Chapter 296 Silver Fruit

The four-legged dragon slept until the evening, and the wounds on its body were all scabs.

During this period of time, Shen Cong rinsed the big Vajra with water and removed the saliva of the four-legged dragon: “This guy’s saliva is really stinky, so he must be trained not to lick his tongue at will.”

Establishing a sensory connection and subduing the four-legged dragon as a pet, Shen Cong felt that this did not make things simple.

Four-legged dragons are indeed very smart, with clear thinking and certain logic, but their inherent animal character makes it difficult for them to have such obedience as dogs to humans.

Perceived connection is not a mandatory thought manipulation, but a bridge of communication.

Shen Cong didn’t do much research on this, and he didn’t get any useful information from Xin Hefei. It is probably a kind of thinking synchronization effect based on active connection. It is not compulsive, that is to say, Ant Force God, Blackhead, and Four-legged Dragon do not need to listen to Shen Cong’s orders.

It’s just that Shen Cong, as a highly intelligent individual, his thinking is far from these animals whose IQ is lower than that of children. It can be refuted, and refutation needs to be based on more logical thinking. So it produces a command-like effect, a bit like a caterpillar following.

A caterpillar walks in front, and the following caterpillars subconsciously follow this caterpillar.

For example, Shen Cong thought and said that he could not move. Before his attention was distracted, the four-legged dragon could not refute Shen Cong and said that he would move.

It has no logical basis to refute this thinking, so it follows Shen Cong’s thinking and does not move.

But when it is attracted by other things, it may forget this follow-up thinking and move. The higher the IQ, the weaker the follow-up effect will be, and the lower it is, the higher the follow-up effect will be.

For example, for blackheads, Shen Cong basically did not disobey any orders from Shen Cong. The same is true for Ant Lishen, who will obey Shen Cong’s instructions 100%.

Because their IQs are low and their thinking is more modest, when Shen Cong decides to follow the thinking, they will always follow and it is difficult to be interrupted.

There are exceptions.

Mechanical vines are an exception. Shen Cong and mechanical vines have established a perceptual connection, but it is basically difficult for plants to have real thinking.

All day long, I babble “so comfortable” and “uncomfortable”, and the growth rate is horribly slow.

If he hadn’t seen the peculiarities of the entire mechanical vine, Shen Cong would definitely not raise it for another day, just like planting blue canna, and after confirming that it was useless, he pulled it out and threw it away on the spot.

He kept the mechanical vines, and wanted to see if there would be magical changes in the future.

“However, I must pay attention to one thing… Maybe as the evolution continues, their IQs will be further Ascension. At that time, maybe they will no longer be constrained by the thinking follow effect, or they will betray. I have to Pay attention, once there is this sign…”

Shen Cong looked up at the sunset on the horizon. Between the sky and the earth, no one can be trusted, only himself.

The subduing of the four-legged dragon has had many effects on the residents in the Vajra car.

The honey bee was already afraid to fly out, and the ant was irritable, and the black head led the Vajra ant team, nervously guarding the ant nest. Even the eggs of the Water Lord had a violent mood of resistance.

They have adapted to the coercion of the Great Vajra, but they have not yet adapted to the coercion of the four-legged dragon.

needs time.

The four-legged snake that woke up felt no more physical pain and was refreshed.

Already surrounding the big Vajra, playing joy like a puppy, digging from the ground from time to time, digging out a piece of rotten bone, or a metal rod that decayed into slag.

Then he rushed over to lick Shen Cong with his tongue.

Shen Cong immediately jumped away and began to train it: “Don’t move, don’t stick your tongue out.”

The obedience of the four-legged dragon was indeed very poor. After a while, he started to lick Shen Cong again. Shen Cong made another jump, avoiding the tongue attack of the four-legged dragon, but the four-legged snake got into an inch and chased Shen Cong, grunting, trying to lick Shen Cong, chasing Shen Cong into a wild jump.

Then he suddenly jumped on the head of the four-legged dragon, aimed at the head of the four-legged dragon, and stomped hard: “Dammit fights!”

The four-legged dragon screamed, expressing grievance.

Shen Cong ignored it, he had to train the four-legged dragon to be obedient, otherwise there would be no difference between confiscating and confiscating the four-legged pet.

He has high hopes for the fighting power of the four-legged dragon, imagining that the four-legged dragon will be a meat shield, and he will come to attack.

But this fantasy requires the four-legged dragon to accurately obey his orders.

Take time to train!

“Go, go to the banyan forest!” Shen Cong began to guide the four-legged dragon to cooperate with himself.

The four-legged dragon understood this command, and immediately stepped on its four legs and ran quickly. Shen Cong stood on its head, a little unsteady, and had to lie down, grabbing the four-legged dragon’s scales, and fixing himself.

In just three minutes, the four-legged dragon rushed to the banyan forest.

The shit shellers did not come back.

The banyan forest in the evening is full of tranquil atmosphere. The four-legged dragon immediately stretched its head and drilled into the woods, but the potholes on the ground had not yet been buried, and the dung shellers had not been able to replenish enough yogurt balls.

“Eat…inside…delicious…” The four-legged dragon could only ask Shen Cong for help.

“Stay here, don’t move! Otherwise there will be no yogurt balls to eat!”

The four-legged dragon suddenly pulled its four legs to the ground, and its body crawled on the ground and remained still.

Shen Cong nodded in satisfaction, entered the banyan forest, and began to dig yogurt balls. During the period, he saw that several pits were newly buried, and he dug out one of them directly, and then dug out a ball that was buried a long time ago.

Comparing the two black spheres, it is found that the newly buried one is darker and brighter, while the one buried before is darker.

After cutting open, the newly buried inside, the yogurt ball is still the same liquid as the banyan tree juice.

“Sure enough, it was fermented with banyan tree juice.”

“The banyan forest here is invaluable!”

“I don’t know if I can use the banyan tree juice to directly brew the yogurt… It’s too much trouble, so I should leave it to the shit-shell guys. Next time, kill a little shit-shell guy. Don’t kill it.”

After dug out enough yogurt balls, Shen Cong rode the four-legged dragon again and returned to the Great Vajra.

Then launch the Great Vajra, travel along the villages, and return to Zhangshan Township.

He wanted to drive the Great Vajra to Provincial Highway 312, because comparing the map and comparing the location of the old ginkgo trees, they were probably in the valley between Zhongshan and Guangding Mountain. The two hills are less than one kilometer away from Provincial Highway 312. Shen Cong also intends to further study and analyze the old ginkgo trees.

Look at the growth principle of old ginkgo trees, and what effect the ginkgo fruit produces.

It’s eight o’clock in the evening.

Da Vajra trudged all the way and came to the location of Tanggang Village on the map. There are two 312 provincial highways crossing the old and new, and the location is relatively hidden.

After parking, Shen Cong asked the black head to lead the Vajra ant squad with many ants and guard the big Vajra.

Ride on the four-legged dragon by yourself and march towards the middle valley.

With the mountain breeze blowing, and with the four-legged dragon, walking at night is more secure than during the day.

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