Chapter 289

“This is the level of…combat level that humans can achieve?”

Li Kun muttered to himself, expressing the common aspirations of more than a dozen soldiers in the car. They thought that Shen Cong’s rushing out was a blind and arrogant act, and he might have been torn apart by the big monkey.

They had never seen how Shen Cong killed the hexagonal dragon, or even saw the body of the hexagonal dragon, without direct visual shock.

It is inevitable to despise Shen Cong.

However, at this moment, they finally believed that Shen Cong came out and received courtesy from Liu Yiwu’s political commissar.

The battle before him was not a battle, it was like a more ferocious golden beast, preying on a big monkey.

Especially when Shen Cong landed, he took a deep look at the two armored vehicles.

At that glance, it seemed to be mixed with boundless killing intent.

Mixed with Shen Cong’s open coercion, even though they are far away, everyone in the armored vehicle still trembles. This is not a look that humans can have. They have only seen this kind of look mixed with coercion in the top large golden beasts.


Can really be stunned.

After Shen Cong landed, his first glance was to see what happened to the armored vehicle.

He had to guard against the people in the armored car stabbing himself in the back. The hearts of the people were unpredictable and there were too many conspiracies. Shen Cong needed to guard against possible threats at every step.

Seeing that the armored car did not move, he quickly dragged the big monkey to the back of the big Vajra’s car, and then tied the big monkey’s neck with the steel cable of the winch.

Then got in the car, picked up the microphone and said: “Let’s go.”

The Great Vajra roared and quickly left along the way he had come.

Along the way, it was relatively silent, and it took a while for Li Kun’s voice to be heard on the radio: “Colonel Hu, what is your opinion on how to eliminate the Dragon Hornets?”

He made tactics before and rarely asked Shen Cong, but this time, he not only asked Shen Cong, but also used the honorific “you” in his address.

“How many incendiary bombs do you have?”

“Take a lot.”

“Burn it all the way! Charge, pour the beehive with gasoline, and burn it too. If it can’t be burned, it will blow up directly, and then kill the queen bee.” Shen Cong simply said his design.

Shen Cong’s fighting style has always been rough.

To deal with the swift leopard, first dig a big pit, set up the gantry, then a storm-like blow, and strive to take it away; to deal with the hexagonal dragon, the dragon rod is caught, and then there is a storm-like blow, in a wave of currents. End the life of the hexagonal dragon.

This is the fighting method that Shen Cong cultivated in the wild.

The lion fights the rabbit, also with all its strength.

There are many crises in the wild, and there is not much time left for him to leisurely hunt for food. If he can’t take it away in a wave, then it is very likely to encounter the things that big monkeys have encountered today. About to kill the big bird, the dragon wasp came to pick up the beans, exhausting his energy in vain and injuring himself.

And more importantly, he is a lone ranger, fighting alone.

If it can’t be solved in a short period of time, the golden beast wants to escape, and it is difficult for him to stop it. Kite-flying and hunting tactics require many people to cooperate to ensure that the prey has nowhere to escape.

It is the most suitable way of fighting for Shen Cong to complete his work in one battle.

Either don’t provoke, or kill immediately if you provoke.

On the way back, the speed of travel accelerated without encountering too many decent obstacles.

When passing by Lu’an City, Shen Cong asked the convoy to stop, and then he took the front transport bag and quickly picked a lot of green fruits he found before. Any unfamiliar green fruits can provide stronger or weaker strengthening effects. According to Shen Cong, it is even more valuable than the golden beast corpse.

Seeing Shen Cong picking, Li Kun also took people out of the car to pick a lot.

Eating it by yourself or taking it back to be a favor is very effective.

The picking was over and smoothly returned to the camp before the evening.

It is the convening of the combat meeting again.

Developed tactics.

As Shen Cong said, the tactics are-incendiary bombs and bombs open the way, smoke bombs and gas bombs are constantly striving to fight the Yellow Dragon, destroy the nest of the dragon wasp, kill the queen bee, cut off the breeding opportunity of the dragon wasp, and completely eliminate The dragon wasp population was wiped out.

After the meeting, Shen Cong was also thinking about how to deal with the Dragon Hornets.

The deactivating spirit of the dragon wasp is a very dangerous substance. If you don’t use the dense smoke to confuse the sense of direction of the dragon wasp, it will inevitably be touched by the deactivating spirit.

“So, I need a shield.” Shen Cong cast his eyes on the mussel shell in the corner.

Pearl mussels are a large family, and Shen Cong left a lot of mussel shells, but unfortunately, the shells of old pearl mussels were destroyed by centipede bombs in the hands of the dead eaters, and Shen Cong only left part, stuffed in the material room. Corner.

This time it happened to use the old mussel shell to make a shield.

“A layer of clam shell may not be able to withstand the killing spirit, especially the sting needle on the tail of the dragon wasp. I need to design it.”

Shen Cong’s design plan is not complicated, it is a two-layer defense, filled with inactive substances in the middle, which effectively slows down the killing power of Mizuoling to the inner layer of the shield.

After the production is completed, the thickness of the shield is 20 cm, the length is 1.5 meters, the width is 1 meter, and the shield surface is slightly curved.

Shen Cong gave a simple name of “Pearl Shield”.

This shield may be a one-off product. After the Dragon and Hornet Queen is eliminated, it can be thrown away or destroyed in advance. It is not necessary to seek Xindaya for the name.

After completing the shield, Shen Cong took out the big monkey’s paw again.

“The talent is 1.927H, which is slightly lower than the 2.034H of the Violent Great Ape King. The active amount is 1.811H and the Lv0.94 is not bad. It is a little lower than the Golden Core of the Water Lord.”

Shen Cong looked at the big monkey’s paws, because he saw that this shape is very suitable for Flying Daggers.

And it is a complete Flying Daggers, without cutting and polishing.

With his 30-Niu power, Flying Daggers’ lethality is absolutely terrifying. Now the hand crossbow has been eliminated by Shen Cong before it has strengthened its pull.

With his own power, he can hit a stronger force than the hand crossbow, and he also repeatedly Ascension.

One, two, three… a full ten Flying Daggers, which are comparable to machete, were inserted into the chest of the semi-activated battle armor piece by piece by Shen Cong, and only needed to be pulled out gently when used.

“Shields, Flying Daggers, gas masks, smoke bombs, gas bombs… The equipment is all equipped, and you can set off tomorrow to eliminate the dragon wasps… The dragon wasp population is significantly larger than before, and there may be more kings in the same nest. When it is eliminated , A dragon wasp queen can’t let it go.”

“This kind of dragon wasp has a strong vengeance, and may even have produced higher wisdom. Once there is a fish that slips through the net, it may continue to retaliate.”

“Careful and prudent!”

Cang Dang.

Shen Cong hung the semi-activated battle armor on the aisle, located under the skylight. This place was convenient to wear the battle armor and he could rush out immediately.

After moving his shoulders, Shen Cong looked down at his own nails.

It grows one centimeter in length.

The hair is also growing.

Use a special bone-gold knife head electric clipper to trim the hair into fake light, and then use a special bone-gold nail clippers to cut the nails clean. All the broken hair and broken nails were put away in a shoe box by Shen Cong, and the amount produced each time was recorded. He didn’t know if these things would be useful, he didn’t want to discard them anyway.

“Look at how many nails and hair I can save in a short period of time, you know how long it takes for my bones to change metal, and how it changes in each stage.”

Does hair count as bones? From a scientific point of view-not counting.

However, Shen Cong is currently in a period of gradual changes in bone metal, and his hair is constantly growing, which can barely be divided into bones. It is judged that this is the bone reaction state in the same period.

“How much has my bone metal gradient completed now?”

“How to divide the level of evolution in the Lv1 era? What level is used to define it? Is it really my guess that after the skeletal metal changes, other tissues are invaded by metal… So bone gold was replaced with meat gold, meat gold After that, blood gold will begin, and after blood gold, marrow gold, or even brain gold?”

Shen Cong touched his fake haircut, and thought of a noun: “Lv1-Golden Age?”

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