Chapter 225 New Hope Laboratory (two thousand five hundred monthly ticket plus more)

Mount Tai Town, the exact name is Mount Tai Street, as the historical title of the ancient town was revoked a long time ago.

Geiger counters show that the radiation concentration outside the car here is very high, but the radiation concentration inside the car is not high, after all, it is protected by lead-containing metals.

The DJI Phantom 8 drone took off and quickly circled around to take pictures. No one from the mousetrap was found, and it was frozen in the Eight Trigrams continent.

At the center of Eight Trigrams Island, there is a huge, shallow circular crater, which should have been left over from the explosion of a nuclear warhead.

The nuclear warhead is detonated on the surface, so the damage range is not as large as the detonation in the air, but the impact on the ground is indeed very strong. The entire Eight Trigrams continent is not green at all, and it is all charred gravel.

In addition, there are not too many special scenes. The nuclear explosion itself mainly relies on shock waves and light radiation to kill, and radioactivity is second. Shock waves and light radiation have great destructive power on the surface, but they have little effect on the underground. What’s more, a nuclear warhead with an equivalent of 25,000 tons has experienced several rain washes.

Not as shocking as expected.

After recording the shooting, Shen Cong climbed out of the big Vajra by himself, stood on the roof of the car, and looked at Eight Trigrams with a telescope.

The ruins of the nuclear explosion are vivid, satisfying his curiosity about growing mushrooms. However, Shen Cong was a little surprised by the sight of the Yangtze River. The turbulent China Mother River turned out to be turbid yellow at this time. The northern waterway surrounding Eight Trigrams was already showing signs of drying up.

“The Yangtze River is about to dry up?” Shen Cong felt incredible.

He believed that the Yellow River had dried up. After all, the Yellow River hadn’t dried up, and the waterways of the Yellow River were hanging on the ground. Under the baptism of the apocalyptic storm, it was very likely that the dyke would collapse directly, or simply change its course. In history, the Yellow River did not rarely change its course.

However, the Yangtze River is the third largest river in the world in terms of length and flow.

In Shen Cong’s impression, the Yangtze River has indeed experienced a decrease in flow. The Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake have news about the small water area every year, but the main stream of the Yangtze River has never been drying up.

Now the Yangtze River is about to do it.

“Is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau where the water source is the problem, or is the extreme climate causing the water shortage in the basin?” Shen Cong didn’t know, his current range of activities was too small, and the news was blocked. Regarding the situation outside the Jiangsu and Anhui provinces, Known as zero.

After taking a deep look at the Yangtze River, Shen Cong drew back into the car with these scenes in mind.

Begin to interrogate Yuan Changjiang and another rat trap.

Yuan Changjiang’s injury was not serious, he was fixed on the wall of the carriage by Shen Cong, unable to move, and his mouth was sealed. The other mousetrap was the one who was stabbed by Flying Daggers. He was stabbed on his waist and might have injured his kidneys.

Interrogate separately.

Interrogating the seriously injured first, Shen Cong was afraid that he was dead: “Name?”

The seriously injured team member had blood in his mouth: “Bah, are you human? You should kill all your compatriots.”


“Fuck you. Mom.”

Snap, the seriously injured player was severely slapped by Shen Cong on the face, and one tooth was deleted on the spot: “I don’t like other people swearing, be polite.”

The seriously injured player is very tough: “I’ll go to you…”

Snap, Shen Cong slapped the other side of the face again: “It’s symmetrical now…You are from the Mousetrap, from the Black Blood Group? Please cooperate with me. What do you see in my hand?”

Shen Cong took out a small bottle of chili water and shook it in front of the seriously injured team member: “I call it chili water, which is a bit more cheesy. It is collected from an upgraded foreign spicy pepper. Do you know that foreign spicy pepper? If you grow up in the countryside, you should know the larvae of the edge green spiny moth.”

As soon as the seriously injured player wanted to speak, Shen Cong squeezed his cheeks: “Listen to me. The upgraded foreign chili is very weak, but the juice in its body has a very strange effect. Normal foreign chili stings people, you will It feels hot and stinging. This kind of upgraded foreign spicy pepper will sting people. It’s about 20 to 30 times the effect… Do you want to try it?”

Shen Cong opened the bottle cap and tried to pour a few drops on the seriously injured team member.

The face of the seriously injured team member changed and changed again. When the mouth of the bottle was tilted and the chili water was about to drip, he suddenly said: “Stop! You won, I hate foreign chili! I cooperate with you. My name is Shi Huaiyang, the No. 1 under the Black Blood Group. A member of the Three Rat Catching Team.”

Not everyone has the hard bones of revolutionary martyrs.

Shen Cong raised his brows. Language is indeed a very profound knowledge.

At this time, the seriously wounded team member said again: “You are from the Eastern Theater, I know, you will definitely not let us super people, I didn’t expect to send someone to test so soon.”

Shen Cong neither admitted nor denied, but continued to scare him: “It’s a pity, the chili water is really good. I tried it once and I have a deep memory. You really don’t want to try it? Forget it…Shi Huaiyang, Black Blood The rat traps of the group, first talk about the structure of your Death Eaters organization, and how many Death Eaters there are now.”

Shi Huaiyang broke the jar and said: “There are not enough C1s, and everyone has disagreements. They disbanded early and are now divided into six organizations. We are the black blood group engaged in trade, the trembling brigade that hunts next door, and the lost paradise that opened brothels. A group of perverted ghouls, the fearless house nestled in the farm, and the new hope laboratory that daddy most wants to blow up.”

“To be specific.”

Shi Huaiyang coughed a mouthful of blood, took a sip of water from Shen Cong.

The total number of death eaters is about 400, and there are more than 10,000 ordinary people at the grassroots level. Because the output of C1 mutagens cannot keep up, there are many problems in the distribution. In the end, the original military high-levels were killed by the people below. The joint rebellion was killed, and the Death Eater organization split immediately.

There are about 70 dead eaters in the Black Blood Group. They mainly rely on catching lymphatics, brainless, and rat people in exchange for C1, and they are more active in the trade of materials.

The Thriller Brigade was composed of people from the original military, and there were more than 70 dead eaters. They mainly hunted down golden beasts in exchange for C1, which is still a bit of a bottom line of conscience.

Lost Paradise is an organization that engages in entertainment and gambling. More than 60 people who eat the dead, by the way, produce a kind of poison called G powder and “eight times a night of god oil”, which is very popular with those who eat the dead.

The New Hope Laboratory was the former radiation laboratory. The laboratory was responsible for the production of C1 and sold it to other organizations. There were more than 80 dead eaters under its umbrella.

The above four organizations are all based in Yizheng City.

The ghouls are a loose organization composed of a group of abnormal Death Eaters, with about fifty people. They mainly make a living by robbing other Death Eaters organizations. They live in no fixed place, but they mainly wander around Yizheng City.

The Fearless House is an organization composed of a part of the Death Eaters, the Gold Men, and the Iron Men. They are all under the leadership of the previous military Death Eaters. After the high-level military officers were killed, they moved to Zhenjiang City across the river. They cultivated themselves and seldom dealt with other organizations.

Shi Huaiyang has lost too much blood and is a little unhealthy, but his expression is very excited: “What daddy should say, tell you, haha, this step is what I deserve. I didn’t even dare to kill chickens before. Now… but I It doesn’t matter if you die, other dogs will die with me. When you come to kill the superman, you can first contact Zhao Zilong and Mother Zhao from the New Hope Lab.”

“Zhao Zilong? What do you say?” Shen Cong asked.

“Zhao Yang’s poisonous and dark old dog in the laboratory hurt us like this, but it’s ridiculous that his girl, Zhao Zilong, is a virgin. Atonement, to be right with us everywhere, even the old dog Zhao turned his face, it’s really ironic!”

Shi Huaiyang panted, and smiled fiercely: “Look for her, you must be the leader of the party!”

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