Chapter 251 Banyan Yogurt (500 monthly ticket plus more)

Seeing the four-legged snake eating happily, Shen Cong’s mouth twitched, always feeling like it was eating shit.

Although the black balls here are different from the black and yellow corpse balls, they are undoubtedly buried in the ground. It is possible that the black and yellow corpse ball, shortly after being buried in the soil, turned into a black ball.

Therefore, it is difficult for Shen Cong to move his mouth.

This is the periphery of the banyan forest, and most of the leaves have fallen from the banyan tree. The four-legged snake is too big and stuck in the air roots of the banyan tree. It hits the air roots again and again. It can only stretch its front legs from the other side of the air roots and draw pits on the ground, which looks a bit silly.

“The air roots of the banyan tree here seem to be very hard, and the four-legged snakes keep hitting them?” Shen Cong turned to touch the air roots of the banyan tree, stiff, and immediately sensed the amount of activity of the banyan tree.

With this perception, I discovered that Banyan Tree has actually entered the Lv1 era, and can only perceive that its talent is 1.874H, but cannot perceive how much activity it has now.

“It turned out to be a banyan tree in the Lv1 era!”

Just about to take a closer look, Shen Cong suddenly felt his scalp numb and prepared to react when he suddenly felt a wind coming from the side. But his bouncing stilt needed to accelerate, and the dark wind had already blown on him before he started pedaling.

Then, feeling only a mass of fleshy things, he licked his semi-activated armor from head to tail.

It’s a four-legged snake.

The guy saw that Shen Cong did not eat the viscous liquid in the ball, and tried to persuade Shen Cong to come over and continue eating with his tongue.

Its tongue is thicker than Shen Cong, and it is covered with a milky white viscous liquid that exudes the scent of osmanthus, making Shen Cong also a viscous liquid.

Shen Cong overreacted when he pressed his own, looked at the four-legged snake that continued to lick his head, then looked at the mucus all over his body, and forcibly resisted his plan to kill the four-legged snake.

So far, the four-legged snake has not made any harmful actions.

Squatting down, Shen Cong resisted the strange thought in his heart, dipped a little liquid in the ball with his finger, and then put it to his mouth and licked it. With this lick, his brows stretched suddenly.

The viscous liquid in the ball tastes very like yogurt, sweet and sour, and tastes very good.

Seeing Shen Cong licking the liquid, the four-legged snake made a gurgling noise, and I didn’t know what it meant. It eats very quickly. After a while, it has dug out five balls, except for the half that was allocated to Shen Cong, and the rest has been eaten into its stomach.

After eating the five spheres around, the four-legged snake tried to turn around, but it was too big to stretch out in the banyan forest, and it didn’t seem to hurt the banyan tree, so it didn’t use too much strength, just retracted desperately and aimed at it. The air roots of the banyan tree on the other side stretched out and got in.

Look for new orbs to lick food.

Shen Cong looked at the half ball in front of his eyes, reached out and grabbed a handful of it and stuffed it into his mouth. At the same time, he thought: “This thing shouldn’t be fermented from a corpse ball. The composition of the outer shell and the inner composition are different. In evolution, the recipes and habits have been changed, and there should be no burying of dung balls in the ground… how can there be so much dung for them to bury.”

The milky white liquid tastes really good, and I haven’t tasted the taste of yogurt for a long time.

Looking at the separated spheres, Shen Cong inspected the shell of the sphere a little bit. The black shell looks like a structure of a mixture of metal and wood. Signs of metal mixing.

“Wood, metal… Could this ball actually have something to do with the banyan tree?”

“Shikilang occupies this piece of banyan forest. It will definitely not simply treat the banyan forest as a habitat. It must be the banyan forest that attracts them. Just now the four-legged snake was obviously unwilling to destroy the banyan forest, otherwise it would just Just break the banyan tree. With the shape of a four-legged snake, it won’t be difficult.”

Shen Cong used a dagger to slash the air roots of the banyan tree. The banyan tree in the Lv1 era was very hard, but under the engraving of the active ape king dagger, a cut was still made.

This proves that the banyan tree cannot stop the destruction of the four-legged snake.

“The four-legged snake is protecting this banyan forest!” Shen Cong was sure of this.

At this moment, the air roots of the banyan tree that were cut by Shen Cong suddenly flowed out from the crack of a white liquid, emitting the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus.

“This… the taste is almost the same as the liquid in the ball. In this case, the’yogurt’ in the ball is actually collected from the sap of the banyan tree, and then the shell is made by the dung sheller using the fallen leaves or twigs of the banyan tree. , The package is buried underground and fermented into yogurt?”

Thinking about this, Shen Cong immediately searched for the air root, and immediately found that there were many scar-like marks on the air root.

These should be the traces left over from the juice collected by Shike Lang.

It’s like cutting rubber.

After figuring out the source of the milky white liquid, Shen Cong finally felt relieved. Although the effect is still unclear, he can eat it, the four-legged snake can eat it, and he can also eat it.

“Good things, don’t miss it.” Shen Cong immediately began to learn the four-legged snake, planing round balls from the forest.

The sphere is not difficult to find, and on the slightly raised ground, there is a black sphere buried underground.

In just a while, the four-legged snake has dug out more than 20 balls and ate the banyan yogurt in the balls. Shen Cong also dug ten spheres, cut open, took out the milky white sphere about the size of a basketball inside, and put it into the front transport bag of the Jiao leather that he carried with him.

He is going to take it home and stay in the future to eat slowly.

After all, I don’t know the effect of banyan yogurt, so I need to experiment slowly.

Five minutes later, the four-legged snake and Shen Cong dug out the spheres around the banyan forest. Shen Cong installed twenty spheres, and the four-legged snake ate more than 30.

After eating, the four-legged snake leaned in front of Shen Cong, grunting again, and also stuck out his tongue, trying to lick Shen Cong again.

Shen Cong hurriedly avoided, this guy had bad breath, and the sweet-scented osmanthus scent of banyan yogurt couldn’t stop it.

Seeing Shen Cong avoiding it, it grumbled and looked very anxious.

And want to squeeze into the banyan forest.

Shen Cong quickly understood its meaning, he still wanted to eat, but the remaining balls were all in the depths of the banyan forest, and he couldn’t get in. So he caught Shen Cong’s attention again, let Shen Cong go in and dig out the ball.

“What do you mean?” Shen Cong pointed to the ball shell next to his feet, then pointed to the banyan forest, and communicated with the four-legged snake.

The four-legged snake gurgled and gurgled suddenly-after several contacts, Shen Cong felt that the meaning of the gurgling sound was probably a happy expression.

So Shen Cong walked into the banyan forest and dug out a sphere. The sphere inside was obviously larger than the outer ones.

Rolling the ball in front of the four-legged snake, the four-legged snake suddenly grunted and murmured, looking very excited, and then stretched out his tongue to lick Shen Cong, but Shen Cong backed away a few steps to avoid it.

Can’t stand its enthusiasm.


The four-legged snake has sharp claws and quickly cuts the ball open and licks the banyan yogurt.

Shen Cong dug a ball again and rolled over, watching the four-legged snake eating happily, suddenly had a whim, leaned into the four-legged snake, slowly stretched out his hand, and touched the big head of the four-legged snake.

The two-meter-high Shen Cong, coupled with the height of the bouncing stilt, can only touch three meters, and the three-meter height can not reach the top of the four-legged snake, so he can only touch the side face.

The four-legged snake did not show defensiveness to Shen Cong’s touch, and just licked its food.

Shen Cong then smoothly perceives the level and talent of the four-legged snake.

The talent is 2.911H, the active capacity is 2.648H, and the Lv0.91. It is only one step away from the super three talent, and the level is about to approach the Lv1 era.

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