Chapter 299

Camp in Xuyi County.

In the morning, the administrator Sun Kai led two attendants around the camp, inspecting the sanitary environment of the camp, solving some conflicts and disputes, or urging the company not to forget to pay taxes.

“Sun Ying, have a drink together at noon?” After seeing Sun Kai, the owner of Hot Wheels, Ding Jikai, took out a pack of Yellow Crane Tower cigarettes, took out one, and handed it to Sun Kai.

In pain, he handed two more to Sun Kai’s attendant.

Sun Kai took the cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath, and said, “It’s a bit damp, the taste is not good enough.”

“Some of them are good for smoking. Now that there are fewer and fewer cigarettes, how hard it took me to get such a pack.” Ding Jikai also lit one of them, took a sip, and inhaled the smoke into his lungs. Spit it out, “You said that the flowers and plants have been irradiated now, why don’t you see the tobacco also irradiate, that thing must be enjoyable to smoke.”

Sun Kai spit out smoke rings: “Smoking is harmful.”

“But healthy.” Ding Jikai and Sun Kai’s two followers immediately talked.

“Haha” and “Haha”, the four of them smoked and laughed.

After smoking half a cigarette, Sun Kai said: “Old Ding, when are you going to move out?”

“Isn’t this waiting for your news? As soon as the Xinyi city administrator takes office, I will rush over by the dock. Hey, Sun Ying, we have known each other for a short time. Can you give me accurate information, is it Colonel Chen who killed the dragon? ?” Ding Ji asked openly.

Sun Kai nodded without concealing: “No accident, it is Chen Kun. The new Hefei side has been opened up. Chen Kun is a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, deputy commander, and rank of colonel in New Hefei. The above values ​​his single combat effectiveness. If he sits in Xinyi City, you will be safer if you go there.”

“It is indeed the case. If it weren’t for Colonel Chen, I wouldn’t have planned it so early. Luoma Lake to the south of Xinyi City and Linyi City to the north. The two radiation centers sandwich it in the middle, which is very dangerous.”

“Wealth and wealth are in danger, iron man, gold man, who doesn’t want to be one step ahead and become stronger.” Sun Kai said with emotion, “After the disaster, the world has completely changed, and I can’t guarantee what we will grow tomorrow. In this way, the golden beast is getting stronger day by day, and to be honest, I don’t have a bottom in my heart.”

A follower said: “What is being promoted all day long, humans want to defeat golden beasts, overcome disasters, and restore order. I don’t believe it. If there weren’t iron men, we might all eat raw rice and rice in the future. , I have become a savage, and I feel that sooner or later, God will kill us all.”

Sun Kai scolded: “Don’t sell your pills all day long, and you’re going to finish it. Tell me in the camp, I can still cover you. When I get to the war zone, I will say that. Sooner or later I will let you go to the propaganda team for re-education.”

Another attendant grinned and said: “That’s not bad. The beauty of the publicity team is like a cloud. Maybe you can spark some sparks and have a romantic night. We are not like the boss. You are a golden person. You don’t look for more opportunities. In the future, even your wife will If you can’t marry, you’ll have to bend sooner or later.”

“Hurry up and go over there to check the sanitation in the trading area, don’t be lazy.” Sun Kai hurried the two attendants to work.

When the attendant left, Ding Ji asked in a low voice: “Sun Ying, I heard that the old commander can’t hold on anymore?”

Sun Kai glanced at him: “Where did you hear the news?”

“My wife works in the hospital, in the nursing department, you know…”

“Almost, it’s too old after all.” Sun Kai directly affirmed the news without concealing it.

Ding Jikai asked with some concern: “Commissar Liu can go further? I heard that the 1st Army and 31st Army are not very satisfied with the equality policy of Political Commissar Liu, and want to support Commander Feng of the 1st Army? Commander Feng is the priority. The main vanguard of the discussion.”

Equality policy, ordinary people are equal in principle to golden people and iron people; priority theory, golden people and iron people are given priority, Ascension strength, better protection of mankind.

This is a private summary of the two ideas of high-level governance in the Eastern Theater.

At present, Zheng Shubian and Liu Yiwu both support the equality policy, but not everyone supports the equality policy, especially the gold and iron men who have adapted to the fact that they have become stronger. They are at the forefront and work is the most important thing. , There have been many voices calling for increased benefits.

Sun Kai shook his head: “Don’t ask me this question. I call out to manage the camp, just don’t want to be intrigue… However, I think it is enough to maintain the current policy. Now the war zone is already leaning resources to the Jinren. The regulations are tantamount to dividing people into three, six or nine classes.”

Ding Ji sighed: “Some people can mutate, some can’t, and some are resistant to change. The world itself is helping us to classify mutations. In terms of mutations, we have ordinary mutants with low nuclear points, as well as Bao Wenhui and Chen Kun. This kind of mutant people don’t know how high the nuclear point is.”

“So, Lao Ding, we must work hard to make our own generation and achieve the next generation. The next generation in the mutation nursery is generally very high. You also let your wife give birth to one earlier.” Sun Kai said.

While talking, suddenly the camp alarm sounded.

The alarms are three long and two short. This is an alarm that a large golden beast has invaded.

Sun Kai rushed out immediately.

“What’s the situation!” Sun Kai hurried all the way to the guard tower, shouting loudly.

The guards immediately handed the telescope over: “Boss, Colonel Chen is being chased by the golden beast, look for yourself.”

Sun Kai took the binoculars and looked to the south. He immediately discovered the situation. An exaggerated large truck was being chased by a long-legged giant snake-like golden beast, and the dust it raised seemed like waves.

Putting down the binoculars, Sun Kai immediately picked up the horn and shouted: “All camp, be on alert! The guards pushed out the artillery and aimed at the southern entrance! Be careful to hide yourself, don’t open fire first, and listen to my orders!”

Immediately, in the entire Xuyi County camp, in just a few minutes, everyone retreated to the basement.

Only the guards were left behind, hiding behind the fortifications, ready to attack.

Sun Kai also hid in the fortifications, paying close attention to the south entrance of the camp, and cried secretly: “Chen Kun! How did you provoke a golden beast that is not worse than the hexagonal dragon, and also led the golden beast to the camp! You! Isn’t it possible to slaughter the dragon? You slaughtered it!”

Since the eastern theater of the Soviet Union cleaned up the central and northern regions, few large golden beasts have appeared.

The defensive force of the camp cannot be effectively resisted at all.

Sun Kai had already made plans to destroy the camp: “It doesn’t matter if the camp is destroyed, it can be rebuilt if it is broken, don’t kill anyone…”

In the fortifications, not only Sun Kai was praying, but the soldiers who guarded the troops were not at peace.

The large golden beast, I saw a dead hexagonal dragon a few days ago, it was shocking enough, and now there is another living one, which is almost life-threatening.

If they can hear their voices, about half are expecting Shen Cong to lead the Golden Beast away, and the other half are cursing Shen Cong to lead the Golden Beast to the camp.

Of course there are one or two people who dream of slaying dragons and become famous in one fell swoop.

Time flows slowly in minutes and seconds.

Torment people’s hearts.

Shen Cong, who was 500 meters away, didn’t know what was going on in the camp. He was 2 kilometers away and observed the situation in the camp with a drone, but found no abnormalities. So I approached quickly and stopped at the big Vajra when it was about a hundred meters away from the entrance of the camp.

He didn’t plan to enter the camp. It was inconvenient to bring the four-legged dragon. He came to learn about the information of the Eastern Theater.

At the same time, he settled the active fruit that he asked Guo Shanni to help sell.

However, the huge camp was completely quiet now, and even the guard tower was no longer guarded.

Shen Cong’s vigilance immediately soared: “There is a situation!”

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