Chapter 245 The Ninth District Metamorphosis

“It’s a bit rough, but it’s delicious when sprinkled with salt.” Nibbing on the cooked Shuibawang worm eggs, Shen Cong couldn’t help commenting that eggs are eggs and worm eggs as well. For egg food, Shen Cong likes it very much.

Had breakfast.

Shen Cong walked out of Vajra, and the vast snow outside had melted nearly 1.5 meters, and there was a 2.5-meter snow layer.

Still unable to drive.

Twenty meters away, the military jeep was already on the surface of the snow. Because Zhao Zilong and the others had cleaned the place originally, it has been filled with melted snow into a big pool.

Seeing Shen Cong walking out of Vajra, Old Wei, who had originally built a snowman on the snow, ran over immediately: “Chen Cong, when shall we leave?”

However, before approaching, Old Wei stopped and looked at Shen Cong and Da Vajra suspiciously: “Colon Chen, what’s the matter, I feel you and your car, making me feel very uncomfortable. It feels dangerous and uncomfortable.”

Shen Cong raised his brows and asked coldly: “How did you feel before?”

“It’s the kind that is common among iron men. I want to eat you and you want to eat me.” Old Wei replied.

“It seems that the coercive effect of the Great Vajra has taken effect.” Shen Cong said, liquid activity does not have the coercive effect, but the solid activity will produce this coercive effect.

There are also some differences. For example, the iron man will only have the feeling of swallowing the other party’s load, and the two iron men will not have this feeling when they hang over their shoulders.

Coercion is different, it belongs to the suppression of active quantity.

A few days ago, Shen Cong’s activity was not very high, and he had no coercion on Lao Wei, Zhao Zilong and others. Now he has entered the Lv1 era, and has reached or even exceeded the activity level of 3.012H or more, which is too much higher than them. The coercive effect This is reflected.

However, Shen Cong didn’t explain the reason, he just said: “Today, one meter will melt, and tomorrow will be about 1.5 meters deep of snow. We will leave in the morning and you are ready.”

“Okay.” Old Wei nodded. “But, Colonel Chen, what do I feel like?”

Shen Cong didn’t want to answer, but after thinking about it, he still has to deter these people and prevent them from breeding bad ideas: “Because I am much stronger than you, many, many.”

Old Wei returned to the military jeep with doubts.

Zhao Zilong asked: “What did Colonel Chen say?”

“He said he left early in the morning, but, Zilong, I found a very strange thing.” Old Wei said muffledly.

“What’s the strange thing?”

“You have stayed in the laboratory, and you know that there is a strange attraction between the iron men, which is like a zombie eating a brain.”

“Yes, I know that in the past, the radiation laboratory called this situation the radiant magnetic field effect. The iron man’s vehicle will produce a special radiation field. When the iron man comes into contact with this radiation field, he will be attracted, and I think To capture and expand the radiation field of own vehicle.” Zhao Zilong nodded and said.

“Yes, I’ve heard it in training sessions before… I had a strong feeling of swallowing Colonel Chen’s car. But today, I found out that it was gone. I leaned in his car and felt a Hit the fear in my heart. It’s like… I met an old goose, you know I fear the old goose the most.”

“Fear? Fear?” Zhao Zilong’s eyes flickered, “Could this be a natural instinct between creatures, the instinct to avoid danger?”

“The instinct to avoid danger?”

“Yes, the reaction of living things to the outside world is far more sensitive than expected, just like the skin can feel cold or hot, and living things have a natural instinctive response to danger.”

Old Wei wondered: “But I haven’t felt this way two days ago?”

Zhao Zilong said solemnly: “Then there is only one reason, Colonel Chen has become stronger again…Everything is evolving, and humans are the same. We super humans rely on C1 to evolve, and you iron men rely on vehicles to evolve, and are all evolving. Colonel Chen, obviously has a very high degree of evolution.”

Saying that, Old Wei understood: “No wonder, Colonel Chen said he is very strong just now! He is a fierce man who challenged more than a hundred superhumans alone. Although I didn’t see that scene, I was full of enthusiasm when I thought about it. It’s my old Wei’s turn to show off his prestige.”

Xiaobei said in a tone of envy, “Old Wei, you will become stronger one day sooner or later. Both the golden man and the iron man have opportunities.”

Dahui also said: “Yes, I envy you who have a car. Why would I patronize the mortgage payment before the end, but I didn’t expect to buy a car.”

Old Wei slapped Xiaobei and Dahui on the shoulders: “The same goes for you, don’t be discouraged, Xiaobei and Dahui, when you get to the war zone, there will be a way.”

Others admire him, but Shen Cong himself has his own troubles.

The itchiness has lasted for a whole day, and it still hasn’t gone back today, and can only be distracted by boxing and other methods.

In this case, I don’t know when it is the same.

“Evolution is far more difficult than I thought.”

Shen Cong even felt that he had a low-grade fever now. Since his physical fitness strengthened, he had never been sick, but now he is sick. Don’t think about it, it must be the gradual change of the bones in the metal, causing the body to have these reactions.

Therefore, after staying up to night, Shen Cong fell asleep early.

In his sleep, Shen Cong had an absurd nightmare.

He dreamed of becoming a big beetle, like a short story he had read not long ago, from Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis.” In “The Metamorphosis”, Gregor becomes a big beetle. He once gave everything for the family, but now family members hate him.

Father smashed an apple on Gregor’s back, and the apple rotted with Gregor until Death.

Shen Cong dreamed of becoming a big beetle, and he also felt that he had apples on his body, not just one or two, but many.

He wanted to shake off these apples desperately, but it was very difficult because his paws couldn’t reach Own’s back, just like Gregor, he could only carry such regrets.

The difference is that Gregor is just a symbolic figure, without personality, without appearance, he has nothing but human thinking.

However, Shen Cong felt hesitating, carrying a carapace and an apple on his back, at a loss.

Then, Shen Cong dreamed that he had become a prawn again. The alien prawn in the movie “The Ninth District”, he was infected like the male protagonist, turning into a prawn bit by bit.

In order to own the human form, Shen Cong also began to pull out his nails in panic, trying his best to control himself not to become a prawn.

Then he found that the own prawn tongs were a little loose, like gloves, which could be pulled off. He quickly grabbed the prawn tongs and pulled out.

Pull it, pull it.

Finally, with a click, Shen Cong pulled out the prawn tongs.

As soon as the pliers were pulled out, Shen Cong sat up from the bed abruptly, and was stunned for a few seconds before he realized that he was dreaming!


However, when Shen Cong relaxed and let out a sigh of relief, he suddenly found out.

My own front teeth leaked unexpectedly.

Licked with his tongue… His two front teeth are gone!

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