Chapter 253 Arrived in the Eastern Theater (160,000 recommended votes plus more)

Putting away the phone, waved to the four-legged snake, Shen Cong took the rubber bag and strode out of the banyan forest.

Sure enough, the same as the first time, the four-legged snake followed him and came to the big Vajra again. Shen Cong threw things into the carriage and shouted to the four-legged snake: “Don’t follow me.”

After that, I got into the car, started the big Vajra, and drove forward along the trail left by the military jeep.

The four-legged snake still chose to follow.

However, Shen Cong ignored the fact that he couldn’t take away such a big four-legged snake, and it was difficult to communicate clearly. Maybe this guy was hungry and ate himself as food… It’s not that there is no such possibility.

Therefore, it is considered a wonderful transaction.

There is a chance to come here again to dig yogurt balls, maybe you can see the four-legged snake again.

Now the transaction is over.

The stop-and-go four-legged snake followed for two kilometers, but Vajra did not respond to its call. Finally, at the next turn, I no longer chose to follow, but stood in the muddy water with his head held high. The sight of Vajra walked forward, and gradually disappeared in the warm sunlight.

Then, with a grunt, his body twisted, and he ran quickly towards the twenty-mile long mountain, and disappeared at the corner of the hillside as well.

The water on the ground no longer fluctuates, as quiet as before.

Looking at the disappearing light spots on the radar chart, Shen Cong quietly packed his mood, increased the throttle, and chased the military jeep. In a ruin called Zhuzhen, I saw a military jeep waiting in the parking lot.

When the walkie-talkie was turned on, Zhao Zilong’s voice was heard: “Colon Chen, shall we rest here in Zhuzhen and have lunch?”

“Good.” Shen Cong responded simply.

Zhuzhen is only three kilometers away from the Changshen Expressway. From the map, it basically makes a circle and returns to the other end of the dug road in Liuhe District, Nanjing.

The snow was melted by the sun, and there was water everywhere.

After Shen Cong stopped, the first thing was to go to a pond not far away, pick up the water and wash the place where Vajra had been licked by the four-legged snake.

“Chen, have lunch together?” Old Wei came over and said.

Facing humans, Shen Cong immediately regained his consistent indifference: “No need.”

Old Wei is no stranger to Shen Cong’s attitude. He is a familiar character, so he continues to be close to Shen Cong: “Chen Cong, that four-legged snake has been given away, is it your pet?”

“It has nothing to do with you.” Shen Cong didn’t want to answer.

Old Wei shyly said: “I have seen many big guys, Black Tortoise, Earth Dragon, but I have never seen a big guy close to humans. This is the first time I have seen this four-legged snake, and only Only a man like Colonel Chen can subdue the powerful Golden Beast. Colonel Chen, can you promote us how to follow the gold?”

Shen Cong poured a bucket of water on the big Vajra, then turned his head and said seriously: “First of all, you have to become very strong and get the golden beast to recognize your strength.”

“Um…” Old Wei swallowed and spit, unable to speak.

After Shen Cong finished speaking, he ignored Old Wei’s reaction and said directly: “After lunch, we will immediately go on the road and strive to reach the Hongze Lake this evening. At that time, you can go directly to Huai’an City.”

“Chen Colonel, won’t you go to Huai’an City?” Zhao Zilong was the one who asked, and she came over too.

“When the time is right, I will go.”

Old Wei asked unclearly, “What is the right time?”

Shen Cong answered the wrong question: “When we arrive in Huai’an City, we will clean up. You go to your business and don’t ask me again.”

After lunch, continue on the road.

The Changshen Expressway apparently passed through here when migrating to the Eastern Theater, and the road surface was cleaned relatively clean. The Great Vajra was unimpeded along the way, and the speed can be ascension to 60 kilometers per hour.

And as it goes northward, the ecological environment becomes more and more abundant.

From time to time, you can see a large number of deciduous trees on the side of the road, and the number of golden beasts has also increased. Several golden beasts have not long eyes to challenge the big Vajra, and they are directly hit by the big Vajra.

When I left Tianchang City and arrived in Jinhu County, a huge eagle flew from the sky.

Dive down.

The sharp claws directly grabbed the military jeep. If it hadn’t been for Wei’s timely response and slammed the steering wheel, the military jeep would have been grabbed by the eagle and taken to the sky. An ordinary eagle can grab three times the weight of its own sika deer. This upgraded eagle has a wingspan of 20 to 30 meters. It should not be difficult to grab a military jeep.

“Chen, please help! Please help!” Zhao Zilong hurriedly called Shen Cong on the walkie-talkie.

Shen Cong saw the eagle.

He immediately stepped on the brakes and put away the photovoltaic wings, facing the flying behemoth, he did not dare to underestimate it. Climbed on the roof of the car, using the bed and crossbow on the roof, gave the eagle a few arrows fiercely, and then jumped back into the car regardless of whether it hit or not.

He is afraid that he will be caught by the eagle and the sky is not his home court.

However, these arrows succeeded in attracting the attention of the Eagles, and changed the target of the attack from a military jeep to a large Vajra.

Facing a large Vajra weighing more than one hundred tons, the eagle could only grab and peck, and then was wounded by a big knife that suddenly stretched out.


The eagle was in pain, pedaling on his legs, and suddenly went to heaven.

Shen Cong immediately climbed onto the roof, mounted a few large arrows again, and suddenly launched when the eagle turned his head for the third dive attack.




The power of the bed. Crossbow is huge. Although the arrow is poorly accurate, it is enough to scare the eagle. This time facing the bed crossbow, the eagle didn’t dare to come down directly, but he was reluctant to give up hunting opportunities and hovered constantly in the sky.

Upon seeing this, Shen Cong held a spiny javelin.

Watching the eagle closely.

This eagle was several times larger than the giant vulture he had met, at least it was also a heavyweight golden beast.

It seems that seeing the bed crossbow no longer show off, the eagle finally couldn’t hold it back, and once again fiercely pounced down. Standing on the roof of the car, Shen Cong’s muscles were tight, as if he could feel the fierce aura of the eagle, rushing towards his face.

The eagle’s beak is shining silver, and the surface is shining, which is a sharp reaction.

This eagle already knows how to use activity.

When the distance was two hundred meters, Shen Cong moved, exerting force on his waist and hips, rounding his forearms, and suddenly threw the javelin in his hand. The moment the javelin was released, he himself took a step forward, and the skylight in front of him fell straight down.

At this moment, the eagle collided with the javelin, and the javelin stuck directly on its chest.

Pierced deep,

But the huge size of the eagle is obviously not a javelin that can stop it, and it directly hit the big Vajra, smashing the bed and crossbow on the roof of the big Vajra, deforming it.

Then there was a painful “唳”, his legs pedaled, his wings flapped, and he flew away with the spiny javelin in his chest.

For this eagle, the big Vajra and the small bugs in the car have been able to harm it. But it can’t break the defense of the Great Vajra, let alone grasp the Great Vajra.

This kind of prey is not suitable for hunting.

It’s better to fly away.

Lost a spiny javelin and drove away the heavyweight Golden Beast Eagle. Shen Cong didn’t say much, but shouted “Go” on the walkie-talkie, then launched the big Vajra and continued on his way.

The sun is setting.

In the past, the boundary of Jinhu County is the boundary of Hongze District, not far from Huai’an City. UAV reconnaissance can already see the vast water surface of Hongze Lake and the surrounding green environment.

It was also at this time that the car radio, which had always been noisy, suddenly received a clear female voice signal: “Welcome to the military defense zone of the Eastern Theater Command, 37 kilometers forward along the Changshen Expressway, this is the settlement of human survivors in Huai’an. We look forward to your joining.”

“Unite to defeat the cataclysm, and join hands to build a new home-the Eastern Theater Reconstruction Committee of the People’s Republic of China announced.”

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