Chapter 275: A Pile of Huge Eggs


Shen Cong clutched his chest, which was almost broken by a rib, and coughed a few mouthfuls of blood. If it weren’t for the protection of the Third Stage of the semi-activated battle armor, swift leopard skin, and golden scorpion skin, his body would not be able to carry the Hexagonal dragon’s tail and sweep it.

The attack of the hexagonal dragon before it died was almost as powerful as a locomotive collided with it.

But seeing the hexagonal dragon fall to the ground, blood flowed to the ground, only the body was still twitching unnaturally twice.

Shen Cong only felt that the pain in his whole body was no more painful, and his heart was extremely happy. A single person, fighting head-on, killed a behemoth that was about the same size as the Golden Jiao.

What a great sense of accomplishment.

“Bah.” Shen Cong spit out blood foam, got up from the ground, and walked towards the hexagonal dragon, which was completely silent.

Halfway through, he turned back to the winch, picked up the crossbow, aimed at the degenerate eyes of the hexagonal dragon, and shot a few arrows, but the hexagonal dragon didn’t react at all.

Make sure that the hexagonal dragon is really dead.

Shen Cong walked to the corpse of the hexagonal dragon, jumped directly on his head, and then touched the bearded horn to perceive the information of the hexagonal dragon.

“Talent 3.247H, active amount 2.714H, Lv0.836.”

“Super three talents!” Shen Cong only felt incredible, “A lot higher than the 3.012H of me and Vajra! This hexagonal dragon is heaven-defying, hiding in the cracks, it can grow into such a terrifying talent. There seems to be no sign of any small oasis here.”

A hexagonal dragon with super three talents broke Shen Cong’s cognition of golden beasts.

The more he didn’t know how the talents of the golden beasts were obtained, he thought it was because of the exposure of meteorite fragments that certain golden beasts had extremely high talents.

But after digging out the meteorite fragments of the Huanglishu small oasis, he found that his talent growth was limited after radiation exposure.

This will not result in an unlimited number of powerful talented golden beasts.

What’s more, neither the golden dragonfly nor the four-legged snake seems to be active in the oasis.

Shaking his head, Shen Cong stopped thinking about such complicated and unexplained questions. After touching the furry hexagonal dragon horns, Shen Cong felt that he had the greatest feeling of being the only one in the world.

Both feet put the head of the hexagonal dragon underneath.

Facing the sun hanging high in the sky to the southeast, looking at the wild hillsides, letting the breeze blow across the face, I couldn’t help but roar up to the sky: “Who else!”

no respond.

There are no living creatures in the vicinity except for Honeybees at work. After all, this is the home of Hexagonal dragons. The super three-talented Hexagonal dragon has an active capacity of 2.714H. The coercive effect is very obvious, so Honeybees dare not approach it.

Other large golden beasts are coming, and it is estimated that they have also become the dung of the hexagonal dragon.

With this roar, the excitement in his chest was completely expressed.

Shen Cong returned to his usual calm mood again. Looking at the corpse of the hexagonal dragon at his feet, Shen Cong suddenly wanted to go down into the crack and explore it again to see what the environment of the hexagonal dragon grew.

“This hexagonal dragon is the overlord of the crack area. It is dead. The crack is temporarily safe.”

“There are no golden beasts nearby, and scattered people from the Eastern Theater District will not come here.”

“Let the drone take off first.”

The drone was brought by Shen Cong. Without drone detection, he was not very at ease, and he could replenish the activity of these small objects at any time with the semi-activated battle armor, and he was not afraid to take it out and be corroded by the active radiation.

Replace the battery and the drone takes off.

A clear picture came. There were no people around and no traces of large golden beasts. Big Vajra stationed quietly in the five towns of Guiwu at the foot of the mountain.

“Everything is safe, you can go down to work.”

Putting away the drone, putting on the weapon, taking a piece of steel cable as a climbing rope, turning on the headlight, Shen Cong fumbled and crawled towards the depth of the crack.

The black cracks are not black in Shen Cong’s eyes, and there is nothing to be afraid of. Shen Cong is very courageous.

Just be a little cautious.

The crack is very deep, I don’t know whether it existed before the end or the crack caused by the end.

“How deep is this? I’ve been down 20 meters, right?” The steel cable that Shen Cong unwrapped was only fifty meters long, which was already a little bit longer.

Continue to explore down, and gradually the upgraded creeper is no longer visible on the wall. The creeper grows on the 20-meter crack wall.

Shen Cong looked up and couldn’t see the sky. The crack was very tortuous, and it was in a crooked V shape, just blocking his vision.

The disappearance of the sun made him feel very uneasy. The most important thing is that he can’t see the big Vajra.

“Go down another 20 meters, I’ll go up if I don’t see the bottom!”

To comfort himself, Shen Cong continued to climb down.

Finally, ten meters later, Shen Cong saw the bottom, but the bottom was different from what he had imagined, it was water. A slowly flowing underground river, and the river channel is obviously wider than the cracks on the ground, at least forty meters wide.

The water of the dark river is shallow, and some pebbles can be seen, shining under the light of the headlights.

Especially when the light is reflected on the rock wall by the river water, in the eyes of Shen Cong, who is 80 times the light sensitivity of ordinary people, the entire river channel is suddenly lit up, like a jade belt shining with little silver light, and the water and the rock wall intersect. echo. Winding and flowing to the unknown distance, it will not be visible in the end.

The scenery is picturesque and beautiful.

However, Shen Cong didn’t have the thought of appreciating the beautiful scenery. He was very nervous now. He went into the underground nearly forty meters deep, unable to see the sky above his head, as if he was caught in endless danger.

“Find the lair of the hexagonal dragon, take a look, and go back.”

Shen Cong began to look for traces of the climbing of the hexagonal dragon on the rock wall. The claws of the hexagonal dragon were fleshy claws and had no nails, so when climbing, there were only wet marks and no scratches, and the wet marks were easy to dry and not easy to find. However, Shen Cong found it, because several places on the rock wall were obviously smoother than others.

“it’s here.”

Shen Cong walked a few steps forward along the smooth rock wall and the shallow water current.

Suddenly, behind the protruding rock, there was a huge cavity. Inside the cavity were large eggs, each tall, with rough patterns on them.

“This is the egg of a hexagonal dragon?” Shen Cong was surprised. The hexagonal dragon is a terrifying behemoth with super three talents. If its eggs are hatched, it will simply raise a group of super three talented thugs!

Even if the hexagonal dragon is fearful of light, it can be raised in the mountains and used as a base in the mountains.

If you don’t want to sell it to the Eastern Theater, I believe the Eastern Theater will definitely be willing to buy the eggs of these super three-talented golden beasts for incubation and domestication.


“But I have to be careful, there are eggs, it means it’s not a hexagonal dragon!”

“Where is the other hexagonal dragon?” Shen Cong only felt that his scalp was tingling, for the hexagonal dragon who didn’t know where it was, “but I seduced the hexagonal dragon several times in the past two days, but I didn’t find a second hexagonal dragon. Dragon, will the other hexagonal dragon have gone?”

“A mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, even if one male and one female?”

In the end, Shen Cong didn’t hold back the huge temptation. In addition, the cave was not far away, and there was no movement around, so he boldly touched in quickly.

Then he picked up a hexagonal dragon egg and prepared to move it out, tied it to the steel cable, and pulled it up.

However, Shen Cong was surprised at this start.

The Hexagonal Dragon Egg in his arms was lifeless and dead.


Shen Cong felt that there was ample activity in the egg, but these activities were already “dead” activities, just like a dead golden beast corpse, there was also activity inside, but the activity had been “dead” and began to slowly drain to the outside.

An inspiration flashed, and Shen Cong immediately changed to another Hexagonal Dragon Egg.

To the touch, it is still “dead” activity.

One by one, and soon Shen Cong touched all the more than fifty Hexagonal Dragon eggs in the cave. They were all dead, not alive.

Looking at the eggs full of caves, Shen Cong’s nervous mood relaxed, and then he muttered to himself somewhat disappointed: “Yes, this hexagonal dragon is a female, but without an upgraded male hexagonal dragon, it can’t be fertilized. , Can only lay unfertilized eggs.”

Infertile eggs are naturally dead.

Shaking his head, Shen Cong quickly relieved: “Forget it, there is nothing to be disappointed. The eggs laid by the super three-talented hexagonal dragon, even if they are dead, are the most nutritious and active, they are still the most important meat of all golden beasts! The price is enough for me to exchange for a bunch of nuclear bullets, enough for the Vulcan Cannon.”


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