Chapter 234 Blade Warrior (2900 monthly pass plus more)

The battle started between the two groups of Death Eaters, there was no colorful splendor, no routines and tactics, all fighting separately, with long-range weapons against each other.

The firearms on Zhao Zilong’s side are the biggest threat to the Death Eater group.

When someone started to be shot and died, Shen Cong’s worries were eliminated a lot. The two groups were really not acting. He had wanted to get out of the car for a long time, exert his mobility suppression ability, hide in the big Vajra, without effective long-range attack methods, and the combat effectiveness was very limited.


The hand crossbow shot a sharp arrow from the car and hit the arm of a death eater.

It was originally aimed at the chest, but the Death Eater reacted and avoided the vital point.

Shen Cong shook his head, put down his crossbow, and opened the skylight.

“So, let’s start!”

He jumped and gave himself a process of accumulating energy. After two hits, Shen Cong suddenly pedaled hard, flew out of the big Vajra by the elastic force, and then fell quickly.

The bottom of the sickle-shaped bouncing stilt, like the sole of the foot, with rows of nails on the ground, pressed against the ground, causing the ground to sink a few centimeters instantly and crack slightly, but the contact time was so short that Shen Cong felt If the ground does not sink, the force will be sturdy and will burst out with greater elasticity.

This elastic force relies on the shape of the bouncing rocker to feed back a diagonal forward boost.


Shen Cong ran very fast around the periphery, increasing his own speed to the maximum, and then rushed into the Death Eater group in a very eye-catching manner.

“It’s Colonel Chen!” Lu Hang and Zhao Zilong fought side by side, covering each other. At this time, they saw the whole picture of Shen Cong, with dazzling silver armor. “This is too cool!”

Zhao Zilong looked at Shen Cong in amazement, as if a silver lightning rushed into the crowd: “It’s very strong, and the speed is so fast. No wonder he said he wants to defeat the Black Blood Group and Lost Paradise… Don’t look at it, concentrate on it, let’s do it for you. He shares the pressure well and pays attention to looking for prodigal guns.”


Of course, Shen Cong’s appearance was shocking.

The words of 1.9 meters, the silver armor of more than two meters high, and the quiet running and jumping of the wind, it is difficult to think not to shock.

The Death Eater group quickly caused a commotion. Not only did Shen Cong appear in the style of the show, he also showed his fighting power. He rushed into the crowd. The Overlord’s Sword instantly took the life of a Death Eater and cut his throat directly.

“Damn, this guy is’Quick Silver’!” In the pickup truck of the Death Eater Group, the driver stared and said that Kuai Silver was a superhero character in a previous Hollywood movie. He was very fast and very fast.

“Close the window and don’t touch him!” said another Death Eater in the pickup truck.

The voice just fell.

Shen Cong, who had noticed the pickup truck a long time ago, rushed over and did not attack the person in the vehicle. Instead, he stabbed the tire of the pickup truck.


A puncture.

The pickup truck could not be driven.

“Go to hell!” The death eater in the pickup truck, holding a barbed spear, went out from the shooting hole in the car door.

However, Shen Cong’s speed was too fast. After giving a knife, he jumped away without giving others a chance to react. In the next few minutes, I saw Shen Cong wandering on the battlefield like a ghost, wherever he went, there was bound to be a gain.

“All close, close together! Don’t disperse, give him your hand, cast a catching net!” The commander of the Death Eater group roared loudly.

The originally scattered Death Eaters suddenly moved closer to each other.

He also took out a long pole catching net similar to pushing a net in an attempt to block Shen Cong’s actions. But this was in vain. Shen Cong didn’t have to swing the Overlord’s sword close up, leaned in, and threw a Flying Daggers directly over it. With his speed blessing, a Flying Daggers is a lethal weapon.

Five minutes later, Shen Cong killed more than a dozen Death Eaters.

It was inevitable to get a few boiling guns on his body, but the wastage was not large.

“Damn, this guy is too fast to hit, and he used a black blood cannon to blow up his car! We will be reimbursed by the Black Blood Group!” The commander of the Death Eater Group issued the order again.

Another commander not far away responded: “Lost brothers, don’t hide it. The prodigal cannon is started. The war is the money, and the lost paradise is the money!”

Here, the Prodigal Cannon was taken out, and the riflemen arranged by Zhao Zilong and others also began to show their power, looking for the Prodigal Cannon to shoot.


A death eater was shot and killed as soon as he took out the fireworks.

Shen Cong also noticed this person, ran over quickly, picked up the fireworks that fell on the ground, “You also witness and witness me”, and then shot at the pickup truck.


Half of the pickup truck was blown up immediately, killing two of the dead eaters inside.

“Fuck you. Damn!” There was another Death Eater who took out the fireworks. He didn’t speak, and Shen Cong couldn’t notice him, but since he was exposed, Shen Cong couldn’t react.

Immediately rushed over, before the fireworks shot, hit the death eater.

The death eater was knocked crooked, and fireworks shot at the ruins not far away.


The ruins were blown out into a big pit.

“Damn, a bunch of trash!” A Death Eater senior, when he was about to hand over the prodigal cannon to his subordinates, “You can light the cannon, and I’ll block it for you.”

While speaking, he directly touched a needle and pierced his arm.

Throwing away the needle, holding the nuclear weapon in his hand, he yelled at the murderer Shen Cong in the distance: “Come-on, son-of-bi.tch!”


In the distance, a gunman fired a shot at the Death Eater who was holding a prodigal cannon next to the upper level of the Death Eater.

However, this shot was blocked by the death Eater’s high-level leadership swinging a nuclear weapon, and it bounced off like a baseball.

The death eater who had been injected with the injection opened up instantly.

Shen Cong came quickly, trying to knock the Death Eater away, but he also encountered an attack from the Death Eater high-level, brandishing a nuclear weapon like an iron rod, blocking Shen Cong’s path forward.

His reflexes are far beyond ordinary Death Eaters.

Shen Cong was a little surprised. The reaction speed of the senior executive of the Death Eater was already close to his level. This allowed him to throw out a handful of Flying Daggers in a hurry, and then deal with the attack of the Death Eater’s senior management.

Flying Daggers intervened in the Death Eater.

But after a step, the prodigal cannon in the hands of the Death Eaters had been fired ahead of time. However, the unexpected outcome was that the gun was beaten by the Death Eaters and exploded five meters away from Vajra.

“Stupid like a pig!” The Death Eater yelled and swung his stick at Shen Cong.

Shen Cong also found out the result with his leftover light. He felt a little calm, and his expression became cold. The Overlord’s Broadsword used his full strength to cut the opponent’s big stick fiercely.

Cang Dang!

With the loud clash of gold and iron, Shen Cong shook the Death Eater by two steps. However, the senior executive of the Death Eater was given a shot, and he was fierce at the moment, and Shen Cong was impatiently unable to take him down.

At this time, the dead eaters around seemed to smell the fishy cats, and the slingshots and crossbows immediately greeted them.

The nuclear weapons all hit Shen Cong’s semi-activated battle armor and the shark skin of the high level of the Death Eater.

“Come on, come on! The old man will kill you today!” The death Eater’s senior executives became more and more enthusiastic, and unexpectedly broke out a bit of strength again.

Shen Cong confronted him with a few moves, and suddenly stepped on the spot, avoiding the death Eater’s high level, ran a circle around to accelerate, and then rushed to the other Death Eaters.

Especially the two-eyed cooked deceased who hid behind and shot.

Shen Cong remembered them. These two people were the death eaters who had given Vajra two fireworks from the left to the other.


Bounced to the ground, two base plates crushed a piece of construction waste, and rushed towards the two dead eaters by the rebound force.

“Hmm!” The Death Eater executives chased them quickly, yelling, “Don’t run!”

But his speed was still too slow, only to see Shen Cong stab a Death Eater with a single knife, then grabbed another Death Eater named Sao Bao, suddenly jumped into the air, and then fell Sao Bao’s head down.


Under the witness of many death eaters, Sao Bao’s head exploded like a watermelon on the spot.

Red and white plasma splashed all over the floor.

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