Chapter 255 Solitary

After moving to Huai’an City in the north, the Eastern Theater Actively wiped out the golden beasts, opened up a paradise, and searched for survivors.

First, the radiation center zone of Luoma Lake in Suqian City was discovered, then the radiation center zone of Longdi Town was discovered to the east, and then the radiation center zone was discovered in Linyi City further north.

These three oases just surround the vast areas of central and northern Jiangsu Province.

Therefore, in northern Jiangsu, a military defense zone in the eastern theater was established, with the 1, 12, and 31 armies as the defensive system, gathering a large number of survivors.

Four large settlements were established-Huai’an City, Yancheng City, Jianhu County, and Donghai County.

Three group army garrisons-Siyang County Advance Outpost, Xinyi City Advance Outpost, Baoying County Defense Outpost.

The total population of the area is 280,000. There are about 3,100 golden men and more than 400 iron men.

The jurisdiction strictly implements militarized management, including the elderly, children, and pregnant women. Everyone has their own tasks and accepts the leadership of the war zone. However, under such strict regulations, there will inevitably be resistance. After all, before the end, liberalism has penetrated into the hearts of many people.

Therefore, some people left the jurisdiction and went to life outside the jurisdiction to escape the high-pressure militarized management.

After repeated prohibitions, the war zone tried a combination of work and rest management, which slightly eased the contradiction.

At the same time, it guided the establishment of five camps under the Eastern Theater Command, but with independent powers, defenses, and livelihoods, for survivors who have left the theater to live-the Xuyi County Camp, the Jinhu County Camp, the Hongze District Camp, and the Great Fengqu Campsite and Muyang County Campsite.

Among them, the camp in Hongze District was almost established by the war zone itself, which is semi-official.

There are often transactions between camps and theater jurisdictions.

Among them, Xuyi County, Jinhu County, and Hongze District have the largest population, the most frequent trade, and the distance is triangular, so Sanhe Town Free Trade Zone appeared in the center.

“Chen, since you don’t go to Hongze District with us, we can’t force you. Thank you very much for your care along the way. I hope I can meet again when I have the opportunity.” Zhao Zilong said to Shen Cong who had gotten off the car.

Old Wei also said: “I am not convinced by old Wei, Colonel Chen, you are this…”

He gestured a thumbs up and continued: “Although I don’t talk much with Colonel Chen, I know Colonel Chen is cold-hearted. I really hope that when we meet again next time, I can drink and brag with Colonel Chen. !”

Xiaobei also approached, and said shyly, “Chen, you are my idol.”

Dahui scratched his hair and didn’t feel embarrassed to interrupt.

Zhao Zilongfu stretched out his hand again, hoping to shake hands with Shen Cong: “Chen Cong, take care.”

Shen Cong didn’t stretch out his hand, just glanced at the four of them, then turned into the car, and left a nonchalant sentence: “Got it.”

I got into the car and started it directly. Under the awkward gaze of the four people, he turned the front of the car and drove along the Chang-Shen Expressway in the direction of the time when it came.

For him, there is no friendship with the four of Zhao Zilong, just a transaction.

When it comes to the eastern theater, there will be two clearings, and there is no need to be pretentious.

Moreover, people’s hearts are separated by the belly, who knows if Zhao Zilong and others invite and retain themselves, will they want to set a trap, wait for themselves to take a bite.

Besides, this is the Eastern Theater, even though Liu Jin from the Sanhe Town Free Trade Zone talked about the rules of the theater. But Shen Cong will not easily believe that, who knows that all this is not a trap.

What is the attitude of the Eastern Theater, and whether this human organization has deteriorated.

Will the Sanhe Town Free Trade Zone be like the orange fruit camp, which contains evil intentions?

During the delay, did they contact anyone else to come and surround Vajra?

These are all issues that Shen Cong must consider. In the last days, there are many crises. Although Shen Cong is now very powerful, in the Lv1 era, he has more than 20 cattle power. But he still can’t stand alone against nuclear warheads, and even stronger bombs may cause damage to him.

In the Eastern Theater, even nuclear-weight golden beasts such as Black Tortoise and Earth Dragon were destroyed, not to mention him.

“Leave here first and find a place to camp. Starting tomorrow, I will slowly come into contact with camps outside the jurisdiction. Jinhu County is too close to Baoying County where the 12th Army is stationed. I should first contact the Xuyi County camp.”

Da Vajra drove along the Changshen Expressway towards Ping’an Town, Tianchang City. Shen Cong planned to camp overnight in the area of ​​Ping’an Town.

After sending away Zhao Zilong and others, he resumed his life alone.

Although the journey will be quieter, but the heart is more at ease.

Having been alone for so many years, I have long been accustomed to the taste of loneliness, and I don’t feel lonely, on the contrary, I feel unrestrained and can quietly busy with the things I like.

Occasionally, there will be a little loneliness.

Dealing with the past, it will be a brilliant new day.

Suddenly, Shen Cong thought of the four-legged snake. Perhaps the four-legged snake has also improved its IQ and understands loneliness, so that it will show a friendly atmosphere to the equal power.

Shook his head, Shen Cong stopped thinking about four-legged snakes.

Maybe when we meet again, Xiao Si may not recognize him and treat him as food.

“It’s not my dog, blackhead, you’re right.” Shen Cong looked at and ran to the cab, accompanied by own blackhead, and said to himself.

The black head can’t hear the sound, but can only feel the vibration of the ground.

Lie down quietly.

I didn’t know that Shen Cong was talking to it just now.

When he arrived in Ping’an Town, Shen Cong observed the surrounding environment. It was a land of complete ruins and there was no place to hide. He simply turned the front of the car and started taking a shower and cooking without even getting off the car.

After eating, Shen Cong started homework every night.

The first is to open a yogurt ball, scoop the yogurt to the blackhead, and test the toxicity reaction-in fact, without experiment, the four-legged snake ate so much and nothing happened. He also tasted a little.

Subsequently, Shen Cong began to experiment with the corrosive reaction of metal slag, and compared it with chilli water.

The results show that the cayenne pepper water is more corrosive, but the durability of the cayenne pepper water is not as good as that of metal slag. When the metal slag touches an item with activity, it immediately corrodes and releases a large amount of heat, melts the metal slag, sticks to the surface of the object, and continues to corrode until the metal slag is completely melted.

“These metal slags seem to be the active core of the golden beast, and they are fermented into corrosive things by the dung sheller in a special way.”

“The effect is good, you can study some weapons based on this nature.”

Putting aside the research on metal slag, Shen Cong checked the blackheads. After drinking the banyan yogurt, the blackheads are not only okay, but addicted, and he repeatedly expressed the emotion of “still drinking”.

Let Shen Cong kick aside, and then Shen Cong himself began to drink banyan yogurt.

The yogurt tastes very good, but it does not seem to be an active fruit or the like. When I eat it in my stomach, there is no reaction at all.

“Is it similar to live pearls again?” Shen Cong thought of live pearls. He hadn’t finished eating the live pearls yet, and he kept more than half of them. The plan was to trade them as trading items.

After thoroughly understanding the situation in the eastern theater, trading is necessary. After all, Shen Cong may have to transform Vajra and develop in a stronger direction.

At least one aero engine should be replaced, and it can be used for escape at a critical time.

After yawning, Shen Cong cleaned up the outer shell of the yogurt ball: “Come here first tonight. After a day of tiredness, take a rest early. Homework can never be done. Life must know how to combine work and rest.”

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