Chapter 291

The dragon wasp with multiple kings in the same nest pulls out the fat queen bee from the ruins filled with gunpowder and prepares to flee.

Unfortunately, I met Shen Cong, a perverted killer.

One jump is tens of meters high, and the speed is so fast that they won’t give them a way to survive at all.

The whole battle lasted for an hour. Shen Cong killed ten dragon wasp queens alone, and others also cooperated to hunt down four dragon wasp queens.

The death of the dragon wasp queen heralds the complete destruction of the dragon wasp colony.

Without the command of the king, the dragon wasp individual fell into madness, did not flee, and still flew in the air, trying to rush into the smoke to fight with the humans who killed the dragon wasp queen. They are indeed very fierce. There are already three Golden Warriors who have fallen under the tail needles of the Dragon Hornet.

On the spot active exhaustion caused death.

However, there are more dragon wasp corpses on the ground, many of which have been scorched by the flames.

It gives off the unique fragrance of grilled insects.

“Hey, everybody (everybody), there is another intact king’s platform here!” a soldier searching for the missing fish suddenly shouted.

Shen Cong, who was also searching for the fish that slipped through the net, immediately rushed over and saw a huge round honeycomb among the burning branches around him.

Judging from the structure of the hive, this is a relatively hidden king’s platform.

There are no live dragon wasps around, but you can see through the translucent wall of the hive. In this king’s platform, there is a dragon wasp larva in each hive that is wriggling.

These are the larvae that are ready to develop into female and male bees.

The colony of dragon wasps is divided into three types: drone, queen and worker bees. The worker bee is female, but the official development is not complete, and it does not live in Wangtai. The larvae of Wangtai can fully develop. The male bees are responsible for mating and die shortly after mating; the female bees are raised in Wangtai as queen bees after mating.

Shen Cong immediately took out the dagger, ready to open the Wangtai, take out some larvae and take away.

The dragon wasp is obviously an upgraded type of wasp that does not produce honey. There is no honey in the hive, but the larvae of Wangtai look good.

Whether it is eating or researching, Shen Cong needs it.

However, he had just taken out his dagger to prepare for action, and he first found the soldier in Wangtai next to him, and suddenly the gun in his hand blocked Shen Cong’s knife.

The gun was loaded with a click.

“Hey, Wangtai was first discovered by me. Please pay attention to come first, then come later, OK.” This soldier is a golden man, a soldier from the Eastern Theater, and he has not followed out a reconnaissance mission before.

I have never seen how Shen Cong killed the big monkey.

The Golden Warrior wears a gas mask on his face and cannot see clearly, but there is a hint of cynical frivolousness in his voice, and his eyes are a little provocative: “Even if you are a colonel in New Hefei, you have to say something. Rules? We waste guns and ammunition and fight them desperately. The spoils belong to us.”

Seeing the gun in front of him, hearing the sound of the gun being loaded, and the other party’s provocative tone.

Shen Cong’s body suddenly got goose bumps, his hairs stood upside down, and a voice in his heart suddenly sounded “He wants to harm me”, “This is this person”, “This person has been here to harm me”, “He has opinions on me, he wants to harm me “, “I can’t sit still and wait to die”, “I want to act first to be strong.”

The inner world fluctuates violently.

On the surface, Shen Cong became more calm, converging his own mood and momentum perfectly.

Just glanced at the other party faintly, and remembered the other party’s body shape, dress, shape, eyes, voice, and so on.

Every time he encounters such a situation, Shen Cong will become more sensible and must kill the other party.

At this time, other people also rushed over.

When Li Kun saw Shen Cong, he greeted him, and then led someone to cut off the king’s platform, ready to take it back to study.

Shen Cong did not stop, even moved away from Wangtai, just observing the surroundings. There are still hundreds of dragon wasps who have not been killed yet, in the indomitable impact.

In particular, the king’s platform was cut open, and the dragon wasps who smelled the smell all rushed here, but were blocked by thick smoke and poisonous fog, and could not find a specific direction for a while.

Wangtai was smoothly cut into five small pieces, and Li Kun organized a hand to carry it, leaving a few people behind.

The golden soldier who had killed Shen Cong also stayed.

The golden soldier seemed to be very satisfied with what Own had done, and said to the soldier next to him: “Brothers, you came really in time, otherwise Wangtai might be robbed.”

“What did you say?” The soldier next to him didn’t understand.

The Golden Warrior gestured with his hand to shoot, and the direction of his finger was faintly pointed at Shen Cong not far away: “I want to grab the trophy in our hand, whether it is a dragon wasp with a long needle behind its tail, or something that hides its head and shows its tail. Things, guns and bullets hello.”

The soldier next to him thought he was talking about the dragon wasps flying around: “Of course, this group of dragon wasps has not been jumping for a long time, it will be extinct!”

“It’s dead!” The Golden Warrior didn’t say it to this soldier, but Shen Cong not far away. After speaking, he took a provocative look at Shen Cong’s direction.

He was very displeased with Shen Cong.

It is not surprising that they are all elites in the war zone, and they are arrogant and arrogant, and suddenly a colonel arrives in the air and enjoys privileged treatment.

Some people can’t swallow this breath naturally.

Shen Cong stood in the smoke, and he also wore a gas mask. Because of his excellent ear power, he could clearly hear each other’s words and also saw the opponent’s finger shooting provocative behavior.


Take a deep breath, the killing intent is hidden by him.

In my heart, I kept thinking: “Sure enough, human beings are full of intrigue, and the Eastern Theater is the same. There are people around who want to kill me… I must kill him, otherwise I will be killed by him sooner or later. How do I kill? he?”

He cast his gaze on the dragon wasp flying indiscriminately outside.

The dragon wasp has smelled the breath of Wangtai.

One part was chasing Li Kun and others, and the other part was going to dive through the smoke. The soldiers guarding the king’s platform were watching nervously at the dragon wasp, and once a dragon wasp approached, they shot and fired.

The golden soldier who provoked Shen Cong also started shooting.

Their attention temporarily ignored Shen Cong.

Shen Cong lowered his head and glanced at a dragon wasp who was killed by his feet and didn’t know when he was killed. The sting of the dragon wasp’s position was still hanging on the abdomen.

Squatting down, Shen Cong took out the back needle lightly, and looked at it, it was full of killing spirits.

Take a deep breath.

Shen Cong muttered to himself in a low voice: “I don’t want to kill people, but they always want to hurt me, why is it like this… It’s so hard to be a human being!”

After speaking, he raised his head and squinted his eyes.

When several dragon wasps swooped over, his arms were raised when the guards fired.

The tail needle of the Dragon Hornet turned into a flash of lightning, and it pierced the chest of the Golden Warrior in an instant, pierced through the leather armor, and plunged deeply into it.

“Ah!” the golden soldier screamed.

The soldier next to him was fighting the Dragon Hornet, not daring to get distracted, just shouted: “What’s the matter!”

Shen Cong jumped up and jumped over. The Overlord’s broadsword in his hand swung repeatedly, splitting several dragon wasps that had lost their sense of direction into two, and then landed beside the golden warrior.

The golden warrior’s expression was painful, and he could see his breath violently weakening. After seeing Shen Cong, he said with difficulty: “Help…save me…”

Shen Cong squatted down, looked up, and then quickly held the sting needle, jabbed it down, and then pulled it out.

The golden soldier stared and died.

Shen Cong threw away the sting needle in his hand, faced the questioning gaze from the soldier next to him, and calmly said: “It’s a pity that he was injected with too many deactivating spirits and died.”

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