upgraded mouse group first.

These upgraded big mice are not very strong. They consume the active amount of the big Vajra, not as fast as the big Vajra can absorb the free activity.

After leaving the upgraded mouse group, Shen Cong has some ways to deal with them.

Rumble, the engine roared.

Big Vajra, carrying a car of ugly passengers, drove on the county road.

After initial surprise, Shen Cong has quickly acquiesced to the existence of this upgraded mouse that can use weapons.

“The upgraded mouse has a higher level of upgrade than the Big Mouse, and can use weapons. Obviously, it has a greater IQ… Humanoid walking upright. Is this the rhythm to evolve into a rat man?”

In the single-player games downloaded by Shen Cong, especially Magical Beasts-style games, many have “scaven people” settings in them. The rats in the game can wear clothes, have strict levels of tribes, make weapons and fight, and have an own language. .

The upgraded mice in front of them obviously haven’t evolved to such a high level, but there are already signs.

“Ascension of intelligence…maybe after a period of development, real rat people can really appear.” Through the research of evolutionary beasts, Shen Cong has long since learned that the upgraded is not only the physical power of Ascension, but also promotes the brain. Development.

The increase in body size will relatively increase the capacity of the brain, thereby dividing more brain cells.

With more brain cells, you will have enough ability to think.

IQ Ascension is not a joke.


Although Shen Cong was not too surprised by the evolution of upgraded mice, he would definitely not feel good in his heart. As a human being, the highest creature, the ruler of the earth, seeing the lower animals in the past began to Ascension intelligence, there are signs of becoming a higher intelligence creature, the impact of this gap is difficult to erase.

Shen Cong remembered a series of movies he had watched before, “The Rise of the Apes”. The orangutan was stimulated by drugs and developed wisdom. That kind of scene is really ironic.

But now the apocalyptic scene is really similar to the story in “Rise of the Apes”.

In the movie, human beings are hit by the virus. The modern industrial system is abandoned and civilization is degraded. Orangutans begin to develop technology and eventually surpass human beings and become the rulers of civilization.

In such apocalyptic days, human civilization is destroyed by the apocalyptic storm, and there is no one in the population. But the evolution of animals is changing with each passing day. The upgraded mouse that Shen Cong saw a few months ago was a rat with a low IQ and a ferocious temperament. Although it has grown larger, it is still a low-level animal.

The current upgraded mouse group has learned to use weapons.

In time, the birth of the rat man might not happen.

“Overthrow human rule?”

Thoughts flicker.

Da Vajra had turned to Chuma Expressway from the county road, and the speed was ascensionable, so that it directly reached 70 kilometers per hour. When he encountered obstacles, he directly used a herringbone shovel to break it away.

Ten minutes later, Shen Cong felt that he was far enough away from the upgraded mouse colony and suddenly stepped on the brakes.

Then change into the semi-activated armor in the carriage, then return to the cab, and press a touch screen button on the center console.


Suddenly sparks shot from the outer bumper of Big Vajra.

This is high voltage electricity.

Another vehicle-mounted weapon belonging to the Big Vajra-the ring car high-voltage power grid.

A discharge time of 10s needs to consume a tenth of the stored electricity of Vajra. It is designed to deal with the small evolutionary beasts of the group.

40000V direct current is an ultra-high voltage electricity. The current of 50mA is a little weaker, but it can basically electrocute small evolutionary beasts. If it is not electrically dead, it will also be paralyzed.


The direct current passed through the body of the upgraded mouse, and one by one the upgraded mouse’s hair stood upright and twitched all over. After a round of electric current was discharged, hundreds of upgraded rats were basically paralyzed and fainted, and some of them even started to smoke.

Great Vajra was relaxed again.

Shen Cong suddenly opened the door.

Holding the overlord’s broad knife, jumped down and began to harvest the group of upgraded mice that were stunned by the high-voltage electricity.

“You want to evolve into a ratman?” Shen Cong was holding a knife, beheading one by one, and several of them were not stunned, and wanted to rush over, but their strength was very weak, and Shen Cong’s movements were far superior. The upgraded big mouse, one came and one died, but none of them ran away.

After cleaning up the upgraded rat, Shen Cong simply harvested the active core of the upgraded rat, leaving a whole body for research.

Quickly drove away from the scene.

He is afraid that the upgraded rat army will chase him, although he is not afraid of this kind of group evolution beast with limited lethality, but to escape, it always consumes resources.

The gain is not proportional to the effort, and there is no need for action.

The photovoltaic wings opened and began to charge. Big Vajra was like a big bird running on the ground, running along the highway towards Nanjing.

In the evening, I finally came to the foot of the Laoshan Forest Farm in Pukou District, preparing to camp here for the night, and by the way investigate the situation in Pukou District.

After DJI 8 lifted off, you could barely see the scene of Pukou District.

There are also countless bullet craters, piles of ruins, seemingly lonely.

“There seems to be no sign of survivors in Pukou District.” Shen Cong was a little disappointed.

After coming to Laoshan, he also discovered that the free activity of the Laoshan Forest Farm is relatively thin, that is to say, it is a barren zone.

Including Chuzhou City, it is also in a barren zone.

However, the free activity of Chuzhou City is slightly stronger than that of Laoshan Forest Farm.

“In that case, there is no oasis near Nanjing. Judging by the location of the map, this oasis may really be located in the Hongze Lake area to the north.”

Shen Cong drew a circle on the map with Huoshan Oasis as the center, and calculated the distances from Hefei and Chaohu to Huoshan Oasis.

Then draw a circle with Hongze Lake as the center, and calculate the distance from Hongze Lake to Chuzhou and Nanjing.

It is found that the distance from Hongze Lake to Chuzhou is equivalent to the distance from Huoshan to Hefei.

“Either the Hongze Lake Oasis is smaller than the Huoshan Oasis, or the oasis is further north, probably in Suqian. In this case, as long as the Hongze Lake Oasis is not smaller than the Huoshan Oasis, both Chuzhou City and Nanjing City are in the Hongze Lake Oasis. The barren zone…just what happened to the nuclear explosion in the direction of Nanjing?”

“Will there be evolutionary beasts that are more ferocious than oasis in the barren zone? Or, as the New Hefei Research Institute inferred, Nanjing Binjiang is a powerful evolutionary beast that traces back from the sea?”

Putting away the map, Shen Cong made a decision: “Tomorrow, I will go to Pukou District to take a look and investigate what happened in Nanjing. It is best to find the place where the nuclear bomb exploded from the air… My body does not know whether it can resist radiation. It’s not good if you stray into the nuclear explosion area. Nuclear radiation protective clothing should be worn at any time.”

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